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Member Since
Finished the game ToS, memorized everything about Itachi. Oh, yeah, I read Harry Potter Book Five in two days...
Anime Fan Since
I got interested in Naruto
Favorite Anime
Naruto Shippuden
To become a novelist or to complete my Itachi shrine!
Using the computer, playing video games, and reading.
I can play the violin and I can tell you almost anything about Uchiha Itachi.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, May 30, 2007
So, how's life, everyone? I don't
have much going on today, so...yeah. Oh, yeah, my sister's braces are blue, for ami the kunoichi to know. ^^
Actually, we had a band concert in
school today. I'm just glad that we missed half our class for it. I think we
sucked, though...You never know. Oh, yeah, the Wind Ensemble, (a group of the
band that plays on its own) had this song called Londonderry Air. If you say it
right it comes out London Derriere (I don't know if I spelled derriere right...)
Yeah, my friend Gaby kept saying that
while they played it.
Also, the Cadet Band was playing this
song that I totally loathe: Pop! Goes the Weasel. As you might know, Itachi is
weasel in Japanese... So my friends made up:
All around the mull berry bush,
the monkey chased the weasel
I cannot remember the rest of the
Pop! Goes Itachi!
My sister kept smirking at me during
that song. It isn't funny...
Oh, yeah, our mom ordered DNAngel and
we got it today. It kind of sucked. Isn't Dark supposed to like Riku in the
first place? The manga was way better...Kind of a disappointment, huh? I
accidentally got my classmate, Tim Li (It's pronounced Lee, not Lie...)
interested in DNAngel by letting him read the book while I was out practicing.
Now I have to bring the first volume to school with him...
That's practically it ^^
1 - Did you get the
Londonderry Air joke?
2 - Pop! Goes Itachi isn't
3 - Have you heard of DNAngel?
4 - Type any randomness
here!!! I s'pose.
Well, see you all around!
Comments (2) |
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Kay, Kay! It turns out that I
accidentally skipped one episode of Scrapped Princess that I really have to
watch!!! Heh, I have to watch it when she's not around...she'll go sniping at me
again. Oh, yeah, if you didn't know she got her braces today this morning...
I think my next-door neighbors are
getting into a fight. During the night I can hear them laughing like total
drunks...And their dog is totally noisy, and I can't sleep T.T Nothing much has
been going on, either.
Oh, yeah, yesterday I deleted half of
my pictures to make room for new pictures...which are mostly for my Uchiha
pictures that I love so much! ^.^ Yeah, well that's practically all that
happened today...or yesterday...Or anytime like that...
Oh, yeah, I found the 2 dollars I
lost the other day so now I officially have $56! My struggle for money
Ha, a short post XD
1 - It's boring! What about
2 - I'm $2 dollars less broke!
3 - O.o
4 - O/.\o
See you around, then!
Comments (3) |
Monday, May 28, 2007
Yay! I changed my theme to Itachi! I
reached about 131 hits, so I thank you all! ^/.\^And extra Thanks to GIDRA for
the wallpaper! And, I thank the site, (I have a link up in my profile) for the icon!
Anyway, nothing much has been going
on. I got ten bucks by serving a wedding yesterday and stuff...I think I've
summoned up enough confidence to try Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess again.
Life sucks. XD XD XD
Anyway, my sis is currently
re-watching Scrapped Princess...Oh, yeah, in Shinobi Legends I finally became
the next level except I eventually get too cocky and die because a level 2
person comes up to me and kills me. Chris is already level eleven...I've really
got to catch up!!! So, yeah. We got a lot of manga the other day. My parents
said that we have to go to Barnes and Nobles and just sit there and read the
manga instead of buying it and bringing it home. It's too late, I prefer buying
AAah, well, I found some reliable
online guides to help me in my RPGing. Sucks again. I still get stuck, though.
Oh, yeah...My friend Anna was IMing
some of my classmates...they said that she sent them a virus, but I know what
happened. She sent them a link to the virus and she said, DON'T CLICK! IT'S A
VIRUS! Too late. They clicked. John, one of my classmates, said that Anna sent
him the virus. Anna clearly said that it was a virus. Half of my class got a
virus because they didn't read.
How pathetic XD
I'm flat broke, though. I'm trying to
save up for a new game system, but so far I only have 54 dollars, including a 2
dollar bill which I don't want to spend...So technically I have 52 dollars...
1 - Do you like the new theme?
2 - Have you visited yet?
3 - Did you ever get a
computer virus?
4 - I'm broke XD
See you around!
Comments (5) |
Saturday, May 26, 2007
No Pic of the Day today....
Oh, so nothing really special happened
in the past days. I wasn't able to post yesterday because I had violin lessons.
