Master Marik
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Sunday, September 26, 2004
For some reason it takes years for the background and other stuff to load. I already moved my avatars to a new site thinking that they could have been the problem, but it did not work. It might also be the server that I have my pics on could be having a problem. Anyways, I hope it will be fixed soon.
Here is the link to my new avatar page:
Bakura's Avatars
P.S. When I get my site back up and running, I promise that I will PM everone that I owe a PM to and I will sign the guest book of the people that I owe a signing to.
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Friday, September 24, 2004
New Look....
I am going for a darker color scheme this week and the new highlighted song is time is NickelBack’s “Breath.” (Yes, yes, I know you all miss Queen already, but I promise that they will be back soon.) I am also glade that the spate I have been having with the 1 Mimiru is pretty much worked out. She kept spamming me about how Bakura is her’s and not mine. After the second PM that she sent me, I finally got fed up and told here I did not care. She said okay, and then I told her if she stops spamming me, I will be friends with here. I hope she takes me up on my offer. Well that’s it for now. Enjoy the new look and music.
Sorry, I just had to post this. :P

Well, it looks like old Maximillion has rabid fan girls after all. *LoL*
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EDIT: Due to the long time it takes my page to load because of all the avatars I have made, I moved them to a diffrent site. They can now be found here:
Bakura's Avatars
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Me: *wall into room caring a very large tree branch in hand. Walks over and starts betting the rabid fan girls off of Bakura* Get back you sorry wenches!
Fan Girl: I thought you devoiced him.
Me: Yeah well, I talk to me friends and I forgot to mail the divorce papers, so guess what, it was invalid! And you, *points to another fan girl* give me back my scull wedding ring.
Other Fan Girl: No! ‘kura is mine.
Me: *waves fist* you give back that ring or you will be on a one way trip to intensive care!
Other Fan Girl: *pouts and tosses back ring*
Me: *picks up Bakura* come on honey, lets go home and I will make you as stake.
Bakura: You when to dinner with the Pharaoh. Why should I got back?
Me: Because after the Pharaoh had too much wine he told me all his dirty little secrets. We can use them to conspire against him.
Bakura: I love you
Me: I know you do. *tosses tree branch over sholder and it hits a fan girl on the head knocking her out cold*
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Anyways, I had a fun time at that dinner last night, although the guy I like did a no-show. The dinner was just mostly girls anyway so I can see why. But I talk to his sister about him (because he knows I like him) to see what he was up to and stuff. She asked if he had called me yet and I said no. She then said to give it a few weeks so he can work out his feelings and stuff and then I should get a call. Its fine with me, I don’t mind waiting.
New wallpaper! I am a lean, mean, wallpaper-making machine! Two more wallpapers have been added to my portfolio yesterday. So far we have “Egyptian Tile” and “My Immortal.” The Egyptian Tile was by far the most difficult and fun wallpaper I have ever made. I pieces of the background from one of the official YGO wallpapers and made a whole new wallpaper. It was fun because I had to flip and rotate that pieces that I had to make new tile pieces so you could not see a pattern of the same pictures. I also made my signature bigger then my other wallpapers, because I did not want anyone it use this as their myOtkau wallpaper and not give me credit for it.
My other wallpaper, My Immortal, is rather depressing but it is a very cool wallpaper with the chorus quotes from the “My Immortal” the song and a picture of Bakura and Yami Bakura in black. They look like them came from a funeral, but the quote when so well with the picture, I just had to make it.
Sorry for not PMing you yet, Iuka-Gliuka about the band “Queen” I have put it on my to-do list. YAAAY! ANOTHER QUEEN FAN!
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Feeling better and a good movie you should see.
Well, I was felling rather under the weather this morning (I felt like a Blue-Eyes sat on my head) but I am glad to say that I am felling much better. Thank goodness to because I have my best friend’s graduation dinner to go to. The reason the party is so late in the year is that she wanted all her friends to be there and there is finally a day when we can all make it. Anyways, it should be an interesting experience since this guy I like is going to be there and I am going to work up the nerve to talk to him (I hope). It will be a ton of fun though.
Ok how says history can’t be fun? My mom had me watch a movie as a part of my history homework (I’m home schooled so my mom is my teacher) and it was the best history movie I have EVER SEEN!!! It was called Mysteries of Egypt. It was about this grandfather who was telling his granddaughter about the ancient Egyptian pharaohs, tombs, ruins and history and stuff. The movie was made by National Geographic so if you ever see it at Blockbuster or at the library, you should really get it.
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Monday, September 20, 2004
I wonder....

I just love this picture of Chibi Marik! It is so kawii! But I can't help to wonder...if Marik lives underground and can't come up into the real world, how did he get the flowers?
Me: Humm, maybe he ordered them off the internet....
Yami Bakura: How could he have ordered them off the internet? HE LIVES UNDERGROUND! THERE IS NO POWER!!
Me: Maybe he found a way to hard wire one of those rocks in the wall and got a laptop with an engergizer battery that keeps going and going and going....
Yami Bakura: *stares at Maki* Where would he get the laptop?
Maki: *Thinks for a minute* Well, if anyone would order flowers online with out a laptop or an internet connection, it would be Marik.
Yami Bakura: All right. You have a point. Not a very good one, but a point nonetheless.
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
Yu-gi-oh wanna be.
I was waiting for Ravemaster to come on last night (it was a good one by the way) and I thought that I would watch the last 15 mins of Duel Masters. Talk about YGO Wanna Be. They only changed enoght of the show so they would not get hit with the copyright laws. It was crazy. Besides, Yugi is the only one that can say "I challenge you to a duel!" and make it sound cool.
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
Quizzes, fetus thingies and new wallpaper.
I rember my friend Jaxx commenting on one of the Kaiba Love quizzes that I took and he said that sucked that there where no love quizzes for the guys. Well that is no longer true. I made one. :D
Yes, yes, I know I am a girl but I think you guys will like it. Comment on it and tell us who you got. Please rate it while your there.
Yu-Gi-Oh dating quiz for the Guys.
I got one of these fetus things from goku162002's site. They are really cute! They have little fetus things in hates, one is a mummy and they have one a BatMan and SuperMan. You got to check it out.
I got the poison one. XD

I adopted a cute lil' poison fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!
I finished my new Thief Bakura wallpaper. It was going to have the hourglass pic of Bakura, but I took it out and made just made everythink Theif Bakura. Go take a look at it and tell me what you think.
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Another one bites the dust....
Well, I got a new backgound and some matching buttons to go with it. This weeks model is Yami Bakura and his hourglass. I took original hourglass pictrue of him (you can see if a few post down if you want)and added some fog and rain to make it look cooler. Also this weeks music is "Another one bites the dust" that goes very well with this kind of background.
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