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A broken paradise in a shattered reality on a desolate planet in a bleeding galaxy in a dying universe
Member Since
Leader of the Suicide Butterfly X-Squad assassin team for Mercury Force by night, but by day I'm a lowly college student...
Real Name
Defending the galaxies from Organization X...Getting into college...Finding the PERFECT man (sorry, ladies, he's mine now, and I'm not giving him up!)...
Anime Fan Since
um...9th grade...
Favorite Anime
Saiyuki, Hellsing, Angel Sanctuary, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Trigun, Death Note, Yami no Matsuei, D.Gray-Man, Chobits, Ergo Proxy
...To take over the universe!!! And to get a AAA on DDR... And serve Lord Mercury...To own a retarded fish...AND COMPLETE THE ENTIRE SAIYUKI SERIES!!! XD
drawing, getting on people's nerves, licking my friends' faces, and other stuff..AND FLYING!!! And obviously defending you UNGRATEFUL humans from Organization X!! DDR is fun...
I draw...I can fly!! I have the ultimate power of annoyance... And I can kick X's butt!! >.< DDR is fun...
| Mercury Dragon
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Thursday, March 15, 2007
¢Ó A Change ¢Ó
Well, yeah, I decided I needed a change. So the bg is Gonou and Kanan. I call him Gonou because when Kanan was still alive, that was Hakkai's name. His name changed after he killed 1000 youkai and became youkai himself. The song you hear is "All The Things She Said" by T.A.T.U. I love this song. Uh, well ChristianOtaku made my button, and if you want it, pm me. I made my fanlisting button. Go sign up! I wrote a poem last night, but I'm not gonna post it today. Sorry. Well, LOVE AND PEACE!!!
¢®è~~When time ceases, when all is gone, will you still love me?~~¢®è

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Wednesday, March 14, 2007
¢Ó Rum and Monkey Stuff ¢Ó

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Tuesday, March 13, 2007
¢Ó Japanese Name ¢Ó

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Monday, March 12, 2007
¢Ó Just An Update ¢Ó
Well, all my younger friends at school are being emo. Really its only two, but whatever. I'm tired of people being emo! So life inhales vigorously right now! GET OVER IT!!! THINGS WILL GET BETTER!!! I'm gonna start a new trend. It's called "Happy Emo". If you wanna join the new trend, pm me. I'll try to make something for it on here.
Uh, happy note: Evangel College Choir came to our church last night! They were REALLY good. They were also funny. In between songs, they got to do some stupid stuff. Two guys acted like they were fighting over a girl. Saturday night, I got a much needed upgrade on my phone. I finally got a Razor! And my brother's ex-gf taught me how to use bluetooth. Please, don't make fun of me. I've never used bluetooth before because my old cell phone was a cheap piece of excrement. It was a basic phone with no features.
Well, here's a poem for your enjoyment. Sadly, it's a bit emo...It's called "14 Seconds"...
Sweat drops down,
Hits the ground.
She blinks,
She thinks.
Humanity is lazy,
She's goin crazy.
The sound of the clock,
That annoying tick-tock.
Voices in her head,
Scream "Earth is dead!"
Insanity creeps around the bend,
She knows this is the end.
Tears fall down,
Hit the ground.
There must be something more,
She can feel it in her core.
The lights grow dim,
Darkness closes in.
The lights go out,
She starts to shout.
Darkness is all she sees,
Her life isn't what it seems.
Her life is flying away,
She won't see another day.
She falls down,
Hits the ground.
¢®è~~Those who can, survive. Those who can't, die a pathetic death.~~¢®è

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Friday, March 9, 2007
† Poetry †
The past 2 days, Clayton Scott has been at our school. In the English classes. He's a poet. He's awesome! He has a poem about tater tots, and it's stupid, but it's awesome. I went to his poetry reading with the Arts Council last night. It was fun. Yeah, in case you don't know, I love poetry. I write it myself! So, here's a poem I wrote a couple of months ago. It's called "Beauty In the Beast":
Locked away inside myself,
As Belle in Beast's castle,
I have free roam inside,
But my heart is off limits.
I'm under the spell,
Encased in myself,
Protective walls in place.
I wander aimlessly,
Awaiting the transformation,
Longing for Prince Charming,
To save me from this beast.
As the clock ticks life away,
I stay locked up,
Hidden behind the thorns,
Waiting for the spell to be broken,
Waiting to be rescued,
Before the last petal falls.
Well, that's it for today. LOVE AND PEACE!!!
¤~~I'm a prisoner of my own insanity~~¤

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Thursday, March 8, 2007
† Just an Update... †
Well, I've decided to postpone "Keeper of the Innocent". I just don't have the time to post it, guys! I'm really sorry. I promise that as soon as I have time to post it, I will pick it back up. In the meantime, I'll post my poetry and stuff. Oh! A little note on my literary works: Please do not steal them and claim them as your own! If you're not creative enough to come up with your own, you don't deserve to steal someone else's work!
Uh, let's see...Next Thursday, I'm going to see a local production of "West Side Story". Yeah, it has the song "I Feel Pretty". I'm a drama geek. ^_____^ Then, that Friday, I'm headin to Regional Fine Arts Festival. Well, I gotta go now. LOVE AND PEACE!!!
¤~~Madness is divinest sense~~¤

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Monday, March 5, 2007
My Chibi...
I adopted a Naruto chibi! ^.^

Name: Kakashi
Likes: Dirty books
Dislikes: Math
Owner: Excel
Click here to adopt your own Naruto chibi!

