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Where the wind comes sweepin down the plains!
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Wednesday, July 28, 2004
*Cheers* Yay! I finally beat Super Mario World for GBA! I'm so glad I watched my brother and his friends play when I was little, cause I remembered all the secret areas and stuff. xD
I also beat 95/96 goals, but for some reason the Forest Ghost House is just refusing to be cooperative. Oh well. I also beat all the special levels, and Koopas don't have Mario heads! That just really bugs me. -.- Eh, at least I know I beat it, poor, poor Bowser.
Alsooo, August 1-3, I'll be in San Antonio!! Yay for Texas, Oklahoma's big underside! >.>
Anyways, we plan on going to Sea World, The..Shliterbaum..I have no idea how to spell that, and maybe the Wax Museum, just cause I want to. xD If anyone ish down there then and wants to meet up, tell me quick so we can plan it out! |
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
Have any of you ever read the book, "Dandelion Wine," by Ray Bradbury? Holeh Crapoleh....THAT BOOK IS SO BORING! I think the kid was either dropped on his head, or his imagination is just so wild it's almost poetic.Oo
I mean, I know Ray Bradbury is a very poetic writer, but this book is just plain confusing. Maybe I just haven't read enough of it...guess I'll keep trying, stupid Summer AP project. |
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Saturday, July 24, 2004
Alrighty Then.
Well, again, this is for you.
Apparently, we both treat eachother like crap. I already told you how you treat me, so I wanna know how I treat you.
Honestly speaking, I do want to know, because I just don't see it. So swallow your pride, and just tell me already, so I can at least try to treat you better. |
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Tuesday, July 20, 2004
This is for you.
You don't respect me, or what I believe in. You've always put me down, always driving me closer and closer to believing I'm this terrible person. I already think I'm bad enough, you just add fuel to the fire.
I've always been the one at fault, never you, no it's never you. You think you're the one with the worst problems, that everyone treats you badly, but have you ever stopped to you treat some of your friends? Don't blame it on your upbringing, you know that that's not it.
Always fighting, all we do. Always something I do wrong. Always you, telling me what a horrible, terrible, awful person I am, calling me names you know hurt me, saying things that scar my heart. And it's always I who give in first, and always I who apologize.
Never once have you said you're sorry, for all the pain you've caused me. Not once. All you do is put me down, I'm such a bad person. Adding fuel to the fire, which is already burning bright, though hiding behind the wall.
I try to do what's best for you, I try to forgive and forget, I know in my mind "I hurt you, it's my fault." But in my heart, I'm just as wounded as you. You don't seem to realize this though, you never seem to know. I don't know why I never told you, maybe because I was afraid, afraid you'd get mad at me again. You know that is my weakness, you've known it for so long.
Every time we fight, as said before, I give in. Because, of course, it's always me. I'm the one at fault. I did something you didn't like, so I should have to pay. I'm sorry. I know I'm a bad person, I used to punish myself for this. The fire died down though....but it's coming back. This time though, I want...I want you to know I'm hurting too, I've never told you before...that you hurt me more than I've ever let you know. I'm always afraid you won't care...which is why I always give in. I give in to the fights, because I care about you, and I don't want to hurt you anymore.
But this one time...just this once, I want to you care about me too? Do you love me...or not? Are we friends,...aren't we? I always thought heart is starting to weaken, and the heat is growing hotter still..
You know I love you dearly, you know I don't mean to hurt you...but do you like hurting me?..I have to know. |
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Thursday, July 1, 2004
GAAAH! There's this fly...that keeps flying around my head, and near my mouth. I think it wants to get eaten or something, stupid suicidal fly!
Anyways, onto other things. You see, I tried out for a special group at school called Swing Choir, where we dance and sing and all that jazzie jazz, but unfortunately, I have a problem. We are performing in a summer time thing on July 30th, and we're supposed to practice starting the 12th, Monday-Thursday, from 9-12 p.m. I'm not going to be able to do this, considering I'm going to be busy all July, and so, I've e-mailed our teach, Mrs. Cowan.
I'm honestly afraid she's going to kick me off for this, but she didn't give us much warning. We got the e-mail on July 1st, and I just don't think that's enough time to prepare and rearrange your entire summer schedule.
*Sigh* Oh well, let's just pray I get to stay on. v.v |
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Monday, June 28, 2004
I'm not sure if I already put all these on here or not, but I have a feeling I did. I'm just too lazy to go back and check.^^() If I haven't, here they are!
