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Shin Makoku. Duh.
Member Since
Real Name
Call me Ishmael. (I mean, Miyouko.)
Anime Fan Since
around 1998
Favorite Anime
Kyou Kara Maou!
become a best-selling novelist
anime, manga, yaoi/shounen-ai, writing, vampires, magic
Japanese, writing
Wednesday, August 18, 2004
Answers to my random questions!
Well, here they are, the ANSWERS TO MY RANDOM QUESTIONS! (Just like I said I would in my last post. ^_^)
1. If you could ask any Yuugiou character any question, who would you ask, and what would you ask him/her? I would ask Yuugi how much hair gel he has to use every morning to get his hair to spike like it does, and I would also ask which brand of hair gel he uses.
2. Do you listen to 102.1 the Edge? Do you even GET the Edge? If so, if you do not tune into 102.1 FM, what DO you tune into to get the Edge? YES!! The Edge is all I ever listen to anymore, and YES it IS 102.1 FM, the Edge.
3. Did you go to Edgefest XIII this year? If so, how did you get your tickets? If not, why didn't/couldn't you go, and did you WANT to? No, sadly, I did not go. But I sure as hell WANTED to! I wanted to see Evanescence and Blue October!! (I even had a DREAM about Edgefest - that's how much I wanted to go.)
4. How many manga do you have? How many anime DVDs? How many anime sountracks/CDs? I, currently, have 28 (soon to be 29) manga. I have 9 DVDs and 4 (homemade, mind you) anime CDs.
5. Are you going to see the Spongebob Squarepants movie? Do you even LIKE Spongebob Squarepants? Yes, and yes.
6. Do you have a muse that lives inside your head and has its own soul room? If so, what does he/she look like, and what is his/her name? YES!! His name is Kaoru and he has strawberry blonde hair and big baby blue eyes. (And he even smells like strawberries!)
7. Did you ever go to Six Flags in hopes that you might meet the old man from the ads? Yes, infact, I did. But my friend told me he was just an actor, and he wouldn't actually BE at Six Flags.
8. Are you afraid, or have you been afraid, to eat Gushers in fear that your head might turn into a fruit? ^_^;; Yes. I'm still afraid my head might turn into a fruit ....
9. Have you ever been to A-kon? Or any type of anime convention? If so, did you go cosplaying as someone? (If so, who?) If not, did you see any good costumes? (If so, what character was the person cosplaying as?) Well, not A-kon, but I went to the Chibi Anime Convention at our mall! But, no, I didn't go cosplaying. Though I DID see two really good costumes: Cid Highwind and Utena Tenjou. (GO CID THE STUDMUFFIN!! lol)
10. Do you find these questions annoying? Do you find ME annoying for asking them? Well, since it was ME asking the questions, no, lol. ^__^
Well, those are my answers.
Over and out. mentaru.
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