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Friday, December 3, 2004
morning morning
lalalalalala.... ok now that that is out of me. it is 6:30 and i am awake. why cause school and cause i woke an hour ago unable to breathe. am still on the task of raising my little brother from his sleep. is hard. last night all i wanted to do was crawl under a rock and stay. but mega wouldn't let me. they forced me to eat food and then stayed with me til i had no choice but to sleep. sleep is my friend. that's what i want to do for the rest of today. anyway today i start my evil ta.... *is enterupted by mom wanting cofee. makes the coffe, spits init like normal, delivers it* ok now then. i start my evil task today. but i can't say what it is cause he might be here among you and find out. ^_____^ will tell you all after i am done. |
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Thursday, December 2, 2004
it's not fair
the day after i give blood i am really tired and feeel sick. today is that day. daddy was going to let me stay home. mom won't mom would let justin. and what is with her wanting to take me to get adoral (sp?) and not willing to take my brother he is worse then me. i only get hyperactive when i have had alot of sugar like any normal person would. it's just not fair. oh well enough whinning yesterday i haelped shasta on her pyhsics and it wasn't that bad. i couldn't seem to get it perfect and that bothered me but i got food so i'm good. sorry about the name thing darkeangel it is to early to get right all the time. and photo of me...

an the one in front. whacha thing? i don't like it.... but halloween was fun. |
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Wednesday, December 1, 2004
fun fun
today i am setting up an ambush. but you can't just ambush ppl it akes planning and the right mood. well i am in the mood. food really does help. waffles eggs sausage hot chocolate and candy. today shall bite forever one. now yesterday was fun to. toward the end i did get kinda cranky. but i solved that by yelling at a friend, he had been not talking to me anyway. i do really fear that what i said will push him over the edge though. hope it doesn't but that still doesn't take away form my ebjoyment of messing with him. and now i got to leave. love you all bunches. and darkeangle sorry love you bunches more. |
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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
in the news dor toady.
it's likely someone was shot acoupled died there was fire...... but you know what haha to them. it is really early and i am kinda sleepy. but not much mind you. i want to tell you all that i love you all. there are 2 exceptions to this... inu500 if you were being mean to me and meant bad special i will end up crying. and darkeangel T______T why you gotta tease me? by the way i got my burger king and dyed my hair green green and finished shastas movies. |
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Sunday, November 28, 2004
ok so i didn't get my burger king because he is evil and doesn't eat burger king... he says "its lower then dirt" ....not a direct quote. but i did talk him into wandering the mall going out to eat and going to the movies. the movie was ok we watched national treasure cause he wouldn't let me watch the grudge. he said "a horror movie is not good unless it is rated r cause it doesn't have enough blood" ... still not a direct quote.... i have a creative license, and can't spell what he said. it was an ok movie now today all i have to do is get in contact with nikki meggy and maybe jimmy. oh yeah it is noon i got up at 11:45 go me still before 12 and my breakfast is.... CANDY!!!!!!!!!! GO CANDY IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!! ^___^ ok so it's not but still ^____________^ |
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Saturday, November 27, 2004
am going out today
have finally managed to talk to dude and he says that he will take me out today like he said he would. the said things is he won't let us go to burger king.... i want burger king *pouts*..... anyway the thing that i find weird is that shasta said when her and dude were dating she paid for a majority of theings and he won't let me pay for anything really. anyway i have talked him into wandering downtown with me. it is now 10 and i got up on my own cause i don't know whe we are going out and cause i wasn't sleepy. watch me get sleepy and fall asleep on dude as he is taking me somewhere. man would he not like that. to clarify i am NOT dating dude we are just friends. and i still want burger king. i am going to tryu and get ahold of nikki and meggy and see if they will take me on sunday. then the 3 of us will dye my hair neo green. or i will drag jimmy to the park woth me cause he agreed to go. |
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Friday, November 26, 2004
am tired sleepy and hurting... sent 2 days at granny's and come home to find my computer messed up.... i need a long long nap. |
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Tuesday, November 23, 2004
i don't really have anything to say o don't really hae a mood. news... lets see news.... almost thanksgiving break have a test today and will be painting. my senior paper is due. haven't totally finished it but i don't have much left so i'm not worried. |
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Monday, November 22, 2004
can't think of one
ok let me see... quick quick... looken cute, feelen cute, playing dress up in blacks greys and silvers. actually made progress no matter how small on my school work. thanksgiving soon.. money tuesday and no school after tuesday til next monday. oh yeah giving jimmy's hat back today. ok now on yesterdays note. my feelings have been going haywire, that is why i am down cause i can't control it. am happy mad sad everything at once and that is also why my heart hurts cause that is the way it feels when i am sad or have done something bad and he can't tell if i have or not so it just hurts constantly. am happy at the moment |
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Sunday, November 21, 2004
has tried really hard to pull out of my resent depression. ended uo happy for 5 hours and now it's worse. i know because until now i have still wanted to eat and get up. now i don't ever wanna get out of my bed and have totally lost my apetite. and is it bad that my heart feels like it's being crushed? i don't know why i had a sudden regression but i can't get out. i need help it had gotten so bad my parents are actually started to notice something is wrong..... |
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