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myOtaku.com: mega inuyasha2005

Monday, October 9, 2006

Servesafe Test A OK!!!!
Took a VERY VERY important test on Friday. It was for the Servesafe certification. You need that if you're going to be a high-end chef like I am. It's a 90 question test which you can miss 22 to pass. Miss 23+ and you fail :(. I've also been told if you get 90% or higher, you could one day be able to TEACH the Servesafe course to others......I've only heard that from one source so eh....I don't know about that. Anyway, that job I had went along GREAT!! Chef George in Hayward, CA is an awsome chef. Meveryn's has a darn good Cafe Blu' for all their food needs.
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