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Sunday, November 19, 2006
Current Music: In The Light
Hi, ya'll. ^-^
I'm tired. I've been practicing my martial arts forms all day, and I'm just frazzled. I test for my green belt on Tuesday, and I really need to know this stuff.
I haven't been online in forever because my computer died. T_T So I'm on a barrowed laptop right now. I'll have it til' the Steelers game ends.
I hate sports. ^-^
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Saturday, November 11, 2006
Current Music: None
I'm currently counting my posts on a Gaian Charity thread (XO) and scratching my tongue.
You know when you have hot soup and you like... burn off a bunch of your taste buds? I did that earlier today. On the bright side, it was pretty good soup (finally, some non-meat based soups!).
I watched 'End of The Spear' today. At first I though it was about like... Pochohantas or something. But it wasn't. It was about very murderous tribes in Ecuador... ^-^;
Tomorrow I'll be starting my Science Fair Project, with great dread, I might add...
I have to right a reserch paper too. T_T I hate science... and glue.
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Friday, November 3, 2006
Current Song: Celtic Fiddle
So, how did Halloween treat you (or trick you, since I find now to be a good time to make a dreadful pun).
Mine was not exactly fabulous, as it rained and I couldn't seem to get my friends into a Halloweeny Mood. But it was stil okay, I guess (last year was better). I didn't get much in way of candy- only half a pillowcase (whereas last year I had 2 pillowcases worth). But I had a wicked awesome costume! As soon as I get the pictures uploaded, I'll post them in the misc. cosplay.
I started writing a song on my way home. I do so hope it turns out well! I always seem to start songs, and never seem to end them. T_T Haha, yeah, me and about every other teenager on the planet.
Have a gloriously dubious weekend, everyone!
PS. Does anyone know how to hack systems using Proxy Servers?
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Friday, October 27, 2006
Current Song: I Slept With Someone From FOB And All I Got Was This Stupid Song Written About Me
I found the cure to growing older
And you're the only place that feels like home
Just so you know, you'll never know
Some secrets weren't meant to be told
But I found the cure to growing older
Life is crazy. In a good kinda way I suppose...
Well, except for my mounds of homework. Those are crazy in a not-good-at-all way.
But at school we have a new student. She's German. She also likes anime, but she's so shy, she won't really talk to anyone. Heck, she won't even notice her own great artistic talent! (She's fracktabulous... case ya were wunderin' or sumthin...)
*gets mauled* Fine! I promise to never attempt a hic accent ever again.
Anyways, an autistic boy in our school ran away yesterday. No one's found him and it been a day. We're supposed to get really high winds tonight, and he doesn't have a jacket, and he's in the middle of the woods. I don't know him, but I'm really worried about it.
My friend Charles said today "Who cares about a stupid retard?" Now, I love my friends, but I just had to turn around and slap him across the face. He deserves it, being such a prick.
I should be packing right now. But I'm not. ^_^;;;
I'm leaving for a weekend trip to a camp called 'Mud City'. It's going to be great. We're all going to dress in trashy clothes we want to throw away, play in the mud for a few hours, then regret as we remember that it's November and the camp only has indoor showers. Then we'll brood over that fact all the next day.
*cocks head* They sent the helicopters out again. To look for that boy...
Well, I'm going to head to some friends' profiles then sign off. But before you click that little 'x' on the top right of your window, mind answering a question?
What should I be for Halloween?
White Rabbit?
Thanks and toodles!
Douse yourself in cheap perfume
It's so fitting, so fitting
Of the way you are
Can't cover it up
Can't cover it up.
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Tuesday, October 3, 2006
Orange Range Is Playing
I got socks. -squwee-
Aside from that, my mind is like... frazzled. That's a good word for it.
Earlier today, in my drum lessons I was like "It's an 18th note." (It was an 8th note, there is no such thing as an 18th note.) Anyone here who can read music would find that semi-humorous.

I learned a new tecnique in Tang Soo Do today. Outside-inside, jumping inside-outside kick. Something like that... @_@
It's that really cool kick the guy in the Propel commercial does! *applauds anyone who watches TV enough to know what I'm talking about*
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Monday, October 2, 2006
Hey ya'll.
I've decided that shopping is much like dating; unnessicary and mildly disagreeable.
Aside from that, a nice thing happened while I was in the parking lot of Target today. I was walking towards my car, singing to SuperDrive (from Gravi) and some lady just gets out of ehr car and says "What a nice voice!" It kind of made my day...
I got 2 pairs of socks at Taget. 8D One had a unicorn on it. ^-^
Heroes is on now, and I'm about to watch it. I'll get to your sites soon.
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Sunday, October 1, 2006
Another Post of Early-Morning Boredom...
I can't believe it's Sunday. I just can't believe it.
Oh! Guess what! I can say it's Sunday in Spanish!
*cold stares*
Kay, so it's not that special. >_> Anyways. I stayed up to watvh SNL last night. I only really laughed at two of the skits though; The Water Delivery Boys and the Airport Security.
But I loved Dane Cook's into, and was pretty suprised how... not complete X-Rated it was. ^_^;
I should post a picture, huh? Mm-kay!

PS. I might not be on much this week considering my groundedness of the computer. *growl*

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Saturday, September 30, 2006
Happy B-Day Yona!
Okay, so technically, I'm 2 days late. Who cares.
I bring this up because there is a mildly humourous story that goes with here being 15 and all.
So yesterday, while she gets off the bus (we go to different schools, I get home before her) I run up to her and shout "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!" And throw confetti paper at her.
I think I accidently gave her a papercut in the eyes... X_X
But then I gave her hot tamales to make up for it! ^o^ Woot.
Later my she and another friend came over, we hung out, I got my head stuck in the couch, they locked me out of house, I played the piano upside down (or at least tried), and we had a magazine fight, all while listening to Dir En Grey.
Lots of fun.
I felt the need to tell you all this, because I don't have anything else to do right now. XD
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
*yawn* It's like... a sin to be up right now.
And I wish that damn bird outside my window would shut up! >_>
Anyways, it's 7:32 and I'm really starting to miss those awesome Saturday Morning cartoons anime. Now there like... nothing good. Then again, I could always just go on OnDemand and watch Beyblade and Metabots there (oh, the nostalgia).
Indeed this was a rather pointless post, fueled by my mild boredom and rather ardent wish to KILL THAT STUPID MOCKINGBIRD!
...or like... canary... ^-^;
Well, I'm going to go immerse myself in kiddie cartoon via comcast OnDemand. Have fun with you life...
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Friday, September 1, 2006
First week oh school= not so bad.
I actually have a few friends in lunch, though only one of them is a really good friend. It's all right, I suppose it's better than sitting alone (which I have become accustomed to...)
It's really funny to watch the new students. They're all frantic, and it's like seeing the newbies on gaia. Except more funny. I turned in my first peice of homework for History class, complete with a doodle of Cloud from FF7!
^-^;;; I don't think the teacher was mad.
I think I'll actually look foreward to most of my classes. The teacher I though I'd hate turned out to be pretty cool. Then again, I always tend to love the teachers everyone else hates... XD
My neighbor just called me and invited me to a sleepover. That's good. So I should be packing *shifty glance and whistling*
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