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A broken paradise in a shattered reality on a desolate planet in a bleeding galaxy in a dying universe
Member Since
Leader of the Suicide Butterfly X-Squad assassin team for Mercury Force by night, but by day I'm a lowly college student...
Real Name
Defending the galaxies from Organization X...Getting into college...Finding the PERFECT man (sorry, ladies, he's mine now, and I'm not giving him up!)...
Anime Fan Since
um...9th grade...
Favorite Anime
Saiyuki, Hellsing, Angel Sanctuary, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Trigun, Death Note, Yami no Matsuei, D.Gray-Man, Chobits, Ergo Proxy
...To take over the universe!!! And to get a AAA on DDR... And serve Lord Mercury...To own a retarded fish...AND COMPLETE THE ENTIRE SAIYUKI SERIES!!! XD
drawing, getting on people's nerves, licking my friends' faces, and other stuff..AND FLYING!!! And obviously defending you UNGRATEFUL humans from Organization X!! DDR is fun...
I draw...I can fly!! I have the ultimate power of annoyance... And I can kick X's butt!! >.< DDR is fun...
| Mercury Dragon
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Monday, July 2, 2007
BEWARE!!! The Following is a Rant...If I offend you, who cares?

Ok, so emo kids...Tell me something: What is so fun about going around thinking life sucks? If you'd stop cutting long enough to get your butt out of the house and go do something, you'd discover a world of funness! You all make me SICK!!! What is the point of walking around moping!? THERE IS NO POINT!!!
I'm also tired of everyone that thinks that just because you wear black and chains that you are: emo, goth, punk, or SATANIC!!! Take my parents for example: if they see anyone wearing all black and chains, they automatically say "Satan worshiper!" Back when I was in 9th grade, my little brother opened his mouth to my mom that I wanted to be "goth". That was not true. I only wanted to wear what I wanted. My mom automatically thought I wanted to be a Satanist! I love Jesus! Why would I worship his enemy!?
Ok, here's a doozy: my parents think that if I read manga, I'm on dope. They think that if I draw manga-style characters, I'm on dope. The last time they caught me with manga, my dad threatened to make me take a drug test! He asked me repeatedly, "Are you on dope?" HE EVEN SAID HE'D THROW ME OUT IF HE FOUND MANGA IN MY POSSESSION AGAIN!!!
Then, there's my cousin, KK. Lately, she's been so stuck up her boyfriend's butt, she won't even LOOK at anyone else! How stupid is that!? Me and Brandy got to talking about it a couple weeks ago. Brandy's dad thinks that KK believes that if she doesn't give Shane all her attention, he will dump her. I wish he WOULD dump her, just so she'd quit being so stuck up! I know it's mean, but who cares? She's MY cousin, and I think it would be good for her. And don't suggest talking to her. I already tried that...
Well, now that THAT'S out of my system, here's my weekend for you...
Me, Aaron, and Mantha went to the mall Saturday. I got a new swimsuit. It's a very dark green bikini, with light pink trim and a light pink design on one breast and the butt. No, it's not a thong. I know better! I also got the awesomest shorts! They're blue and come to my knees. They're like a t-shirt material, and they're SO comfortable! Mantha got a pair of the same shorts in a reddish orange color. She also got a pair of grey shorts. The other thing I got was a new pair of chucks. They're lowtops, and they're the original black, having the white toe and side. Yes, this was all for Pensacola! We leave Sunday night. We're driving...Yesterday, it was Canada Day. Our youth pastor is Canadian, so we learned about the meaning of the word eh. We also learned some phrases like, "Take off, ya hoser!" and, "Hey, c'mon, eh, hoser!" "Hoser" could mean either "good friend" or "idiot". We also learned that Canada's "civil war" was a bar fight that lasted less than an hour and was started by a drunken (and maybe insane?) William Lyon McKenzie, and the only guy arrested and hanged was an American mercenary who slept in and came just in time to get caught...
Here's my inner child!
Well, see you hosers later, eh?
¤~~If you understand the phrase, "Could you please pass me a serviette? I just spilled my bowl of poutine," you might be Canadian~~¤

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Friday, June 29, 2007
† This is My Life †
Well, Sunday, I borrowed Final Fantasy X from my cousin Trey. I played in the Luca Blitzball tournament last night, and I lost 4-0...Yes, I suck...Anyways, then Auron pops up and joins my party. I saved it and turned it off in the middle of a cut-scene.