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† The EAST Conference and more... †
Well, the conference ROCKED!!! I met some cool people, and our school lost a laptop. Ummm...There was a guy that, according to John and Sherod, was stalking me. He was creepy. >.< I don't like stalkers...But sometimes I can be a bit stalker-ish. ^___^ There's one guy I met, and I really wanna get to know him better. His name's Daniel.
Uh, let's see...My bg is currently Gojyo, from Saiyuki. Yeah, I still got that obsession...^_____^ AND I SHALL NOT GIVE IT UP!!! The song is Korn's "Alone I Break". I like Korn. They're one of my favorite bands. Uh, I started another story at EAST. It's called "Enz@nitee". It's pronounced "insanity". I got bored sitting at our booth. Well, I'm gonna go change my avatar or something...LOVE AND PEACE!!!
¤~~It's in the water baby. It's in the pills that bring you down~~¤

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Monday, February 26, 2007
† Keeper of the Innocent...Pt. 6...†
After the door shut, I gently turned Alphonse over. Unbuttoning his dark purple silk shirt, I controlled his mind to keep him asleep. I wanted to look at his wound without having to look down into his enchanting, midnight sky colored eyes. He had such a perfect chest. It was a little tanned. The white bandaging stood out like snow on asphalt against his skin. As I undid the bandage, I remembered our past...
I met Alphonse in Germany, in 1620. I had just moved into a small castle a little ways outside a quaint little village. I was already over 600, so sunlight didn't affect me much, if I wore a black, broad-rimmed hat. Every day, I would visit the village market, just to watch the village-folk.
One day, a young man stopped to talk with me. He introduced himself as Alphonse Beisinger. I told him my name was Noir Dubris, and that I had recently moved to Germany from France. Older vampires can pick up on languages pretty quickly.
The two of us became quick friends, and soon we were lovers. We frequently took moonlit walks along the countryside. You see, Alphonse was not like other men I had known. He was gentle, sweet, and innocent. His physical appearance belied his nature, though. He had dark, curly hair, often tied back. He was tall, and very handsome. He had a strong jaw and proud chin. He was a bit tanned, with perfect muscles.
Well, tomorrow I'm leaving for an EAST conference. I have to be at school at 7:30 in the morning! I hate getting up early...Well, it'll last until Thursday. So I won't be back on here til Friday. I'll see you guys then! LOVE AND PEACE!!!
¤~~We're all mad here~~¤

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Thursday, February 22, 2007
† Life Update... †
Well, Tuesday, I woke up and my throat hurt. Wednesday, it hurt worse. This morning, it hurts even worse. I think I'm coming down with strep or something. It's been going around school. I went to an eye surgeon Monday. I'm going to have ocular implants done. They're going to cut my cornea, take out the natural lense, and replace it with a new lense, like a contact lense. The good news: my eyesight won't get worse and I'll never get cataracts. The bad news: it'll take a month for the two surgeries and healing process. I've had eye surgery once before, but it was only to correct muscle problems, and the surgeon only made my right eye turn out instead of in. I'm really nervous about implants, but I know that in the long run, it'll be what's best. I've got about 12 more pages to post on my story, and I'll have posted all I have written. But I'm not posting any of it today. I need a job. I'm starting the hunt Friday night. That's when I'll be checking back with Movie Gallery. I really wanna work at a movie store, because I hear you get free rentals. ^___^ I'm also waiting to hear back from a university 3 hours from where I live on whether or not I've been accepted. I've already accepted an art scholarship from them, so I'm pretty sure I'll get in. It's a private college, so it'll cost a lot. I'm banking on scholarship money. I'm gonna be an art major and get my teaching licensure. I wrote a poem last night in church, but I didn't bring it with me. I read through some of my older posts yesterday. I have some real issues....Anyways, I've got a term paper due March 23, or so, and I haven't really gotten into the book yet. Maybe the first 10 chapters out of 50. It's the same term paper as Kytten and Smurf and Ethan and Mercury Tiger have to do. Ethan's gonna make me a computer version of KH Chain of Memories. He's a computer whiz. Or something like that. He knows stuff, ok? Kytten let me read the first two volumes of Black Cat, and it's pretty interesting. I finished Deathnote 2 last period. It's fun. I'm in the middle of too many mangas! Well, I gotta do some research for a G/T project. LOVE AND PEACE!!!
¤~~Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want to be abused~~¤
P.S.~My new song is "Coming Undone" by Korn. They rock! My bg is Roxas, from KH2.

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