Well, my sister and I just watched a
little Bleach and stuff when we got home from school...speaking of school:
Okay. During gym we just ran around the
field and played baseball...I suck at baseball. The pitchers are so used to
right handed people that they can't pitch right to left handed people like me!
Well, that's a good thing so it lets me get extra chances of hitting the balls.
We practically did nothing that day, I just presented my report to the judge. It
wasn't as bad as I thought it was, though.
I watched the new Naruto Shippuden
episode and I read the manga in my mom's office. I'm gonna make it white, so if
you want to see it, highlight it. This is done so that I won't spoil it for some
people if they don't want me to spoil it...which I doubt none of you want me to
do but oh well.
Kay, so the New Episode was same old...I love the genjutsu Itachi did on Naruto
in the beginning, its totally awesome! (sorry, Naruto!_!) I still hated it when
Naruto did Rasengan on Itachi-kun, even if it was a fake.
Well, in the Manga I'm feeling real suspense. I mean, I don't want my favorite
character(s) to die, do I? Well, turns out in the end, Sakura found Sasuke's
scent, Suigetsu's got a lead as to where Itachi is, and Deidara and Tobi found
someone, we just don't know who...dang, I don't want Itachi-kun to die...
Okay, that's just about it for today.
Oh, yeah, we might either see Pirates of
the Caribbean or any other movie tomorrow, so...yeah.
Happy Pentecost (if you're a Christian)
and Happy Memorial Day!
Nothing much today.
1 - Read the new Naruto Manga?
2 - Watch the new Naruto Episode?
3 - Where do you watch Naruto Episodes?
4 -Are you going to see a movie any time
See you around!
Comments (1) |
Thursday, May 24, 2007
Pic of the Day!

I give full credit to those who made
So, nothing much happened today. My
sister's out at orthodontist so I can finally post! Our family's late bloomers,
so she's just getting her braces. ^/.\^
Okay, on our bet in Shinobi Legends,
Chris won, mainly because bad luck loves me. Good luck hates me. XD That's life!
I'm still stuck as level day I'll catch up!
Well, we were supposed to present our
reports to one of the Sisters in the school, but they went in backwards
alphabetical order and my last name just happened to start with C. So, Bleh. I
guess nothing much happened, anyway. Oh, yeah, one of my friends, Melissa, gave
out these necklaces to the class for her report, and we got to keep them!
They're kinda nice, and it's not like one of the fancy ones that the other girls
Since it's Thursday, today is band day.
We just practiced songs and stuff, nothing special happened. I just found my
long, lost Clarinet Book! Finally! The unfortunate thing is that we didn't use
the books at all today. Typical, since all the songs we're playing for the
concert is only the sheet music. I plan on being at this concert this time
instead of missing it like my choir one!
That's practically all that happened
today, at least so far...
As for my Fanfiction, I got
1 - Are you considered a late bloomer?
2 - Was today boring or what?
3 - Bleh. Do you have bad luck?
4 - At least tomorrow's Friday!
See you all around!
Comments (4) |
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
If I had time, the Pic of the Day
would be here.
Okay, so sorry I wasn't able to
comment/post the past few days. I have three reasons.
1 - Nee-san hogged the computer again.
2 - My dad had to work on the computer
3 - I had an idea for a fanfiction and I
had to type it down before I completely forget.
Sorry again!!!
Well, today is when we had to hand in
our reports, and heck, I volunteered to do my oral report. I did it after lunch,
so I got to look over my notes. Unfortunately, my teacher won't let us have more
than 2 index cards for our oral report. She wants us to be able to know our
report well enough to at least look at your index card and know what to say. She
told us that the day before the project was due! I was like WTF so once I got
home I crammed 8 index cards full of facts into 2 huge index cards that my dad
gave me that day. Sucks.
As for the challenge Chris gave me on
Shinobi Legends, I think I'm going to lose. It's the three reasons above again.
^/.\^; Well, I'm level 12 and he's level 14, so it isn't so bad, is it? He says
that he keeps dying in the game, but I swear he's doing it on purpose...The
rumors are true, then...if that's a happy thing or a bad thing.
Today was Walk for Computers and
Library. Some fundraiser thing for the Library and Computers room. My mom said
that some of the money we get might be invested to the Science Lab, too...We
only had about an hour but we had to walk around more than half of the huge
parking lot. I got to about 26 laps, and Anna and I were walking. A friend of
mine started going on about how he's our personal trainer and he kept pacing us.
He's pretty annoying, but he goes on about Pokemon 'cause he hates Naruto.
During recess the usual happened. My
small group of closest friends, Anna, Caitlin, Kim and me tried to just pass the
ball to each other because we were still tired from the Walk for Computers and
Library. Instead, the boys interfered, so it ended up as Boys Vs. Girls... Oh,
yeah, and some of the boys brought out an orange from lunch and started throwing
it everywhere. It's amazing that the teacher doesn't notice these things...
