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Where the wind comes sweepin down the plains!
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My Neighbor Totoro!
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
I'm BACK! xD
Howdy! I forgot to post up that I was back from San Antonio, one of the COOLIO JOEST places in the world. O.o I thought the last time I went I had fun, but this time I got to go to Sea World!
Sea World has to be, by far, the most amazing park I've ever been to. The shows were fantastic, and you just never got bored. My cousin was actually daring enough to go on the...Electric Eel, or whatever it's called. That was just a bit too high for me, though she said it was boring.Oo I almost went on the Great White, but instead I watched my lil bro while she went on it and my parents got us drinks. By the time she got back, I wanted to get myself a charectatur...thing...done, which I did, and it looks really cool!^^
We also went to Schliterbaun. which wasn't really all that it's cracked up to be, but it was still ok. Just too hard to get around, and not as much fun as expected. Oh well, luckily we did that before Sea World, so we had more fun afterwards. xD
After Sea World on the second day, we cleaned up and went to...Hard Rock Cafe! The riverwalk is lots of fun, it's just so full of life.^^() After we ate some lovely Hard Rock food, and bought some shirts, of course, we went to the Ripley's Wax Museum! I loved it! xD We did both museums, wax and Ripley's, and my cousin and I did the horrors part, recommended by Ken. We met up with a young(I mean young) Mom at the beginning, who we invited to join us, and of course, she did. xD Her husband stayed upstairs with the kid, baby..>.> Anyways, I loved the horror section, though it was scary, they sure know how to build up some pretty frightening suspense.(They make you open lots of doors to find your way, and all the corners are pitch black, so you can't see around them.) I was really impressed with the wax figures, actually. In pictures, they look real.Oo
Anyways, after the wax, we did the Ripley's section, which was cool, and very strange. xD There's a two way mirror some way through, but I won't spoil it for those who haven't ever been.
The next day, on our way back home, we went to the Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch, which was AWESOME! We had plently of heads in our van, including Zebra's and Ostriches, both of which my Dad is terrified of now. We still had slobber on our window. O.o
We got home about 8p.m, after dropping my cousin off two hours earlier in OKC. It was nice to be home, but I wanna go back, San Antonio rox.^^ |
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
Well, I'm off to San Antonio in a few hours, which is why I'm up so late. I'm hoping to sleep on the way down there. xD I'll try to take pictures, though they won't include SOMEONE because HE won't be there at that TIME. He just HAD to LEAVE to visit someone ELSE, instead of staying. Of course he didn't know I was coming until just yesturday.^^()
Anyways, I'll be in San Antonio until Tuesday, so I'll see ya'll then. TTFN, and see ya soon! |
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Featured Quiz Result:
I'm Washu.Oo()
*cheers* I love the Kodama!!!^^