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myOtaku.com: mentaru

Wednesday, May 12, 2004

Favorites, Have-You-Evers, and Last Times Survey
Because I'm bored:

What is your favorite..
gum:big red (i guess ... O_o)
restaurant:um. fast food?
drink:coke (life blood!!)
season:i guess spring (i like them all, really)
type of weather:mild sunny, cool, breezy
thing to do on a half day:don't know ....
late-night activity:doing crap on the computer
sport:ugh, i hate sports ...
city:the hell?
store:waldenbooks or suncoast motion picture co.
When was the last time you..
played a sport:uhh .. couple of weeks ago
hugged someone:yesterday
kissed someone:long time ago ...
felt depressed:the day we had to use our notecards and i only had two
felt elated:don't know
felt overworked:a while ago
faked sick:not anytime soon
lied:probably today ...
What was the last..
word you said:today
thing you ate:chicken fingers
song you listened to:gessekai (from nightwalker)
thing you drank:mountain dew
place you went to:applebee's
movie you saw:the alamo
movie you rented:nightwalker: midnight detective
concert you attended:never been to one
Who was the last person you..
hugged:rachel s.
cried over:myself
kissed:mentally: someone i can't say; physically: no one
danced with:no one
shared a secret with:morgan r.
had a sleepover with:my girl scout troop
called:i don't remember
went to a movie with:my parents
were angry with:kelsey s.
couldn't take your eyes off of:someone i can't say
obsessed over:shuuichi kurama
Have you ever..
danced in the rain:no
kissed someone:yes
done drugs:hell no!
drank alcohol:hell no!
slept around:HELL NO!
partied 'til the sun came up:hell ya!
had a movie marathon:hell ya
gone too far on a dare:hell no
spun until you were immensely dizzy:tch, yeah
taken a survey quite like this before:no, sadly

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety! brought to you by BZOINK!

Tell me about yourself
What's your name?:should i know this?
How old are you?:this one's a toughy ...
Where are you from?:a place
When is your birthday?:some day
What color hair?:brown
What color eyes?:blue
What is you favorite
Drink?:coke (life blood!)
Song?:blue (eiffel 65); anime: gessekai (from nightwalker)
Movie?:don't know
TV show?:any GOOD anime
Book?:don't know
Sport?:i hate sports
This or that
Night or day?:night
Black or white?:black
Chocolate or vanilla?:chocolate
Pepsi or Coke?:coke!!
TV or computer?:can't ... decide!!
Movies or DVD's?:dvds (special features!)
Rock or rap?:rock
Pop or punk?:punk
Old or young?:dunno
Tall or short?:i am neutral!
Big or small?:neutral!!
Have you ever tried to lick you elbow?:yes
When was the last time you cried?:04-16-2004
Do you sing in the shower?:yes
Can you drive (legally)?:no
Do clowns scare you?:sometimes
Do you enjoy jello?:sometimes
What is the one thing that annoys you most?:the thing that annoys me the most
Do you laugh a lot?:yes
Do you consider yourself a funny person?:sometimes
Who is a sexy mofo?:WTF? O_o
Does MTV suck?:yes
Does Avril Lavigne suck?:ehh .. i'm neutral
Do I suck?:yes
Do you suck?:no
Have you ever chased a duck around in circles?:no, but it would be fun
Are you tired of this?:maybe
What time is it?:10:54 pm
What day is it?:wednesday
Do you love me?:no

About You brought to you by BZOINK!

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