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A broken paradise in a shattered reality on a desolate planet in a bleeding galaxy in a dying universe
Member Since
Leader of the Suicide Butterfly X-Squad assassin team for Mercury Force by night, but by day I'm a lowly college student...
Real Name
Defending the galaxies from Organization X...Getting into college...Finding the PERFECT man (sorry, ladies, he's mine now, and I'm not giving him up!)...
Anime Fan Since
um...9th grade...
Favorite Anime
Saiyuki, Hellsing, Angel Sanctuary, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Trigun, Death Note, Yami no Matsuei, D.Gray-Man, Chobits, Ergo Proxy
...To take over the universe!!! And to get a AAA on DDR... And serve Lord Mercury...To own a retarded fish...AND COMPLETE THE ENTIRE SAIYUKI SERIES!!! XD
drawing, getting on people's nerves, licking my friends' faces, and other stuff..AND FLYING!!! And obviously defending you UNGRATEFUL humans from Organization X!! DDR is fun...
I draw...I can fly!! I have the ultimate power of annoyance... And I can kick X's butt!! >.< DDR is fun...
| Mercury Dragon
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Thursday, April 26, 2007
My Third AMV!!!!
 Well, here it is! The DNAngel video! Complete with SOAD's "Chop Suey"! Yippy!! I'll be trying to get my fourth one up next week. I made it yesterday afternoon. The first half is Saiyuki, and the second is Bleach. Woohoo! The song it uses is Reel Big Fish's "Somebody Hates Me". (Finally! An upbeat one!)

Random happy pics....

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† So Many Things Wrong In This World... &dagger

Well, last night, Kat ended it for good with Devin. Nobody is the "bad guy" in this situation, so please don't say things like, "He deserved it!" or, "She's a bitch!" I hate it when people make assumptions when they don't know the situation! Anyways, I'm a bit afraid for him. Me and him were standing out at my car, in an awkward silence, because I didn't know what to do. He said, "Fuck it!" and slammed down the video game she'd bought him for his birthday, then walked to the church bus. I'm scared he might hurt himself. He is at school today. Smurf said she talked to him before 1st period. But I just don't know what to do! I don't wanna take sides, but a guy who's like my little brother, and for whom I care very deeply, is hurting so badly it seems. When I got to McyD's last night, I told Kytten (because she had to work last night) and we hit our knees and prayed right there beside the counter. I felt a little better, but I'm still so worried.  Please just pray for him.
Well, that's all for today. I couldn't get my DNAngel video to upload yesterday, so maybe it'll be up tomorrow. Oh! I did make a Saiyuki/Bleach AMV last night! I used Reel Big Fish's "Somebody Hates Me", and now the song is stuck in my head...LOVE AND PEACE!!!!
¤~~How could you hate me when all I ever wanted to be was you? How could you love me when all you ever gave me were open wounds?~~¤

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Wednesday, April 25, 2007
...I took RaNdOm quizes, yo.....
Awww! I wanted to be Cartman!
What colour Angel are you?
 Black~You are the black angel. Beautiful and mysterious your colour stands for the night (you could say you are the angel of the night.) Inside of you is great power and dignity. You are have a very elegant and mysterious soul, and you hide behind uncertainty and fear. When it comes to you there is a great deal of unknown but you are a interesting and versatile person you can change to suit your surroundings. Your angel wings are dynamic and black with pointed feathers, unusal but beautiful like yourself. They are barely visible as they dissolve into your surroundings. The clothes you wear are elegant and in dark shades, sometimes with red, it shows off your figure. Your angelic soul can be found in the disney film of Hercules which represents your faith, mystery and secrets. You are thankful for your life and all that you have but sometimes you wonder if it is all worth it? There is a whole lot more to you than meets the eye and not many take the time to realise that. Take this quiz!

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A very beautiful thing....
What's your icon lyric? [includes icons]
 Incubus blood on the groundI dont wanna talk to you anymoreIm afraid of what I might sayI bite my tongue every timeYou come aroundcause blood in my mouth beatsBlood on the groundHand over my heart I swearIve tried everything I couldWithin all my power2 weeks and 1 hourI slaved and nowIve got nothing to showOh if only youve grownTaller than a brick wallFrom now onGonna start holding my breathWhen youCome around andYou flex that fake grincause something inside me hasSaid more than twiceThat breathing this airBeats breathing you at allI dont wanna talk to you anymoreIm afraid of what I might sayI bite my tongue every timeYou come aroundcause blood in my mouth beatsBlood on the groundHand over my mouthIm earning the rightTo my silenceIn quiet discerningBetween ego and timingGood judgment is once againProving to meThat its still worthIts weight in goldFrom now on Im gonna beSo much more wearyWhen you start to speak andMy warm blood starts to boilSeeing you is like pulling teethAnd hearing your voiceIs like chewing tin foilI dont wanna talk to you anymoreIm afraid of what I might sayI bite my tongue every timeYou come aroundcause blood in my mouth beatsBlood on the groundIm fast to a better judgmentBy saying less todayI will gain more, gain moreNo cheers to you myMy fickle friendYou, you broughtThe art of silent warI dont wanna talk to you anymoreIm afraid of what I might sayI bite my tongue every timeYou come aroundcause blood in my mouth beatsBlood on the ground ------- You've been hurt you've got the scars to prove it, you don't quite know what to do, of course you didn't deserve it but just remember that what goes around comes around and in the end we all get what we diserve and so will you! Take this quiz!

