Birthday 1989-10-15 Gender
Female Location United Kingdom Member Since 2004-05-27 Real Name Garbo [ I'm Chinese by the way ^_^ ]
Favorite Anime Naruto Goals To find the perfect Asian guy like you see in Korean series ^_^ Hobbies Watching Korean series and Asian movies. I also have an OBSESSION with Asian stars and being famous myself - delusional I know lol Me Luv Kyo Kun
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Listening to: Love Hina - Character Image
Feeling/Mood: Mmm, nice hot cup of tea - like a real Brit!
Last film I saw: Err ... still 'I Am Legend'
Ok guys - I tried to restrain myself but I just couldn't!
I had no idea that so many of you out there are Stephen Chow fans!!
And I simply MUST share these videos with you!!
My heart and breathing was almost constricted the first time I watched them!
I know there seems to be loads but trust me, they're all no longer than 40seconds each.
(And just ignore the silly commerically bits at the beginning)
Oh my ... I almost died ...
200 times more funny if you speak Cantonese! Just for you James! "FLOWERS!!"
He's so cute haha!!
I was floored with this one! XD
I was almost in tears ... 'Could you kick this person's ass?'
HIGH-Larious ... such an anti-climax *hehe*
I'm really sorry if these kinds of posts just totally don't interest some of you and I just wasted your time -_-#
But I hope James and Vicky enjoys them as I know they love Stephen Chow :D
Just for you 2!!!
.: [Banner made by Sai] :.
Credit goes to for great LJK avis, sigs & info.
Listening to: Maaya Sakamoto - Cloud 9 [Wolf's Rain - Yoko Kanno ]
Feeling/Mood: Avoiding coursework!!
Hello beautifuls!!
WOW! I absolutely have nothing to post about.
~Shock Horror~ Don't be surprised to see me ONLY commenting and visiting you guys now as I will be hanging around but just not posting myself ...
That saves everyone a bit of time! I can guarantee you that there will be hardly any updates going on around here.
Just a few quick notes since I'm here anyway.
*'I Am Legend' was such an incredible film I loved it!!
*I'm sooo worried about cost of rent when I go to university - it's sooo expensive. (And I know someones gonna get confused with what I said just now lol - BRITISH university ok guys? :P) (If God willing I get the grades I need.)
*Recently went to visit my brother's grave - gosh I miss him so much I can't even explain.
*I re-watched 'Grave of the Fireflies' the other night and I cried my eyes out - it reminded me of me and my brother too with Setsuko and Seita's bro and sis relationship.
*Winter exams went fantastically - English and Business. I get my results in March.
*Now I got 2 courseworks to hand in by April.
*Oh my gosh guys! I have my driving test on 26th February! Seriously! You all have to wish me all the best because I AM NOT a confident driver at all!!
Well that's it for me with my snappy post ^^
I hope you're all well.
Anyone going on any vacations for easter?
Or Chinese new year? Haha :P
.: [Banner made by Sai] :.
Credit goes to for great LJK avis, sigs & info.
Listening to: Pussycat Dolls - Wait A Minute
Feeling/Mood: Thinking about someone ...
Last film I saw: In the cinema ... I think Stardust ...
Hi everyone!! Well the Christmas rush is all over! I had 14 Chinese students round my house for dinner!! O_o There was a lot of lamb ... (yeah we didn't have traditional turkey ..)
I wanna thank SL for the xmas gift ^_~ it was very sweet of you - I loved it!!
Sorry I wasn't around to wish everyone a Happy Christmas .. this one's a bit late lol - but I'm still early for wishing you all a happy new year :D
I don't really have much to post ... just in life at the moment sorting out university applications.
Ooo, I had a nasty sinus infection last week which kept me in the house for a good week. Almost all better now.
On a random note ... A question for the ladies out there, (guys aswell if you like but just switch the genders around)
How many times have you really REALLY liked a guy but then to later find out that he's actually already got a girlfriend??
It's just that I've been finding that to happen to me ALOT lately! Lol - just thought I'd point out. Allllll the potentials are taken lol - boohoo.
How did you all spend Christmas day? Did santa bring you everything you wanted??
.: [Banner made by Sai] :.
Credit goes to for great LJK avis, sigs & info.
Listening to: High School Musical 2 - I Gotta Go My Own Way
Feeling/Mood: I'm wet from the rain ><
Last film I saw: High School Musical 2 in Spanish
�Hola! Hey all! I just came back from Spain on Friday with my 3 girlfriends and we had a really great time. We were in Malaga and we visited other cities like Marbella, Gibraltar ...
Weather was hot but not uncomfortably hot so we still tanned but were not dying in the heat.
Anyway, it was a 1 week holiday and it was all organised by my friend. It would've been something COMPLETELY out of our price range if it wasn't for her father who had timeshare and we stayed in Miraflores Beach & Country Club, this AMAZING 5 star apartment that had 21 pools!!