And weird thing happened at lunch. Chris
pounded Ketchup in a napkin and it went spewing everywhere...XD
In our school it's a tradition for a
certain grade to do a New Jersey cake...and guess what? They skipped us. So
we're doing it, too, so ha! I'm in charge of Cumberland...XD
Oh, and that Choir Spring Concert? We
missed it. We completely forgot all about it and we missed it. How unfortunate
Like I said earlier, I had a fanfiction
idea come up. Except, its one of the kinds that has an ultra-twisted storyline
Naruto thing that only Nee-san and I know about...
I'm just going to post an excerpt. I
feel sorry for Naruto, but it was the best way that I could do it. Naruto's just
falling for Sasuke and Sasuke's not like the Sasuke we know, so...just read.
The young Uchiha looks
up; he notices how embarrassing close Naruto was sitting next to him. He cries
out in embarrassment. Naruto groans, and then moves back to his original
position. Sasuke sighs, believing that if his friend were to do that again he
wouldn’t hesitate to draw a picture with the Kitsune boy’s head cleanly chopped
off and on the ground...with blood spewing everywhere and –
“Ah!” Sasuke blinks. A
deadly scene, set before him.
The Kitsune boy’s head
cleanly chopped off and on the ground...with blood spewing everywhere...
buries his face in his hands, knowing what he has done wrong.
As I said, I feel sorry
for Naruto!
1 - Any projects?
2 - Is your family
3 - Can you bake?
(complete no for me)
4 - What do you think of
the short excerpt?
Well, that's all!
See you all around!
Oh, yeah, forgot...
I'm too lazy to go back and fix this...
Well, yesterday my sister and I took 25
minutes to read the Declaration of Independence. I read some of it, my sister
read some of it. I read it directly from a copy of the Declaration, and my sis
read it from her Social Studies book.
I kept complaining on how I couldn't
read Thomas Jefferson's handwriting - His 's' looked like 'f'
He's got fancy and great handwriting...a
bit too much, because I couldn't read it...
See you all around again!
Comments (1) |
Monday, May 21, 2007
Pic of the Day

I give full credit to those who
draw these pictures!
At least we have no school today...
^/.\^ Our teachers have something that they have to do today, so no school! I
spent practically all morning re-watching some of my favorite Naruto Episodes...
all of them including Itachi-kun!
Speaking of Anime, I saw a little bit of
Akira. It was weird, so I decided to stop watching...if you thought that the
movie was good and you watched the entire thing, fill me in on what I missed!
I'm letting my sister borrow my DS for
her class trip tomorrow. I have to recharge it, though.
Yesterday I got the new Linkin Park CD!
Minutes To Midnight! I'm so happy!
There's really nothing special happening
again today...Oh, yeah, I need to call my friend Anna that I left a needed wire
for my Wii at her, I can't play the Wii until I get that back. Why
am I so forgetful???
Oh, well.
Sorry that I don't have much to talk
about today...
1 - Do you have the new Linkin Park CD?
2 - Do you think I should have watched
3 - I'm forgetful, aren't I?
4 - What do you think of the Pic of the
See you, then!
Comments (2) |
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Sorry, No Pic of the Day Today...
Hey, what's up? Yesterday was pretty
normal...I guess.
Okay, practically two life-changing
things happened yesterday. Okay, they weren't life-changing but they were... Uh,
my Anime life changing life changing. I've got to stop this.
Okay, so first I found a guide for the
tough game of Tales of Phantasia on the Internet. I was stuck in this maze-like
place and I had no idea where to go, so naturally you'd turn to a guide, right?
I was stuck in that place for a looong time. You had five days to get to the
boss or else you wouldn't get 10,000 gald (the currency in the Game). Screw the
prize. By fighting pretty much all the monsters in the place I earned more money
that anyone would have gotten, so HA! Oh well, at least I memorize my way
through and now I can FINALLY continue my Tales streak.
And, I watched Scrapped Princess
yesterday. The last episodes were kind of freaky, but I knew something like that
was going to happen. I'm just mad that Cz died. It was a really great anime.
My mom ordered a new one, and it's here.
I'm not sure if I should watch it or not, so I'm asking you. It's called Akira
and maybe you heard of it.
Nothing else really happened that day.
Continuing my rant about Tales of
Phantasia, one character named Mint is giving me a migrane. She does NOTHING and
she's supposed to be a healer. She doesn't heal until we're almost dead. Like 15
health left and we have about 4000 health each. Man, we suck.
Speaking of RPGs, my sister is playing
Lunar Dragon Song. Ever heard of that game? It's really good, except for the
fact that it's freakin' hard. I guess the music makes up for that, though.
