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In a little room in the back of your mind.
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Maya (Nickname)
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I was Born
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Inuyasha, Wolfs Rain, FMA, Bunch of other ones.
To get through life with as few screw-ups as possible.
Reading, drawing, vollyball, soccer, Horse back riding...
Drawing, vollyball, Sucking at speling
| Maya OfThe Wolves
Thursday, November 8, 2007
Hiya Guys!!! How's it going??? I'm at skool right now so thepost won't be too long but I just felt like updating. My Friends cuz is going to war today, so i'm a little worried about his cuz. I think he's going for all the wrong reasons. I'm gana wright to him, and so is my friend. Hope he'll be all right.
What will your first kiss be like? ~Detailed Results + pics~
The sun bled through the trees as you ran through the dense forest that surrounded you home. There was never a time you felt more free than when you were here . . . Like this. You felt as though you could fly.The snapping of the twigs underfoot and the wonderful smell of wilderness haunted your dreams at night. Almost as much as the man that trailed behind you. Laughing as you darted from tree to tree.Eric was a handsome man. His golden hair shined in the sun with a welcoming warmth and his smile urged you to speak. Something that you didn't do all that often. You kept to yourself mostly. Reading your books and writing your poetry. It had taken Eric damn near a month to finally get you to open up to him, another month to get you to go out with him. Yet another month had passed and, now that you thought of it, you wondered what he would try next.You had never thought yourself to be pretty. Hadn't had enough girl on guy contact to make you aware of the love that sparkled in his eyes every time he looked at you. Now, you wonder why he ever tried so hard in the first place to befriend you.Most left you be. Because of the gothic look you loved, you seemed to be closed off to the world in general. But Eric had pursued you. And now, glancing over your shoulder at him, you thought of how beautiful he truly was. Inside, and out.You meant to take your eyes off him. Really you did. But you couldn't . . . At least not in time to save you from tripping over a raised tree root.You went down hard, scraping your hands and knee badly, the blood rising to the surface. You winced at your hands but didn't have time to curse before Eric had lifted you into his arms."__________, are you all right? What happened? I saw you fall. Are you hurt?" Worry clouded his features when he examined your knee."I'm alright." You said. Touched by the concern in his eyes. After all, it was just a fall.A long one into love.You stared at eachother. Eric trying to gauge the look on your face, you shocked at the thought that had taken up residence in your mind.In love. With Eric. Holy crap.Suddenly Eric leaned forward. Gently brushing his lips against your bloody knee, then took both of your hands in his and pressed his lips to those as well. "All better?" He smiled his irresistable smile and looked you in the eyes.Slowly, his smile began to fade. His gaze becoming intense and searching as he leaned forward once more. Then both of your eyes closed as his lips pressed soft as a whisper against your own. Take this quiz!
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I really like this quiz cuz it's kinda like me but i'm a little more aggressive than the girl in the quiz. I try to talk but i'm more of a listener. But get me talking and boy, you can't shut me up till i'm done.
I found a new band that i love to. The Used. Soo kool.
Death Note Quiz : What's the last thing L \ Ryuuzaki said to you before he died? (detailed results for good and bad girls)
You've always liked L and you've always tried to be there for him and he noticed it. In the middle of the night, working was more pleasurable when having you by his side. Of course, he would have said something if he didn't think it to be dangerous for the both of you, and sometimes just felt like holding your hand instead of peeking at it when you kept it on the back of his seat in front of the terminal. He had always planned to ask you out after finishing the case, a movie in the graveyard seemed just about right. For an ingenious guy like him, thinking about how to bring up the subject seemed harder than to resolve a murder but he kept analyzing the situation carefully. While working on this case the two of you were practically inseparable. You could feel your heart beating faster each and every time he asked you to come closer and share your thoughts on the matter, and he didnt hesitate to do it as often as possible. The tragic moment which marked L's heart attack, making him tumble to the floor made you jumped to be there by his side until the very end, tears forming in your eyes with each passing second. With his last ounce of strength he grabbed your hand and whispered "I... will always l-love you". With that his eyes closed and the mutual grasp your hands held was loosened on his part leaving you with nothing, nothing else but the sound of your heart gradually stopping its rapid beating as the hand you held started getting colder and colder Take this quiz!
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I thought that was really SAD! L isn't that bad!!!
What song by Fall Out Boy are you? (detailed results)
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