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myOtaku.com: Menmei

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

The contuining adventures of Menmei Strife(that's we).We last left Menmei after she broke up with her perverted boyfriend....lets call him Miroku cause he acts just like him.Menmei is still really great friends with Miroku though.He kinda loox like Miroku too.That I think is pretty weird.
This week we have exams.Oh no.I hate exam week.I totally have to pass my algebra test and exam.I have a test on it tomorrow.I think I can pass it though.
Think I'm just to white and nerdy.That is my song.I dont know how many times i've said that.Everyone @ my school knows that song and if you dont then you're totally left out of the love.It's like school spirit here.We have a football game today.Our team sux though.I should just go and cheer on the other team.I think we call that antispirit here.
Well we basicly kicked Tosh out of our band.Poor Tosh.He's acting all stuipid and annoying.I think its kinda sad cause we act like we want him there but we dont.He just sits there and watches now.I feel so mean.He was mad that he did make our top 10 hotties list that we have up in the girl's bathroom.I dont even know how he got the list.Oh yeah I had to type it up and put it in my bookbag and hang it up.He got so mad.O well.
That's all I have here right now.

Bye bye

Menmei Strife

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