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Friday, August 27, 2004
being good
yesterday i went to the red bank soddy game. it was fun then i stayed up til 12:30. it is now 6:30 on a friday and a senior skip day as well. daddy was going to let me stay home being that i am a senior but i have used all my will power to get up. leaving soon and i am going to be able to handle this.
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Thursday, August 26, 2004
i hate my family............. they all suck......... why must the destroy my happy place?????????? wah............. they will all regret this one day....... they will be toutured and stuffed in a closet were they will die slowly and horribly......... see what happen when my happy place is messed with???? i turn evil now they must die *laughs and wander toward family quietly with a rope and gag hidden behind back*
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early early
6:30, my rideis almost here....... grr......school.anyway i am full awke right now and am going to be dieing when my tea wears off. i have to be awke though because i have to apologize for telling a friend i realy hate him punching him and thenignoring him.
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Wednesday, August 25, 2004
piccys for nicole
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it is 6:42 so i have little time i will post about my day and yesterday later on. still sleepy. school is an evil prison. ^__^ burn them all. hehe burn them!!!!! and going to chang e my background and stuff again. it's gonna be kurama, he is so pretty.
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Tuesday, August 24, 2004
i feel so alone. no one will talk to me and my sites are frozen right now...... all of them T____T.... not cool
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Monday, August 23, 2004
NO SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
i didn't have to go........... my parents didn't realize that i was at home til 12:00 and by then it was to late. my parents are stupid.
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
i don't know
i really can't figure out how i feel right now. i guess i am bored and apathic. it is already sunday and i will have to get up tomorrow and do homework today. i will do my homework.... i think.... oh' what do you think of my new set up?
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Friday, August 20, 2004
ok so the pink was the color that showed up the best for right now. i will change the background so that the writting will show up better but right now the computer isn't working all that great so i will do it later.
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dang the week is suddenly gone. i can't figure out what happened to it. it just wnet missing.... well lets see took a bunch of stuff to get lose my headache. don't know what all i took but my head ache doesn't want to go way so it is just a dizzy throb causer of all the pills. happy but can't eat. went to the mall, had fun. wloving the pep rally maybe this year i will have pep. at least is i keep on such a sugar high as i havce the past two weeks.welp it is thundering gtg.
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