Last night, Aaron brought me his old Tekken Tag Tournament game and his old PS2 controller. He doesn't have a PS2 anymore. So he gave them to me. He beat me, 6 matches to 5. Then, after he left, I used Hwaorang and Lei and got all the way through the game. I unlocked Theater mode and Kunimitsu. Yes, I'm very happy!
Well, tonight, when I get off from babysitting, me and Aaron are going to a luau at our youth pastor's house. Then tomorrow, after Mantha gets off at four, the 3 of us are going to J-town to the mall and the movies. I need a new bathing suit for Pensacola. Discipleship is going, so me, my brother, Mantha, and my brother's girlfriend are going. Never been to Pensacola...Hmmm...I don't think Aaron wants me to go...He'll get over it...It's not like I'll leave him for some beach hottie...I'm not pretty enough for that...Though Aaron will argue with my view of myself...
Lately, I've been trying to see things in a photographer's eyes. I have a digital camera that's fairly new to me. I went outside yesterday and snapped a few pictures. I got a gorgeous one of my mom. She's standing by the porch rail, smiling, and the sunset's rays are shining on her. I think it really reflects how beautiful she is. I'm gonna practice and get better at photography. It'll only be a hobby though. I've always been fascinated by the way light plays on different aspects of the world...
Oh! My current theme is Saiyuki...Or rather, Gojyo. I'm gonna start doing themes on my site now. The next one will be Final Fantasy VII. After that, who knows? When I get internet on my laptop, I'll upload and post all the AMVs I've made this summer. There's a ton! My favorites are "Angel's Touch", which is FF7: AC and the song "Your Touch" by Kutless, and "Haunting Memories", which is KH and the song "Haunted" by Evanescence.
Well, au revoir, mes amies!

¤~~When I say I'm fine, look me in the eyes and make me tell the truth~~¤

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Monday, June 25, 2007
† Update †

Hello all! Just thought I'd update a little. Friday, I went to Aaron's house. We watched See No Evil and The Messengers. I liked the first one better. Kane is a pretty good psycho murderer. The Messengers wasn't as good. It was less believable. I like horror stories that could actually happen.

Yes, such a scary man....
Okay, happy topic! Saturday, we went to J-town and saw Evan Almighty. It was really funny. DO THE DANCE!!!

Kay, gotta go. See you guys!
¤~~The eyes are the window to the soul~~¤

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Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Such a cute kitty.
Anyways, I'm here to apologize. The only time I get on here now is at the library. I have no time to visit everyone. I will visit again. Someday. Over the rainbow. At college. When I have internet of my own.
PotC 3 did NOT please me! I enjoyed knowing how Captain Jack escaped Davy Jones' locker, but the movie in general was not satisfying! They left things unexplained! I'm not a happy camper...
I saw the Theif and the Cobbler today. It was my first time seeing it. It reminds me of Aladdin. But I LOVE the MC Escher landscaping! LoVe it!!
Well, me and Aaron are still together. He's a good boyfriend. I read something on someone's site that describes good boyfriends, and he fits the description! I'm so happy!
Well, gotta go. Au revoir, mes amies!
¤~~Not all treasure is silver and gold~~¤

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Wednesday, May 23, 2007
† Quick Update †
Well, just thought I'd let you all know how I am. I'm at the library, so this will be short. Uh...Let's see...Just changed the bg to Dark Mousy, from DNAngel. I've had a boyfriend since Friday. His name is Aaron. For those of you who know, yes the one in band. Kytten, I'm not desperate. NEVER CALL ME DESPERATE!!! Sorry...Anyways, I'm still looking for a job. I've gotten a ton of graduation gifts...Mostly money...BEING A SENIOR RULES!!! My parents got me the 2002 Ford Focus aka White Lightning. Well, graduation is Friday, and afterwards, me, Aaron, Sarah, Clint, Tiffany, and maybe Mantha are all going to see Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End! So happy!

Well, see you laterz!
¤~~I'm not shy...I'm just quietly observing my prey~~¤

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Friday, May 11, 2007
Last day!!! ♥

SQUEE!!! It's the last day for seniors at our school! *spins around in chair* We had a senior parade this morning and we held up the buses. I got to drive my daddy's truck! That's a first, cause he's REAL protective of his truck!

Well, I just got back last period from eating lunch at Sonic. A bunch of the seniors signed out for lunch. I almost killed me and Mantha! I tried to beat a yellow light, and the road was wet, and when I turned, daddy's truck went SIDEWAYS!!! But we were laughing. And we were blaring rock music, like Manson and Korn. Yeah, we roll like that.

I made Mantha get a video of Smurf spearing me last period. Then I made her video tape me climbing up Ms. D's closet. Yeah, I'm part monkey. DEVIN AND CODY ATTACKED ME TWICE TODAY!!!! First, Devin got me from behind and told Cody to get me. That was before 3rd period. Then, I hunted them down after 3rd and said, "I want a good hug!" So they gave me one. Then, on the way to this class, Devin picked me up in the hallway and started walking with me saying he was kidnapping me! I love me friends. Kytten attacked me during first period and made me fall on the bleachers. It's more like she TACKLED me!

Me and Brandy tagged a bunch of people's vehicular objects (cars and trucks). I bought car chalk last night. I got our band director; and then the both of us got Kytten, our math teacher, Mr. Skittles (our old band assisstant), and some of the football guys. It was fun. I kept writing "Believe it!" on the windows. And on Brandon's truck we wrote "You can run but you can't hide!" because him and some other sophomores thought they would hide their trucks by the field house and escape the senior tag party. We also got some buses.

