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myOtaku.com: masterman

Thursday, February 17, 2005

I have finally got the How to draw manga the real version not the crack ass way. Now I know how to make a proper face and now I am studing the book in and out. I am sorry for not coming on earlyier but I have really bad problems with school work so I have to do some projects that are due tommorow. I have been in the making of COS 4 and 5 Sebastian is going to have one messed up life if you know what I mean. I switches around a bit. Sebastian succesfully finished his school and lifted a cures that his brother left on him so now he is chilling until a company takes him and uses him as a test subject. they alter his body and made him a new demon. (Half human/ part family demon and the rest is Vampire he is not like any other he has the abillity to witstand light he still has his strenth but the company transformed his body in to the form of a 19 year old and he is pissed. To make matters worse they instaled a chip in his brain the only allows him to obey the company's manager, but allowed him to have his 1,2, and 5 admendment. Freedom of speach, allow a wepon, and to dissvow anyone elses commands. He has a code name. Lone star. He has a counter part named Nanaki she is just as strong as Sebastian and went though the same process as Sebastian. They both have only one weakness the power to turn anyone into a vampire. Crazy isn't it soon after they are now part of the company, the suposed brother is still alive and Sakura and Ryoko go shearching for him for ten years and they still didn't age. DAMN !!!! Number 5 will be a boys vursesthe girls type feeling I am still tring to get that under control so hang tight I will tell you later.
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