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Sunday, June 19, 2005
Talking to Brianna right now. I'll be going home today but I'll be back at my brothers next weekend. Starting July 2, I'll be down here for 6 weeks. YAY!! But that'll have to wait.
Not much later all.
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Saturday, June 18, 2005
Long time, no see/post/talk...WHATEVER YOU CALL IT! -_-
Screw what I usually put. A lot of crap has happened and for the note, it's past 5 AM, so forgive me if I sound kinda cranky...
1) Josh and I are not friends anymore. He thinks I'm trying to break him and Courtney up (WHICH I AM NOT), yet he doesn't understand that I can't keep EVERY SINGLE SECRET locked up inside me. I have to tell some people some things that way I won't break down from all this secret stuff in my head!
2) My friend, Zack Bell, is getting out of JVC the 27 of June! KICK ASS!! Heh, me and him has been friends for quite a while, ever since my 6th grade year at Belfast Elementary.
3) I'm joining the Army. I've got all the paper work and shit done. I ship out to boot camp at Fort Benning, Georgia June 8, 2006 after I turn 18 and graduate. So, for a LONG ASS TIME, I won't be able to update.
4) Nothing else...besides that I've been holding back on some of the things that I want to do to Samantha. And no, it's not THAT STUFF! Everything is just so long that I'll have to write it out and THEN type it and post it...
And just in case Miyoko-chan didn't get my PM, here is the secret that I told her (and I think you guys) about...I have a small crush on her...-_-...yeah, I know it sounds pathetic, but after hearing about peoples lives after a while and learning who they are, things can become stranger than before. Understand what I mean?
Well, I better go. SOrry this is such a short's late and I want to get to bed...good night all!
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Thursday, May 26, 2005
Oi! Better mood! ^_^
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I am in a better mood after two days.
LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!! Yippie! Yesh, today is the last day of school for me. And I'm lovin' it.
Well, I got some good news and some 'bad' news.
Good: Samantha and I are friends again. ^_^ I talked to her last night, apologized for going off on her Tuesday and asked if I am still Penguin (nickname I got from her). She said yes. I felt better afterwards.
'Bad': Samantha and Justin broke up yesterday. When I heard from Courtney, I thought it was the note I gave her, but it wasn't that. Cassie Keeton, one of Samantha's friends, wants to go out with Justin, so Sam broke up with him and is letting Cassie have her turn. So, now you see why I put 'bad'. Can't tell whether that is good or not...o_o
The note I gave Samanta had some questions on it that I wanted answered. Here are a few of the questions, if you feel like reading them:
1) When I kissed her Monday, why didn't she push me away and tell me she was going out with Justin? Wouldn't that be considered cheating?
2) When I went over to her house later that day, why did she let me lay down with her, talk to her, and even ask her to get back with me without even mentioning Justin?
3) Was it that easy to get over me?
Those are some of the questions I asked her. I know they may sound mean, but of course, I was in a rather bad mood when I wrote the, they sounded harsh.
Well, thats all for now. I'll catch you all laters! Oh, Erin, please be on Yahoo! Messenger this weekend! ALL WHO HAVE YAHOO! MESSENGER BE ON THIS WEEKEND! I want to talk to all of yous!! ^_^
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Tuesday, May 24, 2005
I want to curl up in a ball now and cry.
You want to know why? Well, Samantha didn't tell me that she was going out with Justin A WEEK after we broke up...she said she did, but don't you think I would've remembered something like that? I just don't understand anymore...I kept asking her why didn't she want to get back with me, but the thing is, she never reminded me that him and her were together. And...she broke a promise to me. She promised me that if she was ready to date again, I would be the first one up. But, that went with the wind.
I just want to go away and cry. Thats what I want to do right now. And Courtney, why didn't you tell me any of this in your comment box!? No one tells me ANYTHING ANYMORE. NOT EVEN MY BEST FRIEND! Why me? Why do I have to put up with all this crap more and more each day?
Enough of my pitiful life. I guess since the only girl I loved hurt me and doesn't care whether I am hurt, my life is meaningless.
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Monday, May 23, 2005
I am slightly happy...
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Me and Sammy may be getting back together. Details below.
Okay...second time typing are the opinions of me and Samantha:
She said that she wants a boyfriend now. And I am most likely the potential one she wants to be with next to Josh...but she said that those feelings for Josh are barely there anymore and Josh is taken anyways. Don't take that the wrong way Courtney!
