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• Leon_Trent
• 1988-05-22
• Unknown....
Member Since
• 2004-08-10
• Senior High School Student
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• -Confidential-
Anime Fan Since
• DBZ first came on in the USA
Favorite Anime
• Dragonball Z and Fullmetal Alchemist
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Long time, no see/post/talk...WHATEVER YOU CALL IT! -_-
Screw what I usually put. A lot of crap has happened and for the note, it's past 5 AM, so forgive me if I sound kinda cranky...
1) Josh and I are not friends anymore. He thinks I'm trying to break him and Courtney up (WHICH I AM NOT), yet he doesn't understand that I can't keep EVERY SINGLE SECRET locked up inside me. I have to tell some people some things that way I won't break down from all this secret stuff in my head!
2) My friend, Zack Bell, is getting out of JVC the 27 of June! KICK ASS!! Heh, me and him has been friends for quite a while, ever since my 6th grade year at Belfast Elementary.
3) I'm joining the Army. I've got all the paper work and shit done. I ship out to boot camp at Fort Benning, Georgia June 8, 2006 after I turn 18 and graduate. So, for a LONG ASS TIME, I won't be able to update.
4) Nothing else...besides that I've been holding back on some of the things that I want to do to Samantha. And no, it's not THAT STUFF! Everything is just so long that I'll have to write it out and THEN type it and post it...
And just in case Miyoko-chan didn't get my PM, here is the secret that I told her (and I think you guys) about...I have a small crush on her...-_-...yeah, I know it sounds pathetic, but after hearing about peoples lives after a while and learning who they are, things can become stranger than before. Understand what I mean?
Well, I better go. SOrry this is such a short's late and I want to get to bed...good night all!
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