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myOtaku.com: Mercury Dragon

Monday, March 5, 2007

   � The EAST Conference and more... �
Well, the conference ROCKED!!! I met some cool people, and our school lost a laptop. Ummm...There was a guy that, according to John and Sherod, was stalking me. He was creepy. >.< I don't like stalkers...But sometimes I can be a bit stalker-ish. ^___^ There's one guy I met, and I really wanna get to know him better. His name's Daniel.
Uh, let's see...My bg is currently Gojyo, from Saiyuki. Yeah, I still got that obsession...^_____^ AND I SHALL NOT GIVE IT UP!!! The song is Korn's "Alone I Break". I like Korn. They're one of my favorite bands. Uh, I started another story at EAST. It's called "Enz@nitee". It's pronounced "insanity". I got bored sitting at our booth. Well, I'm gonna go change my avatar or something...LOVE AND PEACE!!!
�~~It's in the water baby. It's in the pills that bring you down~~�

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