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myOtaku.com: MasterHiei

Friday, January 21, 2005

   A more updated poem...
Well first of all, my school had a field trip to sleepy hollow (a ski trip where u can ski, snowboard, n go tubing n stuff) I stayed at school because i didnt want to go... it was boring...

Heres the more updated one... I'm beginning to think it sucks... It's too long...

People always say,
That love makes you take off the mask
That you are afraid to take off

The mask that you�re afraid,
That you can�t live without,
The mask that protects your heart and soul,
While also holding it in,

I finally found the courage,
To take off the mask,
I showed you my true self,
We had some laughs,

I admitted I love you,
I thought u were special,
I let my guard down,
and opened up to you,

But you took my heart,
While vulnerable and weak
And crushed it
Like it was nothing

I die a little inside,
Every time I see you smile,
Because I wasn�t the one,
Who made you smile,
Every time I see you hug,
Because I wasn�t the one,
You hugged,

I tried to withstand,
the pain and torture,
you put me through,
but I finally broke,

so I decided to leave you alone,
For you don�t need me anymore,
I hope the special person you chose ,
Will make you happy,

I'm sorry if me leaving,
Makes you sad,
It's not your fault,
It's just fate,

I don�t really want to leave,
But I have to,
Because if I stay,
My heart will never heal,

For it would shatter,
Every time I see,
And think of you,
Every time I remember,
The fun times,
We had together,
And the way,
You crushed,
My heart...

Now here I am,
Scarred for life,
As I put my mask back on,
I pick up my scattered heart,
And walk away,

As I walk away,
I close the door ,
That was left open for you,
That one day,
My heart,
Will be whole again...

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