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A broken paradise in a shattered reality on a desolate planet in a bleeding galaxy in a dying universe
Member Since
Leader of the Suicide Butterfly X-Squad assassin team for Mercury Force by night, but by day I'm a lowly college student...
Real Name
Defending the galaxies from Organization X...Getting into college...Finding the PERFECT man (sorry, ladies, he's mine now, and I'm not giving him up!)...
Anime Fan Since
um...9th grade...
Favorite Anime
Saiyuki, Hellsing, Angel Sanctuary, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Trigun, Death Note, Yami no Matsuei, D.Gray-Man, Chobits, Ergo Proxy
...To take over the universe!!! And to get a AAA on DDR... And serve Lord Mercury...To own a retarded fish...AND COMPLETE THE ENTIRE SAIYUKI SERIES!!! XD
drawing, getting on people's nerves, licking my friends' faces, and other stuff..AND FLYING!!! And obviously defending you UNGRATEFUL humans from Organization X!! DDR is fun...
I draw...I can fly!! I have the ultimate power of annoyance... And I can kick X's butt!! >.< DDR is fun...
| Mercury Dragon
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Ten Speed of God's Blood and Burial...
Mood: ...
Music: Styx "Come Sail Away"
Yeah, I've taken a break from Coheed and Cambria. I just downloaded this song! I love it...But after Halloween, I think I'm gonna make my theme Coheed and Cambria. I've got a background and post box picture made...I just need an avatar and a video...Hmmmm...Better get to work on that, huh?
Well, today's been a lazy day. I didn't get up until 1 pm. I did wake up at 9 am, and I was gonna go to the chapel service on campus at 10, but when I awoke to my alarm, I was shaking and had a stomach ache. So, I laid back down and went back to Dreamland...
I took Mantha to work at 5. I washed my sheets. Jyushin's called me like 3 times, and he'll probably call again later. I'm gonna go down and do some more laundry, and I'll probably watch the second disk of Yami No Matsuei. I borrowed it from Sierra a couple of weeks ago, and I haven't watched the second disk yet. I think each disk has 9 episodes on it. I'm not sure...
Well, nothing else to say. Still haven't got those pictures on my compy...I'll do that soon...Stay classy, otakuites!
¤~~Come sail away with me~~¤
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