Here's a couple shots.
Us on a bus going to the airport - thus our journey began. By the way - I hope you all know by now what I look like! Lol.
Our living room.
Our kitchen.
Some meals that we cooked ourselves.
Our pool - bikini babes! AhhhRiiighhht!! GIGGITY!! ^_~ Haha.
Just glamming up getting ready to go out and explore.
Another nice picture - obviously I took like 100 photos but these are just a selection.
So yeah, we also saw Gibraltar which was quite nice but because it's owned by Britain .. it didn't feel very Spanishy .. but we saw monkeys!
The nature reserve - WILD MONKEYS!
One of my friends got really cheeky and commented this photo saying,
"Garbo and a Chinese girl - OH NO SHE D'INT!!" LMAO!
Nice photo .. highest point in Gibraltar - we could see Africa from here.
In a cave.
And our final night eating in a Tapas restaurant.
It was a lovely holiday - my first holiday with friends, not family.
It was a typical girly one too, like shopping, eating, tanning, swimming, exploring, relaxing watching Spanish tele haha.
.: [Banner made by Sai] :.
Credit goes to for great LJK avis, sigs & info.
Listening to: Fly Daddy Fly trailer
Feeling/Mood: Can't be bothered to go to college in 30minutes
Last film I saw: [ Korean ] Fly Daddy Fly
I watched another Lee Jun Ki film the other night. It's called 'Fly Daddy Fly'.
The trailer makes the film look much better than it really is lol - I wasn't THAT impressed but still liked it cos it was LJK.
Story is basically about a salaryman whose daughter gets assaulted and now he feels like his daughter has lost all respect for him because he can't protect her. He finds a young man who once beat the bully who assaulted his daughter in a boxing match and he trains him to teach the bully a lesson.
Like I said, the trailer is actually much better than the film itself.
I know they've been shut down for linking but why nowwwww when I'm catching up on Naruto!!
And question for everyone.
Do most of you use Internet Explorer or Mozilla Firefox???
I dominantly use Mozilla but I've noticed that my page appears differently on both - like I would get my page perfect on Mozilla but when I look at it on IE, my tables and frames are squiff!
So if I know what everyone mostly uses, I'll adapt to that :)
.: [Banner made by Sai] :.
Credit goes to for great LJK avis, sigs & info.
Listening to: Lee Jun Ki - Foolish Love
Feeling/Mood: I wanna eat something sweet ^_^
Last film I saw: The King And The Clown
Last night I watched a Korean film - apparently Lee Jun Ki's best, 'The King And The Clown' and it was pretty good. He is a very good actor it was a very powerful film. The film industry is obviously not afraid to make films with such strong homosexual contents anymore and obviously, they used Jun Ki's feminine features to the full. 1st Brokeback Mountain, now this.
It had some very memorable guy on guy moments and one kiss scene got my attention and got me rewinding a couple of times LOL.
Well, I said on my last post that I'd explain a bit more in depth about my brother's passing.
My brother's name was Andy, he was 29yrs old and would've been 30 in December.
Basically my brother took his own life and I was the one who found him. He was found 5th Oct and there's no definite sure answer to why he did it but my brother showed symptoms of depression and we even found a book in his room about stress.
We know that it wasn't an impulsive act - he had planned it long ago. My brother did suffer a lot in life and I don't wana go into detail but I think he had had enough of life really.
It's also quite obvious that when someone decides to take their own life (and I mean planned it, not telling anyone, not giving any clues or signs or want to be helped) they're already not in the right frame of mind - and we know that my brother was unwell in his mind.
Till the end, my brother had the best relationship with me and I loved my brother so much - and I'm not just saying that now cos he's gone, but I actually loved my brother the most in my family.
I'm still angry, and I still ask questions like "Did I not love you or make you happy enough to keep living?", "Are you so selfish that you had to take your own life and leave me without a brother at all" and I'm so upset that he wasn't around to see me turn 18, or go to university, or see me get married.
I'm getting a lot of different up and down days. But I know that my brother isn't suffering anymore. He was really young and he was taken away way too soon, 29 years of age! But looking at his circumstances, his life, his suffering ... in a way he stayed here for too long.
I am holding up well because I've had so many friends and family helping me and thinking of me and praying for me.
Sooo that's it ... lol, all has been explained.
Now life can carry on :)
The memories of me with my brother can't be taken away from me.
.: [Banner made by Sai] :.
Credit goes to for great LJK avis, sigs & info.
Listening to: 1000 Words.
Feeling/Mood: Missing my brother.
Last film seen in cinema: Rush Hour 3.
Hey everyone!
Long time no update.
Instead of making small talk, I'm just going to jump straight in to this.
I turned 18 on the 15th, horray, whoopee, I am now legal =P.
On the 27th, I'm going to Malaga in Spain with 3 girlfriends for a week - I can't wait, really looking forward.
