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Friday, December 22, 2006
Current Music: (none)
Oh, I'm so happy! I just got callbacks for an audition I did last week for Pirates of Pinzanze. I've been given the role of Ruth! ^o^
For anyone who hasn't seen this play (I'm supposing the majority of you haven't) it's completely wacky. And my charrie is quite humorous as well. I'm so happy! YAY! *jumps up and down*
Your Japanophile Trivia of the Day:
In FF7, what was did Sephiroth win?
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Wednesday, December 20, 2006
Current Music: Call Me When You're Sober
How're ya'll?
Today was okay. I watched The Polar Express (don't laugh! >:O) It was... strange.
Wow, this is an incredibaly short post.

Your Japanophile Trivia of the Day
What is the name of Dir En Grey's first major-label albumn?
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Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Current Music: Ding Dong
Uhg... Today was dreadful. One of those overall exhausting days...
So, I go to school, take a test I really wasn't ready for, all that jazz. At the end of the day, Clarinet (a voice) manages to get main controll of my concience and I was thrown into an irratated mood, Ergo, I didn't go to Tang Soo Do and walked home. >_>; Bad planning there: I was locked out...
So, my dad eventually got home, I proceeded to drum lessons (which I was not ready for at all- no practice @_@), and then got home at 9:10 because my father was absolutely facinated with the contents of Bed Bath and Beyond. *yawns*
G'nite ya'll.
Better luck tomorrow...
Your Japanophile Trivia for the Day:
How many years has VIZ been publishing Ranma 1/2 manga?
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Sunday, December 17, 2006
Current Music: Simple and Clean
Wheeeeee! *runs into wall* *falls down* *runs into another wall*
I finally got my copmuter back! After about a month, and my gosh, that makes me happy! ^o^
So, yesterday my friend Morgan and I saw Eragon. The movie kind of really butchered the book. Those of you who read the book, the journy all together took, what, seven months? The movie condensed it all into one day, and completely left out the adventures of Teirm and Dras-Leona. And Arya's blonde... >_>
If you haven't read the book, you'll still enjoy the movie, so go see it. Oh yes, and there are so many moments that make yaoi fangirls giggle and think of fanfiction... XD
Welps, I'll be on much more now, seeing as I have a copmuter *huggles*
Oh, yes, I have an audition for Pirates of Pinzanze tomorrow. Wish me luck, my lovlies!
Your Japanophile Trivia of the Day:
In Japanese lore, a tanukii is what kind of spirit?
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Friday, December 15, 2006
Current Music: Bohemian Rhapsody
Currently, I wear a wife-beater tank top with a leau about my neck and brown and blue leg warmers adorning my arms. And, currently, it is snowing. XD
Anyways, I found out that my computer has been fixed (it was being scrubbed), but the dude who fixed it has yet to remember to give it back to me. >.< GAH!
*hums randomly*
Does anyone else find it strange that while delusional, me neighbor and I cannot string together sentences, but we can sing 'Bohemian Rhapsody' flawlessly? @_@
Your Japanophile Trivia For the Day:
What is the name of oh-so-famous band X-Japan's drummer?
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Thursday, November 30, 2006
Current Music: Nausea
Well, my day was very... green today. I moved up a level in my piano lessons, so now I have green books instead of blue, and I got a green belt in Tang So Do (so I'm like... 6 belts away from black ^-^;).
The most exciting thing happened in Tang So Do today! We were sparring and a group of classmates was watching us (which of course made me want to show off, just a little ;D).
And what does my intructor do? He puts me up against a black belt. No, scratch that, he put me up against TWO black belts. At the same time! And, doubtlesssly, my first reaction was "Oh shiznit! *cowers behind instructor". But I actually held my own. I was really proud of myself! ^o^
So that's my great story of the day. What's yours?
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Saturday, November 25, 2006
Current Music: Here it Goes Again
Holy sh....whoa...
You know the whole 'Black Friday Shopping' thing. My mother just took it to a new level.
We now have a shiney, red, sportscar. O_O
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Thursday, November 23, 2006
Current Music: Out of Control
Just wishing everyone a Happy Thanksgiving (unless you live in Europe and don't celebrate Thanksgiving, in that case, Happy Random Thursday).
I'll being hanging with my father this grand Holiday. Him and the staff at Cracker Barell. XD Before you comment on how ghetto that sounds, I must tell you, it's better than going to my aunt's. Everyone these is at least 10 years older than me (including my cousins) and it's horribly stifling. Cracker Barrel and my father we'll be a nice change (as while he's stiff much over 10 years older than me, he's much less sophisticated and proper.)
Have fun, ya'll!
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Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Current Song: Coin Operated Boy
Now, I apologize if this seems like a tad too much blogging for one day, but I simply MUST record the conversation I had with my neighbor about this song:
Me: I was humming it in school. When some girl asked, I was all like "It's a song about dildos!" ^_^
Sam: Wait... what?
Me: Coin operated boy. It's a song about dildos.
Sam: No... I think it's about how she goes from one relationship from another and how they're all pointless flings.
Me: ...*blinks* Made of plastic and elastic?
Sam: ...>_> Well, she could be talking about their hearts...
Me: Many lengths and widths to choose from
Sam: ...shut up...
So, dildos or the disposable hearts of boys? Listen to it and let me know.
FYI: Song by Dresden Dolls.
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Current Music: (the song I'm writing)
I'm so psyched! I'm writing a song. And I've had the chorus stuck in my head for a few weeks, and I have the other lyrics written down somewhere, but I've finally started putting it to music! I really can't wait to show it to Phil, even though he only listens to classical and ragtime.
(Phil=my friend)
Speaking of Phil- that brings up my rant of the day. >:D I really do wish my friends would stop saying that I'm should go out with him, and marry him, and live happily ever after with lots of little babies. >_> I know most girls envision their first kiss, and what their wedding will be like, but that sort of thing just isn't for me. It's not that I don't picture myself with Phil- I just don't happen to picture myself with anyone...
A husband would be over-baring, and I'm too much of an independent soul. But, alas, we still have a freaking fanclub dedicated to our non-existent relationship. T_T
...baka ningen...
On to happier news! We tested for higher belts on Tuesday. I'm going for my green (ranking= black, red w/stripe, red, green w/stripe green) but desperately hoping that my intructor will find me good enough to move me up two belt. He did that once, when I was testing for my yellow belt (I was shocked). He probably won't, but who knows. He likes me, and wants me to become a black belt. Well, wish me luck, my fellow otaku and otome! ^_^
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