Picture of the Day!

Introduction/My Life
Okay, what's up? I've decided that I'm
going to change my theme when my hits rise up to 200 or when I get some more
guestbook signs. The theme might be Deidara or Akatsuki or maybe something else.
Anyway, I'm supposed to serve
Confirmation today. Oh, yeah, ami the kunoichi you don't have to worry about
what Confirmation is unless your Christian.
Right now I'm totally waiting for the
next Scrapped Princess volume to come...and for hack://Roots to come, too. Once
I already finish watching those two animes I'll need some more suggestions for
animes to watch...like the short ones that are only like 26 Episodes. I'm also
waiting for the new Naruto Shippuden Manga to come out on Saiyanisland....I need
to see if Itachi lives or not...and whoever kills him I shall curse for all
I hope you enjoyed my friend's
Well, what happened at school was
nothing, really. We had to dress up for school. Luckily, the shoes that I wore
weren't uncomfortable ^/.\^ Personally, though, I hate high-heels. They're so
annoying!!! We practically did nothing in class, especially in the afternoon.
Our teacher let us watch some videos on youtube as long as it wasn't
At least we don't have school tomorrow.
I've got to hurry with this post...
I've decided to quit writing a few
fanfiction. A part of my mind was beginning to focus on other ideas popping up
in my head. For some reason I'm only interested in writing Uchihacest since I
really only finish those kinds of writing.
Anyway, I won't be able to post some of
my novel here until I get my life settled out... Yeah.
1 - What did you do today?
2 - Any anime that you want to suggest?
3 - What should my new theme be?
4 - What do you think of the Pic of the