Chiyono (03/09/05)
You, my friend, have to be the master of site making. No lie. I, like you, have a fondness for Kyo Sohma. I was going to ask you if you could make me one of those cute little buttons like you did for Yukina123, but then again, I don't know you, so that would be a lot to ask. Tell me, how on earth did you get your posts to be formatted that way? I think it's awesome. And how in the heck do people make it so that your bg doesn't move with your text?! I know that might be considered as asking for help, but I'm endlessly curious. I know, I know, curiosity killed the cat, but oh well. I like your site. Mulan kicks butt. I'm adding you as a friend and I hope that you come and sign my gb! Bye! ^_^
God Bless!