You have reached Heather aka Meow :3. This will be my personal blog but if you dislike me, that's what a big red X button is for. Don't be too disappointed if I don't update on a regular basis. I do have a life, taking care of my family and being a lazy bum. xD hehe Don't forget to read the rules so no trouble will be caused around here. I do bite.
Site Rules
Do not pm me about html. Those types of messages will be ignored and deleted.
No chainmail please. Those are quite annoying.
When signing the guestbook or commenting, it's either nice comments or nothing at all. Got it?
When adding me as a friend, make sure to come back often. ^_~ I will do the same when I'm online.
Ah STEALING!! I take no credit for this layout but all content and other images belong to me.