Cynthia (Samantha's mother)
She doesn't want Samantha to have a boyfriend. She wants Samantha to go through high school by herself, without a guy to worry about. Okay...what about before, when me and her first got together? And what if Josh wanted to get with Samantha? Cynthia would DEFINITALY say Samantha could date again.
Do you really need my opinion? it is: I want to get back with her. And I think Samantha feels the same way to.
So, there it is...and I can now say I am 17 years old! My b-day was yesterday, and I had a pretty good time...till I found out Samantha couldn't come over. That basically ruined my day. But when I talked to her later that day, my spirits rose. Whenever I hear her voice when I am in a down mood, she somehow brings me back up. I don't know why or how, she just does. This may sound like a weird question...but does that sound a lot like true love that most people want? I just want your opinions.
PS: I LOVE YOU ALL! -hugs Bri, Courtney, Michelle, Chona, and Erin, then requests an orgy- XD
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Friday, May 20, 2005
Posting piccies!
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I found some funny greetings, and I'm gonna post them.
Hey all. Here is a quick run down of my day yesterday:
Went to the comp thing; went home; done stuff; talked to Courtney; talked to Samantha; bed time...ON TO THE PICCIES!

This one is to all the rabid fangirls of Edward Elric.
Thats all...laters!
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Thursday, May 19, 2005
Another day...ho hum...
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Today has been boring...
Whats up peeps? Not much at the timizzle. XD Just had to do that. I moved to a different comp again...this one doesn't have spyware...yes my other one got it on there again...GRR! -shoots all spyware- But my urge to talk black was due to the fact that I'm sitting besid the sexiness himself (yes, I said HIMSELF), Jordan Wolfe. No, I am not gay, but Jordan does look sexy to me for some damn reason...o_O
Well, not much to say...but I have a surprise for Sammy at the end of the school year. I won't post it here just in case she reads it, so PM me if you want to know what it ish!
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005
Another day...ho hum...
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Yeppers. Courtney went to Kings Island here in Ohio on a field trip. It's more of a treat since she has all A's and B's. So, it's just me, Sammy, and Josh.
Me and Josh finally talked and whatnot, and now we are good friends again...even though he is still angry at me somewhat.
And now, me and Sammy are on good terms...yayers...I asked her to promise me when she is ready to date again if I can be the first one since I'm giving myself one more chance.
Well, gotta go...this comp is messing up.
PS: I LOVE ALL OF YOU AGAIN AND MORE! That means Courtey, Brianna, Chona, Michelle, Erin, and every other female on my friends list that I can't remember!
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
I'm in a better mood! ^-^
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After talking with Samantha and Josh yesterday, I feel better.
Hey all. As you know, I have not been myself lately. And I have failed to say as of yet that I have made the biggest mistake of my life...I broke up with Samantha...
Now, first off, don't go ranting at me. Rant at the angry person inside of me. It was something that Josh said ("I wish he would stay out of other peoples business.") that got me angry and my anger went off and made me do that...but if I can, I am going to repent and try to forgive myself for that event. Trust me, the weekend was hard as hell 'cause I was depressed the entire time untill I talked to Courtney. And I found out something from her. I told her that every once in a while, these strange feelings of love for her would come up. But, what I didn't know, is that sometimes, the same thing happened for her too! o_O Talk about irony.
But anyways, here is a little bit of info that some of you may enjoy or not enjoy...that is the question! XD :
-Many times before me and Samantha broke up, I had so badly wanted to ask her to marry me. But due to thinking it over, I decided not to.
-I just asked Samantha if in the future she would give me a third and final chance...she said yes! ^_____________________________^
So, thats all for now. I better go and get to work. Later!
PPS: Like the new colors?
One more thing...5 MORE DAYS TILL MY B-DAY!!
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Monday, May 16, 2005
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No subject for today.
Will someone please kill me? Life is pure Hell for me and I just want to die. Josh never wants to talk to me again, Samantha probably never wants to speak to me again, and last but not least, MY LIFE IS CRAP!
I gave Josh and Samantha a letter, just telling them some of the problems I've had with them. But from now on, if I have a problem with someone, then I take it up with them, no one else. Oh, another thing. Josh wants to beat my ass. Well, I hope he does and does a DAMN good job of it. 'Cause all the pain I've put people through, I deserve to be killed.
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