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Saturday, October 23, 2004
can't talk at this moment I have homework ON A SATURDAY.
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Thursday, October 21, 2004
Homerwork golr
I have tons of homework I also have inner touch for negitive things. I might have time to do my rounds today just maybe. Everone says that my out look is starting to change and that I am turning goth 0_o Okay.... I am So mad THE YANKEES LOST SOB....... I hope the Red Sox Get kicked out the world series.
Mondays I am taking Japanese classes cool huh...... DDR was a blast Dance dance revolution club rocked we took pictures and everything I am a club officer so I got to sit in the front.
Ja mata ne
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Monday, October 18, 2004
Thank you all for the really nice incuraging comments that are really intersesting. You are problaby right but it is the age diffrence and the time span that really ticked me off but I really don't care now that is why I'm waering black. The otaku is really getting serious with the ranks you practically have to be on every day in order to make a diffrence in you ranking damn that a lot. I have to keep writing more. I also have another problem. The kid Zack The girls boy friend dose not know that I am taking her out to the homecoming and the worse part about it is that I planed this a long time ago. And this can really effect our friendship, but I can't put it off now I bascally handed her the money in full. 0_o I an going to have a problem. I will try to make my rounds today.
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Thursday, October 14, 2004
I haven't been here because of all my home work and to top it all off the party went well. but I have some even more piss off news. I girl I like dumped her boy friend (Yeah) But she is now going out with this kid she met at the party that she only knew for ONE GOD DAMN DAY. All this week I have been having mixed up emotions unexplanible. I am now scratary of the class of 08 (Yeah) But over 250 freshmen boo at me and I wish I could kill them all. Also I been having this type of foreshadowing and it Is me being alone and always alone.....
My life really sucks......
2 I not mad that the girl I like got a boyfriend now if fact I am happy for her. Like I told her before "If she is happy I am happy so always smile"
No I'm the one who needs smiling. I am friends with her boyfriend I think I have big brother sendrum.
Ha ha ha.......
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Sunday, October 10, 2004
 You are Feng-huang!
Mythological Background: The phoenix is the highest and most revered force in the skies. It's associated with power and prosperity, because it is the king of all birds. Mars brings about intense love, passion, and even aggression. It is given the best traits of all beasts - its different parts come from different animals. The five mystical colours in its plume are black, white, red, green and yellow. The Phoenix is a very auspicious aspect in Chinese mythological culture; and its symbol is used only with royalty. Japanese Name: Suzaku
Which Chinese Mythological Being Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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The day for the party I am so happy I hope my mother remembers to take me to the party because she said it is far of a walk. I am going to have a real good time. And another thing we are fighting about what game we should make first. Romantic RPG Or Action palyer.
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Saturday, October 9, 2004
Beacause of my current rank in the top 500 and in the wallpaper statis my current rank gives all the wallpapers I make approvals that is so cool now all the wallpapers I make are automatically placed on the wallpapers selection. Adam and the others really outdone themselves.
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Friday, October 8, 2004
Friday at last
Today is Friday and marching band hasn't been more crazier. I am going to be so happy because on Sunday I am going to a spanish party and I need to work harder on my spanish so far this is very cool I am going to have fun at that pary on sunday were all going to speak spanish. My marching band is going crazy and other stuff.
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Thursday, October 7, 2004
I'm back
Yes today was a happy day I am back because my brother's computer came back from shop. I am in the making of the cronicles of Sebastian three and this one's crazier than the last and you get to see Sebastian's father. It is going to be based on the games I was talking about in the begging of my sign up with otaku and that is going to be hard I will try to make my rounds today
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Friday, October 1, 2004
what the hell
I have only been gone for a day or two and this is what the otaku dose to me. It did another up grade and now I am confused and I am lost can someone please fill me in.
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