Name: Rei Young
Age: 12
(findig a kid one)
Village: Leaf
Friends: Naruto, Sasuke, Kakshi, and Chris
Crash: Naruto
Personality: Shes nice at some point when not bothered or bored. But shy at sometimes.
Mother: deid
Dad: deid
Sisters: Hinkokuyo
and Hinto
(step) Uncle: Inoichi Yamanaka
Name: Chris Naga
Age: 18
Village: Sand
Crush: Noone yet
Friends: Rei
Personalty: He nevered showed any emotions to anyone but he is sometimes nice.
Name: Kimiko
Sex: Female
Age: 13
Crush: Sasuke
Personly: she doesn't like to be around ppl that much and she has no friends except her jagura