Another game is Baten Kaitos: Eternal
Wings and the Lost Ocean...I think it's called that. I still haven't beaten that
one, yet.
And there's Trace Memory for DS. I'm
And there's Legend of Zelda Twilight
Princess...I'm freakin' freaked of that game!
I'm in an RPG craziness....
Fanfiction...I got nothin'.
Questions (There's more than
1 - Any tips for the RPGs up there?
2 - Should I watch Akira or not?
3 - Favorite RPG (If you play one)
4 - Have you ever heard of Tales of
Well, see you people!
Comments (3) |
Friday, May 18, 2007
Pic Of The Day

I give all credit to those who make these
Intro and Life
Okay, today was pretty normal... NOTHING
happened, really. On Shinobi Legends Chris and I challenged each other to see
who could beat Orochimaru first and become the next level of Genin...He's
winning, but I still have some tricks!
Well, after school we went to our mom's
office and watch Naruto Shippuden. I skipped some parts, because I wanted to see
Itachi's freaky genjutsu, but it turns out that they're going to show it next
Right after that I had to go to my
violin lessons. It's that time of year again, when a piano player helps us
practice for the yearly recital. I'm playing Concertino by Rieding...and
everyone is going to play Toy Symphony together. It sounds weird because my
teacher, who is a kid at heart, hands out random noise makers and she tells them
when to play them... It sounds weird XD. My classmate Tim also has the same
teacher as me and he's playing Spring by Vivaldi. Lucky, but at the time I
really wanted to play Concertino.
The unfortunate thing is, though, is
that this recital takes place on Itachi's much for the party I
planned for him!
I have other concerts, too...we have our
Spring Concert in Choir and our Band Spring Concert some time soon...Sucks. In
choir we have to sing some songs that our Choir Teacher, Mr. Jules thinks that
we enjoyed especially throughout the year,, Prepare Ye, Good News
(which we really don't like, actually), See Gethsemane, and the traditional
God's Critters...
Ah, well.
If you didn't read the new Naruto manga,
and you don't want me to spoil it for you, then don't highlight the
Okay, so in the Naruto Manga Team Hebi, Sasuke's team went off to one of
Sasuke's old acquaintances...some cat people. And when I say that, I don't mean
Neko. I mean real cats that talk. Meanwhile in Naruto's group, they chose Team 8
to go with them to capture (NO!) Itachi...and meanwhile in the Akatsuki, Deidara
is really mad...he wants revenge on Naruto for punching him, he wants revenge on
Kakashi for blowing his arm off, and he's mad that Sasuke killed Orochimaru when
he was supposed to. Tobi - Aw, maaaaaan!
Whenever someone mentions Itachi to Sasuke or Sasuke to Itachi they get really
So, that's it...
I'm still going over in my head what the
freaking heck is going on in my new fanfiction. Some time I'll try to get out of
Fanfiction Writer's block. Funny...whenever I have writer's block with my novel
I'm on a blast with my fanfiction and vice versa. Fate hates me XD
1 - Did you read the new Naruto Manga?
2 - Did you see the new Naruto Shippuden
Episode Four?
3 - Any concerts of any sort coming up
for you?
4 - How do you like the Pic of the Day?
Comments (1) |
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Pic of the Day!!!

Okay, our parents brought us to New York
City to go to the museum which I just went to two days ago. That's cheap. We
didn't see much of the museum, mostly just a freaky IMAX show about Cosmic
Collisions... It showed something about how space collisions created our moon,
keeps our Sun fueled, ended the Age of Dinosaurs, and how in many billion years
from now one galaxy would collide with ours and create a whole new bigger
I found it freaky.
Oh, well. We went to Chinatown again,
and there was an anime shop that was unfortunately closed. Oh, well...
We spent half our day there in's sort of annoying, but thanks to that I have some new ideas in my
head that will begin to process...when I get time to think.
A weird story in the subways... it was
kind of depressing. Some dude left his suitcase in the subway, so security got
the dude and stuff, but they forced us out of the train. My mom made us walk
someplace in front of the train, and I seriously thought, shouldn't we get in?
But, no, soon enough the door closes in
our faces O/.\o
I seriously wanted to go to a manga
store today, but my dreams were all failure.
I still have to get my dad to write
Psalms in my trifold. How hard is that?
Kay, so I had an idea for fanfiction the
subway...Since I can't process anything else except Uchihacest at the moment,
its Uchihacest...srry everything else in the world!
All I know for sure right now is that it
takes place in modern times...mostly focused on Itachi at first but Sasuke is
going to come in...eventually. I'm going to start my summary on this in school
when its too hot to do anything else...
I'm I can't think
of any questions...
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