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Tuesday, September 7, 2004
oh joy.
Well... as very few of you know, tomorrow is meh birthday.
*sings happy birthday to herself*
Aaaanyways. . . yeah. Stopping in again just to say something. ^^
Later all,
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Sunday, September 5, 2004
i dont know what to say anymore.
just thought i'd stop in and say something.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
boredness kills doesn't it. .__.
Well.... hmm today i had to go find another Cure midi cause Someone decided to steal mine. =(
Aaaaanyways....today seemed just like the rest. Nothing special.
I've run out of things to say.
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Saturday, August 21, 2004
i got a new midi today. . .
Havent had one in a loong time. x.x;;
I <3 lullaby. ^w^
aanyways... yeah....i think thats it for now. . .
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Thursday, August 19, 2004
o.0 so sleepy. . .
sorry i havent come to post at all this week.
I guess ill just go over what happened since sunday. ^^
Well....Sunday me and sameji got to see the Cure preform at curiosa....and also a whole bunch of other bands , like The Rapture annd....*thinks of who else was ther* OH yeah. Mogwai and Auf Dur Maur. (if thats how you spell it.) Aaaaanyways... we didnt get back home until late, but school was starting the next day. O.o so much lost sleep over curiosa. It was worth it though!
ahh well.... this week has been boring and such...
But enough about my week. How was yours? o__O
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Thursday, August 12, 2004
Meteor shower.
Hmm. . .
This morning at about 5 i woke up to see the meteor shower. I dunno if anyone else has seen it this morning or not, but it was beautiful.
@ Choco- No, i dont think it'll be scary, but definately fun. ;-; EEP. The Cure concert... i can hardly wait. ^w^
@ Ma Jr- No, no. Nothing wrong. ^^ Im just a little impatient. x.X
@ Sameji- I could implode right about now. ;-; i want the week to end already. Itll be soo much fun. i just hope we dont get a sunburn while were there. Xp
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Three more days, and I'm growing impatient.
I can't even begin to describe to you how long this week has been for me.
Ive spent part of the week not wanting it to end, but the other part anticipating Sunday.
Why must curiosa be the day before school? ;-;
Oh well....i guess the sooner the better huh?
uhmm....well....i got a new avatar, and. . .
uhmm. . .
Yeah. ^^;
Ill try and post something more interesting next time...
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
uhmm...so yeah. im very bored right now. . .
and uhmm.....im not very sure that i have anything interesting to say right now... soo...if i figure it out ill probably come post it later. x.X
so. ehmm... yeah.
v Pfft. yeah....cool. *bursts out laughing*
 Coolness! You are a peacemaker. You are able to smooth every fight. You are neutral and you don't see just black and white.Nothing worries you, you're always cool and calm.
Why do people admire you? brought to you by Quizilla
O.o woah. <3 i luff disintegration...along with all the other albums. ^w^
Take the quiz: "Which Cure Album Are You? Part Two"
 You are DISINTEGRATION You're elegant and beautiful. You have the soul of an angel. If you're female, e-mail me!
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Saturday, August 7, 2004
Wow. O.o
(this has been yet another meaning less post by Mei)
Much luff.
 You're a "Blue Angel". You're a smarter one than most and are the more logical than anyone you know. You also have very strong morals that you stick to through it all and you'd stand up for whatever you believe in even if no one else agrees. You're a little bit shy around people but you love to be with lots of people anyway. You have appreciation for things like music or poetry or art. You yourself can sing fairly well but you don't like to sing in front of people. You're very thoughtful and people love how creative you are.
What Color Angel Are You? (PICS) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, August 5, 2004
Oh Ehm Gee.
I am so happy cause i get to go the the cure concert thingy, and i get to take Sameji with meh! For a bit i didnt really think i would get to go cause it happens to be on the night before school begins. But aaaaanyways......
*happiness* ^w^
so, ehm. . . yeah.
~Much luff~
 Fixing Things
What is your strong point?(pics) brought to you by Quizilla
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