SQUEE!!! Well, I guess I'm gonna go now. It'll be awhile before I post again. LOVE AND PEACE!!!
¤~~We will find you. Seniors 07 takin over! It's goin down! May 25, 2007!~~¤

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Tuesday, May 8, 2007
♥ Happy News! ♥

Ok, so maybe my happy dance isn't QUITE like Jim Carey doing DDR...
It's more like this...

I don't know. I'm just so happy! Ok, for one, I found out good news about my car. My dad called a place in C-way, and they said that it is IMPOSSIBLE to find a motor for a '99 Pontiac Grand Am GT! Pontiac changed their motors in 2000.

Well, you may be wondering why I'm so happy. THIS MEANS I GET A NEW CAR!!! I love my pile of crap and all, but a new car would be better. It's either gonna be a white 2002 Ford Focus, which shall be named White Lightning, or a silver 2007 Toyota Yaris, which will either be Silverwing or Sylven...I hope it's the Yaris...

The second thing is that my friend Nikki is still here. She almost died yesterday morniing, but she didn't. I very happy. But it makes me wonder...Do all my friends know I love them..?

¤~~Live your life with no regrets~~¤

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Monday, May 7, 2007
† My Weekend... †

Well, Little Red Roxy, my car, died Friday afternoon on the way home from school. She has a cracked motor head and will throw a rod through the side of the motor if I drive her any more. The good news is that my dad found another motor for her. I want my Roxy back! She may be a pile of crap, but she's MY pile of crap! SO I DON'T WANNA HEAR IT!!!! Oh, the pic above is Raito and Ryuzaki. From Deathnote....

Sorry to scare you, but OMG, this guy can't dance!

I'm doin the happy dance. I got my college schedule for the fall semester at U of O Saturday! It goes as follows:
Mon, Wed, Fri: College Algebra-9 to 9:50; Critical Inquiry-11 to 11:50; Basic Design-1 to 1:50
Teus & Thurs: Eng. Comp. I-1 to 2:15; Theories of Human Learning-2:30 to 3:45
Yes, I don't have to get up until 7:30 on Mon, Wed, and Fri, and NOON on Teus and Thurs! Happy Dance!

¤~The world revolves around sugar~~¤

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Thursday, May 3, 2007
† Sadness †

Well, the squirrely nation is going to be furious with me. This morning, on the way to school...Well, I was running late, and...I was driving 85 mph, and...He just appeared from nowhere, and...He ran in front of me, and...I HIT THE POOR, DEFENSELES, FLUFFY-TAILED, FUZZY, CUTE, ADORABLE LITTLE SQUIRREL!!!!!

THAT'S WHAT HE LOOKS LIKE NOW!!!! HE'S ALL DEAD AND SQUISHEDED!!!! *begins crying uncontrollably* I promise...I didn't mean to..! I didn't...Want to..! *stops suddenly, wipes eyes*

Actually, he prolly looks more like this...I mean, come on! Why did he have to do that?! He's prolly up in squirrely heaven right now, runnin around happy and stuff...Eatin his little nuts...

I talked to my AP Lit teacher about before 2nd period. She said it was ok, and that the poor squirrel was prolly just mad at the world, and he saw my car as his way out. I felt a little better after that. And this morning in 1st period, I told my little sissy Sniffles. She hugged me and said it would be ok. I love my little sissy! I loves all of my frenzez!


¤~~If we don't have love, what is the point of existance?~~¤

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Monday, April 30, 2007
† RaNdOm ThOuGhTs ThAt WeNt ThRoUgH My HeAd †

*singing* Somebody hates me, Some-bo-dy hates me, Somebody hates me--, And I hate so-mebody too! *looks up, assumes defensive stance, & gives tribal yell* Translation: Who are you?! *suddenly happy* Wanna hear a story? This one time, there was a fish! He got a hook in his mouth! *jumps at imagined noise* What was that? Oh well! Back to the cookie! I found it on the ground! It was a squirrelly flavor! *gives an odd yelp* Shh! I'm hiding! *crouches down* They think I'm crazy...Crazy?! I'm not crazy! I was crazy once! They put me in this little white box and I lived in that box and I died in that box and they buried me where the wild flowers grow REEEEEEEEALLLYYY tall and tickle me like crazy! *snaps to attention* Sir, yes sir! The enemy will be obliterated! They cannot escape me! I am the terror that lurks in the night! I am the one hiding under your bed, teeth ground sharp and eyes glowing red! VICTORY SCREEEEEECH!!!! OLOOLOOLOO!!!!! *pulls out imaginary sword* They shall face the wrath of my soul cutter! Arise, Sakuraneko! Dance the deadly waltz, sing the song of your immortal soul, weep for their impending doom! *runs off singing Vash's "Genocide" song* Total slaughter! Total slaughter! I won't leave a single man alive! Ladidadidie! Genocide! Ladidadidud! An ocean of blood! Let's begin the killing time!


Awww! Don't you feel special now?

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