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
As the title says, I'm bored! I'm listening and exchanging moosic with Des, and sitting in this new Furcadia thing doing basically nothing. Other than that, there's nada to do.
What I want to do is go to a friends house and hang out, and watch scary movies and cook!^^() I love doing that, and listen to music and play video games, and walk to Quik Trip, gosh I miss those days.Oo
Oh well, how do ya'll like my new layout? Is blue better? It's supposed to be a cheerful blue, not blue. If that makes any sense to you at all, congratulations.^^
Well, I'm off, tata! |
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Saturday, June 26, 2004
-Sere, I love you, and I wish you well.- dance recital went well, though it's been a while.oo I got the DVD of it today, and as usual, I hate watching myself dance.
My Dad is rebuilding the back fence, a section of it got knocked over in one of our many Okie storms. It's funny, cause after he put up the last post, he was about to climb back over when he saw our little dog Sammy over in the neighbors yard with. So he goes to get my brother, tells him he needs to hand "something" to him over the fence, then lifts up Sammy and hands her to him. It was a cute story.
I've gotten into this thing called Furcadia now, don't know why, I guess I'm just bored.Oo
I got up from bed last night to go to the bathroom, and something flew at my face, and I slamed back against the wall. I thought there was some mini jet in my bathroom divebombing me, and it turns out and was just a really big moth.Oo I've never been divebombed by a moth before, so it was a little unusual.
Other than that, not much going on. Blah, tata. |
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
Long Time.Oo
Well, it's been quite a while since I've posted here, or anywhere for that matter. I really haven't been online much, but lately I've become bored and decided to return.
Not much has happened really, except the end of my freshman year. I really enjoyed 9th Grade, and I already miss it.T.T Maybe my Sophmore year will be even better, but first I have to make it through the summer. Onto something else though. My dance recital is finally coming up, May 28th! I'm doing two hip hop dances and one ballet dance, oh it's going to be fun! Also, I made Swing Choir! As some of you have known, I've been in Choir since 6th grade, plus my music class elementary years, and I've been dancing for around 3 years. Combining the two things I enjoy most is wonderful. I honestly can't believek I made it, considering it's an advanced class for mostly juniors and senoirs. This is actually going to be the first year they are doing it as a class, before this it's always been an afterschool activity. Can't wait, but I can't say I won't miss being in the regular choir.
Well, not much else has really happened lately, at least nothing extremly important, so I guess I'll finish up this post with a smiley.:P |
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Friday, January 23, 2004
Time for Quiz results, fun fun.^^
Time for Quiz results, fun fun.^^
 What Snack Food are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 What Finding Nemo Character are You? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are one of the few out there whose wings are truly ANGELIC. Selfless, powerful, and divine, you are one blessed with a certain cosmic grace. You are unequalled in peacefulness, love, and beauty. As a Being of Light your wings are massive and a soft white or silver. Countless feathers grace them and radiate the light within you for all the world to see. You are a defender, protector, and caretaker. Comforter of the weak and forgiver of the wrong, chances are you are taken advantage of once in awhile, maybe quite often. But your innocence and wisdom sees the good in everyone and so this mistreatment does not make you colder. Merciful to the extreme, you will try to help misguided souls find themselves and peace. However not all Angelics allow themselves to be gotten the better of - the Seraphim for example will be driven to fighting for the sake of Justice and protection of those less powerful. Congratulations - and don't ever change - the world needs more people like you.
*~*~*Claim Your Wings - Pics and Long Answers*~*~* brought to you by Quizilla
 Butterfly Fairy: Congratulations you are the butterfly fairy! You live within the flowery meadows of Ireland. You have a strong everlasting bond with the butterflys, you protect them from any danger as they also protect you.
Fairy categorization: Which elemental fairy are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You're chocolate. You're the old soul type, people feel that they have known you their entire life. Many often open up to you for they view you as thoughtful and trustworthy. Although people trust you, you have a hard time trusting them. You prefer to keep your feelings bottled up inside, or display them very quietly. It is alright to open up every once in a while.
Which kind of candy are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 Weapons are not your thing. You would prefer to pummel your opponent to death with your fists and feet. You show a lot of Honor but some power still eludes you. I can give you this power, I can make you stronger, join me.
How would you Murder? brought to you by Quizilla
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