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Friday, July 15, 2005
"And then you smiled for a second..."
Ive been loosing sleep lately. I cant seem to get to sleep until about 2 or 3 in the morning. Until then my mind is restless. Racing with thoughts. I cant even remember all of them. I just remember wanting to sleep.
I get to sleep eventually.
More later... maybe... Cant think of what else to say at the moment.
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Saturday, July 9, 2005
And the wind is blowing like its the end of the world you said...
Today has been a pretty neutral, low key day. I talked to Sameji for about two minutes before she left. Hopefully she'll call again...from wherever she's going. Its already bad enough I haven't seen her in forever.
Thats it for now... i may come and post a little more if i find anything else i'd like to say, but I wouldnt count on it.
Short and sweet for now.
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And then I came back...
Yeah... its been a long time since ive posted here. I had to fix up my trainwreck of a page.
Things havent changed too much. Exept maybe for my emotions...I see myself as a happy nervous wreck. Panic attacks and such.
At least im happy...?
Well...hopefully I havent been forgotten. I plan to come here more often like i used to.
Thats about it for now...
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Thursday, September 30, 2004
Hmmm. . .
I just barely got 300 visits.
I think i have had this little page for 1/3 of a year now. Obviously i don't do much with it. Anyways... i feel sorry for Sameji. I think she is grounded for a couple of weeks. Saddening.
Bleah. My crappiness drawings. Everyone I have shown them to (I was forced btw) has said they look beautifu, and that I draw well, but I think they're ugly. I would show them to you, but I dun have a scanner, and I also wouldn't want to blind you.
Ahh well... I must get going. Why you ask?
Im still trying to figure that out for myself, But i'll be very happy to tell you when I do.
 Your eye color is dark blue. You rely on your logic solely, and may have more mature interests than many of your friends and family your age. You can sometimes also be interverted and lonely from a lack of understanding with people, and can be rather frustrated with some types of folke. Some may describe you as cold and distant, and you are honest with how you feel about things.
What Color Eyes Should You Have? ( With Anime Pictures ^-^ ) brought to you by Quizilla
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Monday, September 27, 2004
Sometimes I'm dreaming.
Bleah. Chasing a fat angry cat around the house isnt the best thing to do on days like this.
Well... I suppose its not the best thing to do on any day. Poor kitty. He was so scared. Hiding in the dark. I had to pull him out from under the table as he was scurriying to get away, and clawing at me at the same time.
Other than that, I had a good day. But now i must go and do homework.
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Saturday, September 25, 2004
hmm... today has been okay... i wasnt home for the majority of the day though... I suppose its good to get out, but most of the time i like being at home.
Bleah. Sinus congestion is no fun. I've been drowning it out with music. it helps a lot.
Ahh well... i will end this post now because i feel that i have been rambling on.
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Friday, September 24, 2004
Heylo *waves arms frantically*
Ack. Pep-rallies aren't my thing.
I know they're supposed to make you have "school spirit" but i dont think a mob of people screaming out things I can hardly understand gives me anymore "spirit" than I had before(if there was any at all o.0;). *sigh* I'll never get those things.
Aaanyways. Yay! Its Friday, and i can rest.
ahh well.... later.
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Monday, September 20, 2004
Yeah... its 7 a.m.
Im not very sure why i wanted to post so early, but here i am. ^^;
I finally have a background piccy. Yes, it is a bit odd,and although it is an album cover I still <3 it. I was getting tired of the plain black background.
Anyways... i must be going.
Much luff,
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
Such a beautiful story.
Today Sameji and I wrote a story over AIM. I believe she has posted it on her pagey-ness page, so if you'd like to read it I suggest you read it over there. *points in Sameji's general direction*
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Monday, September 13, 2004
o.0 so sleepy. . .
Maybe im sick, or maybe i havent getting enough sleep.
All i know is im sleepy. It was probably cause that night i woke up around two cause i left my computer on playing music (Bright Eyes if you'd like to know.) and i couldn't go back to sleep.
ahh well... enough complaints. No one likes those, eh?
Well lets see. *thinks*
Oh. i know what to tell ya.
I got two cats yesterday. ^^ Their names are Tippy and Pixie. Obviously i didnt name them, but they are very luff-able.
So. . .
Uhmm. . .
Yeah. . .
Much luff.
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