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Thursday, September 2, 2004
feild trip
yay!!!!!!! and i have found flaws in the drees code.... i love to do that..... got yelled at several times yesterday but no worries i got comforted by my lovely guys even more then i was yelled at. eep... gotta get my monwy.... $20 for lunch $20 for lunch *dances off*
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Wednesday, September 1, 2004
pictures for nicole

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look so cute *jumps around for joy* 
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ok ok
yesterdays post seemed to confuse most of you. let me explain. yesterday i got so very bored i decided to go walking, i couldn't get anyone to come so i went alone. partway throuht my wak i ran into an old friend and sseh walked and talked with me. well as we were both spliting uo to head home i gave her my traditiona goodbye hug that everyone get at that point she leaned over and kissed my full on the lips. now i am very confused cause well yeah she kissed me.
now that i have explained that i had the best day yesterday at the open house oddly enough. i wandered around the school in an apron and sicks talking to and helping random ppl. plus i got food, sweets.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
i gotta kiss
kisses are great everyone loves to receive them but not when they ar from your friends and they mean it. not the same guy but a girl. it was weird...... i don't know what to do... i'm gonna lose all my friends at this rate... (and no yall don't know her shasta ans nicole)
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Monday, August 30, 2004
early early
i had a nightmare and woke up seriously thinking i'm still alive, score. i don't know how all the things linked up but somehow eveything did and there was some lunatic trying to kill me. probably shouldn't go to bed angry anymore. woke up just as i was being comforted in my dream...... want comfort.... was scared T____T
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Sunday, August 29, 2004
they woke me up.........
Z_Z but that doesn't matter i was cool with it cause they came with offerings. food........ mmmm...... slept pretty well, had a dream.... love dreaming they are always so weird.....
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ok ok
yeah so i wanted to be the first one to post tonight that i know of but i was beaten by fallen. eh... no worries. my day yesterday went up hill really fast. aside form the fact that my guy i avoiding me *cry* things have been great. only thing i am having trouble with is one of my friends has told one of my other friends he has a large crush on me. of course being a gossip i was told and i don't know waht to make of it. my thoughts if he really liked me he would tell me, he tells me everything else like that he still liked his ex. adn then why would he go out and get a gf is he liked me.... @_@ have confusd myself. i think i am going to pretend to not know unless he says something 0_0 then what do i do he is sweet and all but he is a friend...... ah... i have upset myself.... help?
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Saturday, August 28, 2004
11 am
yep that is the time and sadly enough i already hate everyone today. the fact is at the moment i believe that ppl in genral suck.maybe it is cause i can't get a hold of my rob (i think he is avoiding me) or that in all likely hoods i can't go to a friends party (cause her stupid ass ijvited me and gave me no information cept that is today) hemm........ *beats head on desk* my life sucks.........
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Friday, August 27, 2004
*pills desk with pillows and crashes* today wasn't that bad i got extra credit in classes made up work and done little to nothing..... am kind of tired.... so yep..... *naps at desk*
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