Birthday 1986-07-06 Gender
Female Location my dreamworld of japan Member Since 2004-11-28 Occupation college student, athlete, and an anime freak!! Real Name in the intro
Achievements learned to snowboard without breaking something lol Anime Fan Since Speed racer was on the air Favorite Anime WAY WAY TO MANY! Goals go to Japan!!!!!! and learn japanese fluently. Hobbies drawing and singing, watching anime, and whatever im doing now....i forget! Talents sing, draw marz
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
thank you guys, all of you who have signed my gb, i have over 200 gb singings now^^. you guyz are the greatest *hugs everyone tightly*, thank you so much^^. okay, well how is everyone else doing? good i hope. well i told you all id let you know how i did at my track meet yesterday, and so me am^^. well for one i ran the 3000 meters, but i was 10 seconds slower then last week. but its okay, i know i can make up that time. my time ended up being slower cuz i was having back problems, and it really hurt to move, so by the end of the race all i could do was sit on the ground in the fedal postion until it stoped hurting. but after that race i never thought that my back could ever hurt as bad as it did, i wanted to cry so bad, but i knew if i did, my coach wouldnt let me run in the next track meet, so i didnt dare. but at the moment my back doesnt hurt all bad, i can move, so thats good^^. hehe, i i got a major sun burn!!! hehe, i can sport my skool colors without even trying^^. but it wasnt on my face so thats good, if it was id be in major shit!! hehe well im gonna go now, i love you guys so much^^. *hugs everyone tightly* Comments (18) |
so sleepy.........
hey guyz.........whats up? how is everyone's day going? good i hope. man, i am so zapped of energy, i cant even walk straight........must get mooorrreee....*face falls on desk*........ZZZZZZZZZZ........ZZZZZZZZZ.........*pops up quickly* sry bout that. i really dont mean to fall asleep on you guys, i just cant seem to stay awake. i think its from all the running that i have been doing with out a days recovery..........hopefully ill get enough energy for my race tomorrow. yes, i have a meet tomorrow, so that means i wont be updating, or visiting sites tomorrow. but i will let you all know how it went on friday. well i got a new wallpaper up, i hope you guys like it. and i hope you guys like what i did to my site. oh and im sry if you cant read the posts very easily, i can find a color that will work properly. so im sry bout that. and in other news, to all the people whos sites i almost never get to cuz you post late, im really really sry. i really want to get to your guyz' sites but since the internet in my room never wants to work, i have to use the library, and they close at 9 pm my even if i try i can never get to they, but i normally try to the next day if you havent already posted^^. so pleaz for give me if i dont get to your sites. well i guess thats all i gotz for today..............................oh yeah, i probably wont go to many sites today, cuz i really need some sleep before i pass out walking to class or something. ohoh i almost forgot, thank you tiggerola for the award^^ i love it!!!!
hehe, i never thought that i would get an award for my fanart^^, thanks so much. well i guess this is all for today. i love you guyz, and thanx for also understanding, you are the best^^ *hugs everyone tightly* Comments (14) |
Tuesday, April 5, 2005
pleaz dont forget to read below post...............oh yeah, and i am not longer not sore, now im so sore i cant move!!( got to read below post to understand)/ i guess it was a delayed reaction. Comments (9) |
nope not sore^^
hey guys!! how is everyone today? good i hope. well i figured out my music problem that i was having yesturday. it was great, i got my voice teacher to help me, i told him how i had forgotten everything, and he just laughed at me. and said that that happenes to him all the time, so i didnt feel so bad afterward. hehe and as for my subject line, we had a killer practice yesterday. we had to run hard for 40 mins(none stop), then we had to do 40 mins of drills, and after that a ab workout. i thought i was going to die!!! especially because after we got finished i had 20 mins to recoop and get to karate. which i ended up doing another hard workout in there! and surprisingly im not sore, not one bit. well ok just a little, but its a sunburn sore. hmmm.......lets see what else is there to talk about? well the weather sux today. its warm out, but there is some major wind going outside. normally the wind wouldnt bother me, but i have to do 800's in it today for practice, and that sux. hehe its bad enough i cant walk straight in the wind, but run, im going to be all over the track^^. well i guess this is all for today, i love you guyz *hugs everyone tightly*, take care^^. Comments (17) |
Monday, April 4, 2005
quiz, just for the hell of it. You are the warrior anime girl.You are the type that can start a fight and win.You are very strong and can beat anyone up (but just don't ^_~) and some people can be afraid of you but alot of people admire your strength and want to be just like you well the people that want to fight.You can defend yourself very easily and can probably handle some kind of weapon.You have a short temper(like me)and get angry easily but you can be really nice at times ^_^and once a fighter always a fighter.
hey everyone. how is everyone's day going so far? better then mine i hope. well as in the subject line, im so frustrated. i can seem to get ne thing done right. okay like one example. i am taking voice, and i have to have 5 songs learned by the end of the semester, and i got the songs about 2 months ago, and i cant learn them. i dont know what it is, but its like i forgot how to site read! and i have been site reading for almost 10 years with no problems, and now i cant. i dont know whats wrong. and last night i was trying to read through my music and i actually started to cry(this is a big thing cuz i havent actually cryed since i was 10, except for when Tamm past on). i felt so worthless, i didnt know what to do, so i just sat there are wrote a poem thingy, which i will put at the end of the post. but yeah, i started crying, and it really scared my roommate. she didnt know what to do. and as for today, im still frustrated, not only cuz of last night, but also cuz i still feel body dead. i couldnt run at all this morning. well sry for the rant post, pleaz forgive me, i just had to get it out. and well here is the peom thing i wrote last night.
what is this pain that i feel? the frustration taking over my head spinning, my body aching. why wont it stop? what have i done to deserve this? this frustration in my life taking over, controling. please stop...... please stop the pain, the frustration, the spinning the aching.someone please help stop the pain before darkness crawls through the crevases of it all. before my dark side takes control, someone please stop the pain, and frustration. please help. Comments (9) |
Sunday, April 3, 2005
oh yeah!
did any one see last night's FMA? if you have can you give me an input on how it went, that was the only show i missed last night, and it made me a little sad.