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Shin Makoku. Duh.
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Call me Ishmael. (I mean, Miyouko.)
Anime Fan Since
around 1998
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Kyou Kara Maou!
become a best-selling novelist
anime, manga, yaoi/shounen-ai, writing, vampires, magic
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fallen2angel (10/08/04)
Hello!!!!! OMG i love ur Zack pics they are so hot!!!!!!! Yea i know i'm wierd so sue me for it XP So anyways......I reallly like ur site i like blue tooo!Yea so if u want to some stop by my site and sign my GB if u do thank you very much,well until later i guess buh bye! XP
ladeeknite (09/28/04)
Hey~ Such a cool site. I LOVE YOUR FAN ART! I wish I could draw like that! ^^" Anyway, come by mine if you like. I'm adding you as a friend okies? See ya!
dark sephiroth (09/22/04)
Zack freaking rules XD i love Cloud x Zack as a pairing WHOOHOO Zack !! Sorry dont see too many sites here dedicated to Zack YUM hope ye dont mind me addin ye as a friend
HalloweenGhost9 (09/20/04)
hey!! awesome site!!! Love the colors! im adding you as a friend and i hope you will too!!! see ya!! ^.^/)
AnimeGoddess2004 (08/18/04)
Cool site!!!
Nice design!
Stop by my site sometime!
I'm adding you as a friend, so Ja ne!
Artemis (08/02/04)
Hey, you have a crazy cool site here! ^_^ Where's your THAT banner? Shanny has you listed as a member!
see ya around. ^_~
Mischief (07/29/04)
HEH! UVE GONE INSANE? HEH! *high 5's u* I ALWAYS DOO! LOL! WELL I LIKE UR SITE......VERY.....white........I have teams at my camp the Red and white team and I am on the Red team! It is very special! heh! well enogh of my life story! heh *sweatdrop and scrathes back of head* well I am addin ya as a friend! seya around! bye *waves*
Juuthena (07/21/04)
Thanks for dropping by! ^_^
I used to live in Texas three years ago, and erm, you're just ten months older than me!
Anywho, neat site, and thanks for the nice comment. ^^
~ The Yay-For-Texas Juu.
Ichigo (07/20/04)
^_____________^ HEY THERE!!
Thanks for signin my guestbook!! ^_^ I like your site!! It's very prettiful! XD Well anyways, I would definitely become one of your insane minions!! :D Talk to you laterz!! ^_^
P.S. You might have heard my name from Tokyo Mew Mew..
karasukurama (07/20/04)
Hey, thanks for signing my gb. Your site is really cool.
I also wonder why the Cowboy Bebop Movie is rated R because the violence and gore can't be as bad as the stuff in movies like Akira or Blood The Last Vampire. Well anyway, I'll add you as a friend. Hope to talk to you soon, bye.
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