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myOtaku.com: Matt Prower

Monday, October 25, 2004

8:04 AM

Gah, I'm moving away this Monday. But I ain't leaving myO or OB, thats for sure. But I feel like crying. I DON'T WANT TO LEAVE ALL MY FRIENDS! -cry- I hate this...April and JJ are depressed...Cory don't even know yet, and I think Kayla is sad about it. Grr, I hate moving!

On to other things. Went to my bros house this weekend. His comp was out so I wasn't able to get online. Sorry to all yas! Anyways, he told me he's getting a GameBoy Player for his Gamecube and I unlocked (and beaten) Sonic 2 w/ Knuckels on Sonic Mega Collection. Yay me!

Dave, go ahead and give it a shot. If multiple people try it out, the better.

Only one piece, and I ain't able to scan it till this weekend..it is of Matt, with messed up fur, wearing boxers and training boots with a cig in his mouth. The FIRST and LAST time he will ever smoke, believe me.

Well, thats all I can say for now. Laters all. -tackles NekoSaiyanReno- I wuv you!!

Gah, I have a theory...April may like meh....o_O

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