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myOtaku.com: Memaki

Tuesday, July 6, 2004

pg 2
Lying there in my room quietly was one of the hardest things I had to do. I was so ready to get up and leave. I wanted to check to see if my parents were asleep every second. But I knew that is I got up then they would be sure to keep an eye on me to make sure I actually slept. After what felt like hours I finally allowed myself to get up and check on my parents. Their door was shut but I could hear voices. I slowly crept closer to their door. They were awake and they were talking about me none the less. It appeared that my history teacher had told on me about sleeping in her class. I listened only for a little while and then went back to my room. This time as I lay there on my bed at least I had something besides what I was planning on doing tonight to think about. I was able to think of way to get Mrs. K back for telling. Of course the actions that I took against her were all centered on what my parents decided to do to me. If they did little or nothing then my actions would be small. If it was a large punishment or a lecture then it had to be something big. I lay there for sometime after I had bored myself with ways of getting back at Mrs. K. it felt like I had laid there looking up at the ceiling for hours but in truth it had only been about forty five minutes. I get up once again and o to check on my parents. This time they were asleep. Finally I think to myself as I head back to my room and get dressed in my gothic queen outfit. I gaze at myself in the mirror quickly as I prepare to leave my room. I straighten up the clothes smoothing some wrinkle and straightening up the line. I thought I looked stunning and I hoped that everyone else would too. I run down the stairs carefully and slip out the door. I loved the rush I got sneaking out of the house to explore the dark city streets. It didn�t take me long to find a group of people to join in with. The group did not seem to care that I joined and the talked on including me when I decided to jump into the conversation. But like the last time that I was out I soon became bored with the group and wondered off. But this time I was followed. One of the girls from the group decided that she would like to join me. She was really nice but you could tell she was really unsure if it was okay that she was there. She stayed some ways back for awhile. Finally when I was tired of having her shadow me like that I stopped and told her that if she was going to walk with me she needed to be up here with me. A wide smile covered her face as she ran up to me. She introduced herself as Jessica and I smiled back at her. �Hi,� I said sweetly, �I�m Ash.� We talked as we walked and that is where I learned that she was new to the town and did not know here way around. I took to this shy girl quickly. Though I was not the kind of person you would think would be proper to teach a sweetie like her how to act in my city at night I taught her what I could. We wandered the city for sometime and then decided that it would be best to head back to our homes. I walked her to her intersection and we made plans to meet the following night. I watched her walk off and started to head home. On the way I passed the same bar from a few nights back. Again I stuck me head inside. It was really crowded tonight just as it had been before. I look over all the people. There is something weird about some of them but I can�t put my finger on it. Some look up from their drinks, which by the way are this really thick dark red looking color, yuck, and gaze at me. Someone in one of the dark corners catches my eye. I can�t say why but for some reason I have this dais-vu about him. I seem to be drawn to him but I shake the felling off and continue home. Again after leaving the bar I feel as if I am bring followed but this time I don�t let it bother me. I get home at about four thirty and go to bed. Again in my dreams a pair of beautiful silver eyes haunted me. The dream lasts all morning and I am tired as if I had really been running like in my dreams. I play it off telling myself that it is just from going out. I get up and go about my day normally. I do everything thing that I can to kill time so that the night will come faster. Only Alice, one of my closest friends, notices that something is a miss about the way that I am acting. She presses a little trying to find out what is wrong. She excepts my excuse that I just need sleep because I haven�t been getting any due to nightmares and doesn�t ask anymore questions. She did not seem to really believe me but she drops the subject seeing that I don�t want to talk about it. We went out to the mall and just explored until the sun started to set and then at Alice�s request we ran home. Alice is an innocent that was scared to death about the stories that had been going around about all the people that had been found dead hurt on just gone missing. She was determined to get home before the sunset so nothing would happen to her. She acted as though she thought there were monsters out in the dark. I was happy to run her home because she was my friend. I left her at her door and promised that I would run home. And I did run at least until her house was out of sight and then I calmly walked to my home. I got home at around eight forty five. Mom was in the kitchen finishing up dinner and dad was in the living room watching the most recent foot ball game. Wash up mom yelled to me as I entered the house. Dinner will be done as soon. Sure I yelled as I continued to my room. I sat on my bed and waited for supper. As I lay back from boredom I begin to slip into sleep. I did not realize that I was sleepy until it became hard for me to hold my eyes open. I finally let myself fall asleep knowing that soon mom would wake me up to eat and so there was no chance that I would sleep all night. In my dreams I saw the eyes again. Glowing in their brilliant silver color. But this time they did not scare me but they called to me. The eyes slowly widened and I fell deep into them.
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