Thursday, March 1, 2007
Sorry ^^;;
Sorry for not posting any role plays for a while I have been trying to make books of Naruto :3 and Im happy. 'Cause in the book Rei and Naruto are all grown up and have 3 kids ^.^V Yay! THe oldest is Xion (ses a girl ^^;) who is twelve and Reis other kids are Ryu and Memeru (twins ^_^ YAY FOR TWINS XD) they are 3. Kakashi also had kids ^_^V (inner self: CHA! ><) Jr. and Makako. Jr. is 13 and Makako is 13 she is a mounth behind him. OH and so does Gaara [inner self: Gaara no!!!!] just on and her name is Tamiko she is 12 and looks like him but with longer hair ^_^!
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