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Friday, September 24, 2004
da da dan...
con is today. wasn't able to access my computer yesterday. will be gone all weekend. talked my uncle out of another $100. mom took it form me. i bretter get that back today. have a feild trip i am going on today, haven't done any homework, and my parentts are letting my brother skip today. i didn't ge to skip my hazing. damn parentsd playing favorites. anyway i do feel better, hisui i know you said something and i meant to put that, and yes chickenbuger i do see the hidden meaning... interesting is it not.
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
fine then
don't like my bunny boy..... like it matter cause i like him... he is very pretty.... anyway was carried around got tones of hugs and had ppl sign a paper to show they love me. my arm still hurts it's still cold and i was sick this morning.
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Wednesday, September 22, 2004
oh yes and i must share the prettyness with you all
for de girls: 
and for de boys:
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ok it is very early and i am very awake but the only thing i want is to not freexe to death *shivers* stupid cold weather. anyway i have to miss lion cub day for feild trip which sucks but it is to the elementary school and i love going to help there so i am ok. a freshy picked on me, and now my arm is bruised, but i hit him contuniously for 3 minutes so again i'm good. my friend has been misssing for 3 days now. her grandfather died and her family went to his funral which i believe is out of state.... i miss her.
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Tuesday, September 21, 2004
so any have beaten me today
number 1??? *have assed cheer* lol any way am totally awake today and don't even care the i have school. do how ever wanna know hiw it is that ppl can read my emotions even over the internet and im's. am i that transparent? it's kinda creepy the way someone i haven't seen all day can pm me and just by reading what i write determine who i feel. i mean the only difference i notice is when i am really hyper other then that everyone normally gets a standard hi. it's confusing T___T
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Monday, September 20, 2004
*deep breathe*
ok so both of my hands hurt. it is really early and one of the friends i have not talked to in a long time is actually on. i have 3 test today and stayed up thil 1 doing homework. 5 days til the con and eeryone is excited. gtg
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
1st.... yeah i just wanted to do that, anyway nothing to say
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Saturday, September 18, 2004
GOT ANOTHER $100 *jumps around* ow..... i rolled over my toe.... poor toe.... anyway i have pasted most of my cranky mode with a little left for this *deep breathe* STRANGENESS DON'T MAKE ME HURT YOU OR WORSE!!!!.... ik i feel better
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it's early
i'm about to hit the sack i am tired and sick so i'm not doing or posting much now. no school we flooded out... yay!!! slept alot and read some, talked to friends gonna get some more con money tomorrow. now for earlier questiona and comments: no everyone is praying for a flood so i am just one in the crowd, no i don't live near the coast where ivan hit we just get the rain her, and yes i know no school it was great. that's it i think. sleep time.
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Thursday, September 16, 2004
too early
to early to be awake i went to bed late and now i can't wake up. i didn't have to wake justin up at least. i did nothing yesterday not at home not at school. i did end up leaving one of my friends but cause he was not paying attention to me and i had other stuff to do. i told him bye but i don't know if he heard me. IMPORTANT: you all have to pay that i flood here, they think it might, it doesn't have to be a large flood just big enough to close the school
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