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...Never heard that song...
Well, I made a DNAngel AMV last night with "Chop Suey" by System of a Down. I'll probably post it tomorrow. I think I'm gonna change my avi and bg...That's all for now. LOVE AND PEACE!!!!!
¤~~The world around me fades to black as I sink into the abyss~~¤

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Tuesday, April 24, 2007
♥ My Second Video!!! ♥
Well, here's the video I made at 10:30 Sunday night. I actually edited the clips. I was very, very, very, very, VVEEEERRRY pleased with how this one turned out! I will soon be making more AMVs....As soon as I can find some good clips from Bleach, Saiyuki, Fullmetal Alchemist, Hellsing, and maybe even some WWE stuff.
I got my camera last night! But I'm having problems with the stupid SD card. It didn't save the picture I took last night. I was angry, to say the least.
¤~~I wanna be in another place, I hate when you say you don't understand~~¤

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Monday, April 23, 2007
♥ My First-Ever AMV!!!! ♥
Well, here is my first-ever AMV! It's the Kingdom Hearts secret ending. I used Windows Movie Maker to add the songs. I mixed some music from Kingdom Hearts with the song "Shooting Star" from DDR. I was very pleased with how this turned out. Please let me know what you think! I will post my second AMV tomorrow, if I have time.
Saturday, I had to babysit these 2 kids. The girl was 5 and the baby boy was not even 1 yet. It was fun, and I got $40 out of it. They slept most of the morning. Oh! I might get a digital camera this afternoon! But no, I won't be posting any pictures of myself. I don't think I'm very pretty, and I will save you all of the trouble of seeing me. ^-^
¤~~Where were you to hold my hand, throughout all the things we planned~~¤

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Thursday, April 19, 2007
† Invasion! †

I was on and I found this pic of Sephie. He's surrounded by My Little Ponies! Muahahaha!!!! Well, I'm trying to decide on a new video for my site. So, out of the three, which would you rather see in an AMV:
1) Bleach-Twisted Transistor
2) Kingdom Hearts-Butterfly
3) Hellsing-Animal I Have Become
Yeah, I'm in an indecisive mood. ^-^
¤~~Surviving is meaningless~~¤

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Tuesday, April 17, 2007
† DEATH!!! †
I taste of Death.
Doesn't everyone want a taste of death? Well they should. Most people deserve death. Keep away from me unless you think you're better than that. I probably won't like you. What Flavour Are You?
Well, there you have it, folks. Oh! Answer these!
1) Daeggan or Ayumi?
2) "Twisted Transistor" or "Butterfly"?
3) Krysta or Rayne?
¤~~[I usually say interesting things here, but I'm out of those currently...]~~¤

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Monday, April 16, 2007
† So Many Things... †

Well, my weekend inhaled vigorously. I did NOTHING Friday night, because it was storming and my mom wouldn't let me and Mercury Tiger go see Blades of Glory in J-town. Saturday, I had to go to a band competition. I got a division 2 ranking on my solo. I played Tchaikovsky's Waltz of the Flowers. A division 2 ranking is pretty good. It constitutes a red and white medal. Saturday night, I did jack crap. Oh! I did manage to read most of Deathnote vol. 5! L is a cute little monkey boy, yes he is! He's in my background. He's hiding, so don't tell anyone where he is! I'm gonna change my video soon, but currently, it's "Hello" by Evanescence. Just in case anyone was wondering. Oh! My avi is Sora. Ok, where was I? Oh, yeah, my weekend inhaling vigorously. Sunday, I got a quilt from an old lady in our church. It was for graduation. At 1:00, we went to the youth pastor's house to play Bachi Ball. It was pretty fun. Then I went back to church. Then after church, we went back to the youth pastor's house for supper. Mmmm...Nachos...ME AND LIBBS BLEW A PEEP UP IN THE MICROWAVE AND I GOT A PIC OF IT ON MY PHONE!!!!!! Well, see you guys. LOVE AND PEACE!!!
¤~~Oh how I long for the deepsleep dreaming~~¤

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Wednesday, April 11, 2007
† Sup? †

That's Renji. He's gonna keel joo wit his sword thing! My bg has changed from Sephie to Ryuzaki, or Ryuga, or L, or whoever you want him to be. He's a cute lil monkey boy! Uh...Well, my avi is Phantom of the Opera. Yeah....The bg change is weird...*sighs* I want my own little monkey boy to cuddle with...Well, there's this guy in my 3rd period class. I used to like him way back in 8th grade, but he was a jerk then. Now I'm starting to think I like him again. I had my friend Brandy "hint" that he should ask me to prom. He doesn't have a date yet, and neither do I...I hope everything goes well...!
See you later!
¤~~I lie in wait, hiding in the shadows, feeling your heartbeat...Soon I'll have you darling~~¤

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Thursday, April 5, 2007
My Doll...♥
Well, this is the doll I just made. It's me! We had a G/T project fair today. I did Walt Disney. I don't think I got an award. Kytten and Smurf did a joint project on witchcraft, and their judges were devout Baptists. They got preached at...Well, LOVE AND PEACE!!!
¢´~~There's so much left to learn, and no one left to find~~¢´

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