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MSN is felixthethief
Taylorsville, Utah
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I'm aweome! also I've beaten a whole crapload of videogames!
Anime Fan Since
1995,,,I think
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I have 3 Azumanga Gankutsuou and Cowboy Bebop
Win at life! O.o i know
Anime and Video games also Skating ^_-v
I'm cool! and smart '.'
| Matthewthethief
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 09/29/06:
like an orange ^_^
Result Posted on 09/29/06:
Find out in which of the 9 major personality types you fit the most
It seems you're the quiet one..That's probably because you're either too shy or because you're just a solitude lover or even secretive.You usually don't like to stand out or talk too much but this doesn't prevent you from being quite smart and aware of things around you,since you can be a remarkable observer.You probably don't like people that talk too much or make a lot of questions or at least you don't feel like joining them..It's not bad to have your own moments and enjoy solitude but why don't you try to stand out a least when it comes to your opinion/rights? ^_~ Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/29/06:
pretty accurate but i'm not depressed ^_^ I'm quite happy
A look at your dark emotion (NOT a happy quiz! Mainly for girls, but guys can take it if they want. Has pictures and 6 detailed
 The emotions you feel are: Sadness and loneliness.You are a loner, and probably not by choice.. People never seem to notice you, and if they do they always ignore you. You seem to grow very tired of this, it never changes, wherever you go to or whoever you meet; they will never grow close to you.. Maybe you have been bullied or critisised a lot, and it made you become more quiet and reserved? Or maybe you just always were like this, without any special cause. However, you are a very friendly and caring person, and because of all that watching and observing you have done in your life, you have also grown to become quite a smart and wise person! You will also understand peoples problems easily. And dont worry, no doubt you will meet somebody soon that you will grow close to, and that will care for you and enjoy spending time with you! I wish you luck! Colour: BluePositive traits: Sweet, friendly, smart, wiseNegative traits: Sad, shy, often gets lonely Element: WaterPlease rate and/or message! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 09/29/06:
how in the hell am i like naruto?
The Ultimate Naruto Character Selector Quiz (20 results & pix) FINISHED!!!
 You are like Naruto. You may seemthe clown type at first sight but when one really gets to know you, they realize you're the best friend that can be and they discover your true self: trustworthy, caring and strong-willed. You are to accomplish great things during the time of your life. Hard work will pay in the end.You're the living incarnation of the hero. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/23/06:
What Disgaea Character Class Are You? (pic. and description! Guys and Girls!)
 You are a male Scout!! You are sooo adorable! You have a little backpack on your back that reacts to strikes and attacks! How Cute! You Use guns and control Geo Panels and your machine Dark Cannon! YAY! Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/23/06:
In Depth Personality Quiz (A look into your's gooey XD)
 Thoughtful, Deep IntellectYou are a very smart person deep down, you are always daydreaming and thinking about differant things...and when you say your ideas outloud, it's sometimes hard to follow your train of's okie i am like that too ^^Month~ SeptemberColour~ Tones of Purples and PinksAnimal~ Fox, or Horseplease rate...or message...I worked hard on this one.. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/07/06:
How will you die??[Lengthy results]
You're sat in the cinemas watching the latest release with your closest friends. You eat a piece of popcorn but forget to swill it down with your coke, the skin off of popcorn always clogs up your throat. You have another piece and another, you're too fixed into the movie to realise how much your eating. Eventually you resemble a hamster but the popcorn has clogged up your throat so much you can't breathe. You pass out but your friends think you've just fell asleep. Then without warning the fire alarm of the cinemas go off and everyone runs out. Leaving you unconcious in the corner. The fire erupts through into the screen you're sat in and the popcorn frazzles, exploding everywhere, hitting you in the face. You eventually burn alive while the popcorn continues to beat you up. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/05/06:
What Is Your Role In A Relationship? (Male and Female, detailed results with Anime Pics!)
You are the Hopeless RomanticYou are into the good old fashioned wining and dining, flowers and chocolates approach to relationships. An ideal date for you would start with a meal in a fancy restaurant and end wandering down the beach hand in hand as the sun sets. You want to be someone's white knight one day, and dream of spending the rest of your life with someone, loving and caring for them. You are committed, generous and not afraid of love and showing it. You always handle your relationships carefully, as the last thing you would want to do is break someone's heart. You always take things slowly, taking the time to make everything magical. Some people won't appreciate your efforts, and those with a more business approach to relationships will become easily bored with the attention you lavish on them, but there are plenty of people out there dying to meet someone like you to spend the rest of their life with, so go out there and find the one for you! Most compatible with: The Insecure The Insecure will never want to hear the end of all you have to tell them of love. They would listen to a thousand of the poems you write for them and still want to hear the rest you have stashed away in your drawer! You love making people feel special, and the Insecure wants you to do just that for them. You could have something really beautiful together. Least compatible with: The Cynic You are all about love and displaying it, privately, publicly, wherever. The Cynic doesn't believe in love, particularly not in the traditional sense of the word, so you would bang heads every step of the way in a relationship. Not very destructive as bad relationships go, but not exactly productive either. Your song is: She Will Be Loved, Maroon 5  Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/05/06:
Can you name the characters from Kingdom Hearts, Chain of Memories, and Kingdom Hearts 2, and answer questions?!
WOW!your a KH2 obsesed person like me!did you use a book or some kind help?or did you do this on your own...if you did do this on your own scroll down for a sexy Riku pic X3if you cheated SHAME ON YOU!and please if you like KH stories, please read mine  Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/05/06:
lol how weird
What is your zodiac match? (TONS OF DETAILED RESULTS)
 Your perfect zodiac partner is...Pisces (Febuary 19 - March 20)Ruling Planet: NeptunePhrase: I Believe!!Main Trait: CompassionPrinciple: RedemptionSymbol: Two FishColor: Sea greenGem: Moonstone and CatseyeEnergy: YinElement: WaterGood Traits: Imaginative, sensitive, Compassionate, kind, Selfless, unworldly,Intuitive, and sympatheticBad Traits: Escapist, idealistic, Secretive, vague, Weak-willed, easily ledLikes: Solitude to dream in, Mystery in all its guises, Anything discarded to stay discarded, The ridiculous, like to get 'lost', Dislikes: the obvious, being criticized, feeling all at sea about something, know-it-alls, pedantry Take this quiz!
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