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myOtaku.com: mentaru

Saturday, July 24, 2004

I must rant, be afraid!
Okay - I MUST rant. I need to get it out of my system. So, please excuse any foul language and any CAPITAL LETTERS. Ahem:

<***RANT BEGIN***>

So, as I was watching Yugioh today on Kids' WB, Seto really started to piss me off. OH MY GOD!! HE IS NOT THAT ARROGANT, DAMMIT!! Jesus Christ. And the way he talks to Jounouchi! God, that really pissed me off. I mean, he's you LOVER for God's sake, stop talking so harshly about him. In the Japanese, YOU ACTUALLY ACCEPT HIM AS A DUELIST!! Why? BECAUSE HE ALMOST FUCKING DIED, THAT'S WHY!! AND HE ALMOST KICKED MARIK'S ASS, TOO, DAMMIT!! And then Marik goes and attacks my Jou-kun with that goddamned Ra and practically KILLS him. And Seto doesn't accept him as a duelist in the dubbed!!??!! WHAT AN ASS!! God, and poor Mokuba!! He's like, "Why don't you ever SMILE anymore?" I feel really sorry for him. I mean, seriously. It's SCARY when Seto smiles now, because HE DOESN'T SMILE. IT'S NOT IN THE JOB DESCRIPTION. I feel for you, Mokuba!

And another thing, getting off the topic of Seto, THAT FUCKING ACCENT OF JOUNOUCHI'S IN THE DUBBED REALLY PISSES ME OFF!! GOD!! HE'S NOT A FUCKING BROOKLYNER!! (And I don't care if that's not a word!!) I mean, in the most emotional moments in the show, that stupid accent makes the emotion go ka-pooey!! ARGH!! Like in the Jounouchi vs. Yugi duel, when Jou was possessed by Malik, that was supposed to be SAD, but it was CORNY because of the FUCKING ACCENT!! And the end of the Jou vs. Marik duel - I SHOULD HAVE CRIED!!! BUT DID I?!?! NO!!! WHY?? BECAUSE OF THE FUCKING BROOKLYN ACCENT, DAMMIT!! I WAS PRACTICALLY CRYING BECAUSE OF HOW STUPID IT WAS!!! GAAAHHHH!!!

<***/END RANT/***>

Okay ... I think that's really all I need to get off my chest ... wait. No, one more thing.


Why the hell are Yami's thoughts thought by YUGI'S voice? THAT IS SO STUPID! YUGI DOESN'T THINK FOR YAMI!! YAMI THINKS FOR HIMSELF!! Jeez, how stupid ARE these dubbers?! And ONE other thing ... YUUGIOU IS NOT Y7!!! IT'S AT LEAST TV15!!! GOD! IT'S NOT FOR LITTLE KIDS, DAMMIT!!

<***/END RANT/***>

Alright. End Rant. Congrats if you have gotten this far. I award you.

Over and out. mentaru

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