And finally, my brother passed away very suddenly over a fortnight ago.
The funeral was Friday so I'm back in school now.
I know it's been so long, but I just felt like coming on here and telling everyone the news ... I guess I can never delete my site - I still have an unspoken attachment to it.
There's a lot more I can say but for now, words just aren't coming to me - my main objective was to just let everyone know the news.
I'm not even suppose to be here! I should be in school but I'm bunking off today because I think it's still a bit too soon.
For my next post I think I'll answer some obvious questions like,
"How did he die?"
"What happened?"
"Are you doing alright?"
etc etc ...
Well I hope everyone is healthy and happy =)
I should get round to a few sites later.
P.S I have a new obsession ... Lee Jun Ki - Korean actor who most of us will recognise from 'My Girl' is so beautiful because he looks like a girl!!!! XD
Listening to: Tina Turner - What's Love Got To Do With It
Feeling/Mood: Annoyed at my broken computer!!
And I have a swollen eye from hayfever :(
Last film seen in cinema: Pirates Of The Caribbean - At World's End
Errr ... I kinda promised Vicky I'd update and I guess I don't really have an excuse NOT to since I got no exams and I've finished college for the summer now lol.
3 Month Summer Baby!!!
Has anyone seen 'The Notebook'??
Sweet film init? Hence my theme layout :)
I have yet to get a new computer so what I can do with graphics at the moment is extremely limited.
So how is everyone?
I want EVERYONE who comments to tell me some news about them!! No matter how irrelevant to ANYTHING or random or stupid!! XD Hehe.
.: [Banner made by Sai] :.
Listening to: Myself coughing.
Feeling/Mood: I'm ill!!
Last film seen in cinema: Talladega Nights. Which was AGES ago. Well well well, look who decided to show her face to wish you all a very happy 2007 ^_~ I also hope you all had a really good Christmas - I know I had the bestest one ever.
I just couldn't help myself coming on here to just say hi to some people I've missed and love so very much. You'll know who you are cos you'll be on my friends list ^_~
You can all thank Vicky and Shadow. I only JUST got the invitation about New Years unfortunately but I wasn't home for it anyhoo .. but just the simplicity of RECEIVING that invitation afterall all this time I've been away hit my soft spot =P
Damn I feel like such a foreigner here now! LOL. All these new clubs, all you guys with your snazzy layouts and whizzing with your HTML - so advanced! And me falling behind terribly. Some of our little ones who were once so innocent are now OtakuLegends. And some people like Shanny I knew was already a Legend still never cease to impress =) It's like they'll live on forever!!
Since I'm here now, I'll just give everyone a little update.
My life at the moment is so blessed and wonderful and everything is super.
I'm still in college studying. (UNITED KINGDOM college - not American college .. I don't know the equivilant lol. I always forget)
In November I went to Hong Kong and ShenZhen for 3 weeks - FAB!
I'm no longer with Shaun but I couldn't be more happy in singleness.
Just incase anyone is wondering, I'm 17 right now and very mature lol. I've grown up quite a bit - I was always the one who always acted older than my age anyway =P
And I'm ready to face whatever 2007 has to throw at me =D
This is my bebo page - I use this much more often.
Who knows when I'll speak to you all next but just stay fabulous =)
Garbo xx
.: [Banner made by Sai] :.
Listening to: The shopping channel
Feeling/Mood: Need the loo haha - sorry.
Last film seen in cinema: Superman Returns!!!
So good - I cried in it. I'm a Smallville and Superman lover you see \0/ Hey everyone, just giving you all some notices, updates and whatnots.
First off I really want to thank everyone for the comments and farewell and mentionings of me in their posts - it's really touching. You have no idea how amazing it feels to visit some of you guys and just see my button made by you personally or a link to my page on your little 'Best Buds' list kinda thing =P It just really reminded me of how wonderful everyone here is.
Well I just wanted to say that because I won't be active here anymore, I've decided to hand over my clubs to anyone who would like to take over and be an administrator.
I have already given 'LAD - Love Asian Dudes' to Sw33tz. She is now the new admin =) She's going to be fabulous! I'm so lucky. Awesome graphics and HTML chick and full on Asian (Chinese, Korean, Japanese) celebs lover AND Asian herself just like me - What more could I ask for? Haha.
Just 'TOG - The Onigiri Gathering'
'UC.S - Uchiha Clan.Sharingan'
left for grabs now.
I would ask people who I think would be fantastic for the job but I didn't want to put anybody in the awkward postition of not wanting to say no ... you know what I mean?
So I'd like whoever who wants a shot at it to PM me but BE WARNED that I will be biest and maybe unfair ... since these are my clubs they are kinda personal to me so I probably would prefer one of my already close friends to take over and obviously who had an interest in it in the first place to join it.
We'll see, hope you're all good at persuading ^_~
Remember, PM with a reason why I should let you take over =) All the best xXx