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Monday, January 31, 2005
beautiful loved and moving
today i live the over the week end the power was oit and all i did was sleep. i got to see meet the fackers and went mall trolling on friday. but being trapped in my house for tow days will kill a normal person. i made up for it by dyeing my brother's hair green with my left over dye (totally vegan no animals harmed) and movies. i did break just a bit late last night but was assured several times over that i was majorly loved. not by my family however cause they suck ass but but my friends. i love all my friends. |
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Saturday, January 29, 2005
it early and everything is coated in a layer of ice. the plants out the window have one at least and inch thick. i told weirdo it was cold last night. yesterday i went to the mall shopping looking at prom dresses out to eat and to the movies. today i hace my newphew's birthday party, he turns two. and tomorrow i don't know what i have but i will find something. |
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Friday, January 28, 2005
lovely lovely friday
i get to go out to the movies today and then there's no school tomorrow and i'm weaing my bell socks. i do have a bio test, if your a prayer i'm going to need then, bio is my worst subject. but i get to go see hide and seek so i can do this. heres the deal on the lockers they are all my friends plus mine. i got them cause i asked my frineds to let me use them. the combo's i don't all remeber they are written doen in my notebook because i don't have to remember them i have the lockers opened for me. i didn't get to sites yesterday but ya know sorry. loves you all. |
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Thursday, January 27, 2005
sorry sorry sorry
ok so i know i haven't been on but i don't have much time to spend anymore. my brother got a refural and after staying gone for allomst a weeek has to come straight home. that means tha i have maybe one or two hours on. me and my friend did make up that was good. and i got another locker at school that makes 7 lockers that i can use and get into. that makes me feel special. anyway love to all i will try and get to sites today. maybe justinwill get lost on his way home *crosses fingers hopeing* oh yeah i figure i made spelling and gammar mistakes, don't point those out to me. |
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Monday, January 24, 2005
like almost exactly 12 am
hey dittle dittle the cat and the fittle the cow jumped over the moon the little dog laughed to see such a sight and the dish ran away with the spoon, it's early i'm sleepy and have been promised a trip to canada were i will be spoiled. in other news me and my friend aren't talking and the only thing about that that bothers me is she has my stuff and was my ride to and from school. oh well i will figure things out. damn melodramatic bitch. can i say that will i get in troulbe for that? oh well night night. |
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Friday, January 21, 2005
*dances around singing*
"ding dong the witch is dead! which old witch? the wicked witch! ding dong the wicked witch is dead!"
yeah i have been humming and randomly singing that since my parents threatened to kill each other. i know that is kinda mean but yeah there it is. i don't think i hate mom that much and i know i don't dad but it won't go away. she scares me kinda like the witch did the munchkins and rules me about the same. she has been getting worse he bruised my brothers arm pretty bad today yesterday what ever and if she is willing to hurt her baby boy then only god knows what she would try to do to me. that's kinda frightening. everyone wants me out of here, and it is not that don't want out cause i do but i don't think i will ever be able to find a way or actually get out aside form death. and no i'm not going to kill myself. |
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Wednesday, January 19, 2005
i'm sick i'm tired and i haven't been able to concentrate. i hste cold whether. i have work that i am getting behind on and no one will leave me in peace. i am not having a good time. Da er det faktum som jeg drømt om en av mine venner. han har et knuser på meg og det lager det akkurat verre årsak det betyr at min motstand dør. .... er alle suger. T___T damn you all. |
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Tuesday, January 18, 2005
early in the morning
rising to my feet, light me up a cigarette and i strap shoes to my feet..... *singing* i had a good weekend though i didn't do my homework. am hoping for a good day today. i don't know i just hung out all weekend but still. going to go wat and kill time cause i have nothing to say to you ppl grr... no i'm joking i just have a void mind ^_^ |
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Monday, January 17, 2005
i happy and hyper and have like this much energy *hold arms out as wide as they will go* and i have no one to play with me................... where are all my fun ppl? they half died and i am all alone at 11:30pm on a sunday when i havve to rise early tomorrow and can't sleep cause i am hyper............. AND WANTS PPL!
tis me >   
.... have the energy of them all tis me when the sugar goes bye bye > is right i am the pink one |
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Friday, January 14, 2005
mornings mornings
i don't think i am sleepy but i know i am not totally wake. i'm glad it's friday and i don't really care about today. i'm eating breakfast just like i have for the past few days cause i promised i would eat.i'll go to school and everything will be the same. i plan on spending as much of today coloring as i can.then i have to go to my schools step competion yay! i wanna just go back to bed rollover and die. which is what makes dolls fun see my new one > |
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