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I was six
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Yu-yu Hakusho, cowboy bebop, Bleach, Hellsing
To become a kick ass animator and concept artist for square enix and posibly own all your souls
drawing and video games
drawing is my specialty but thinking of new games and cartoons or my real strong point
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Tuesday, April 6, 2004
You are Form 2, Angel: The Pure.
"And The Angel rose as holy protector for all that was created. She fought with honor and valor to serve the good of the world. But the coming of the mankind was her downfall; and end to purity."
Some examples of the Angel Form are Michael (Christian) and Hercules (Greek).
The Angel is associated with the concept of virtue, the number 2, and the element of wind.
Her sign is the zenith sun.
As a member of Form 2, you are a person of your word. You generally keep your promises and give everything you do your best. Although some people see you as overbearing sometimes, you know that you have to stay true to yourself and do what's right. Angels are the best friends to have because they are brutally honest.
Which Mythological Form Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
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You are Xianghua -
You're used to people telling you that you're cute because you simply are!
Your love for beauty and all things social makes you a positive force amongst any group of people.
Although you may seem delicate and fanciful on the outside, you're a lot stronger than people
think you are. Purity, inner strength, and a sense of aesthetics is what makes you Xianghua.
Which Soul Calibur character are you?
this quiz was made by david park
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Otaku Level 4
What Stage of Anime Fandom That I Went Through Are You At? brought to you by Quizilla
Do you think mostly about anime and becoming an animator or a game designer?
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 Otaku Level 4
What Stage of Anime Fandom That I Went Through Are You At? brought to you by Quizilla
Do you think mostly about anime and becoming an animator or a game designer?
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 Otaku Level 4
What Stage of Anime Fandom That I Went Through Are You At? brought to you by Quizilla
Do you think mostly about anime and becoming an animator or a game designer?
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another Attack
This attack is made to only the person with guns. This is similar to Yusuke Sprit Gun and ti is like Dantes (off of DMC) gun. he transferr his energry into a single bullet and the he uses agility to go stright to a person's head. Then he charges up and WRAMMMMMMMMM. A blast like the sprit gun go sriaght threw the person's head. This is call Redy, Aim, Fire.
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Wow I can't believe it I made over 100 people at my site. Also I only have a thousand more to go before thaey show me on the member list. That's pretty cool.
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Almost Forgot
I forgot to tell you that I also put in Tag Team attack that require a lot of power. All the people have differnt Tag team attacks. For me I wold be a girl that would kinda like me. This Tag team attack is called. Celestio Blast. Since I'm from darkness and she is light the attack is a mixture base first off you' ll have to play as the woman. Thaen you have to have my chcaracter as the team partner. First She'll hit you and call for me then a cut sence will come. and then the pherase. "let you heart combine with mine. Let your heart relie on mine. From heaven and from Hell. Celstio Blast." Then I'll attack from the under with fire and she'll attack with the powers from above the attack will center the person until the blast injures them. pretty cool huh.
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Monday, April 5, 2004
 Which deadly sin do you represent? (Angel Sanctuary Pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Greed is for the week and mejestic, and I don't think I'm mejestic.
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This quiz really brings me to realize who I really am. And I thank te person who made this quiz.

Take the Spirit Quiz and visit Castle Diqueria.
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