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A broken paradise in a shattered reality on a desolate planet in a bleeding galaxy in a dying universe
Member Since
Leader of the Suicide Butterfly X-Squad assassin team for Mercury Force by night, but by day I'm a lowly college student...
Real Name
Defending the galaxies from Organization X...Getting into college...Finding the PERFECT man (sorry, ladies, he's mine now, and I'm not giving him up!)...
Anime Fan Since
um...9th grade...
Favorite Anime
Saiyuki, Hellsing, Angel Sanctuary, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Trigun, Death Note, Yami no Matsuei, D.Gray-Man, Chobits, Ergo Proxy
...To take over the universe!!! And to get a AAA on DDR... And serve Lord Mercury...To own a retarded fish...AND COMPLETE THE ENTIRE SAIYUKI SERIES!!! XD
drawing, getting on people's nerves, licking my friends' faces, and other stuff..AND FLYING!!! And obviously defending you UNGRATEFUL humans from Organization X!! DDR is fun...
I draw...I can fly!! I have the ultimate power of annoyance... And I can kick X's butt!! >.< DDR is fun...
| Mercury Dragon
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Tainted Love....
Mood: It's a mix...
Music: Muse "Starlight"
Okay, first I'll deliver the good news, and then further down, I'll begin my rant....Just a fair warning...
I finally got the guts to go to Syndicate alone! Mantha went walking with another girl on our floor, and I tagged along until we got to Main St. It was just me and Jacob, the cutie who works there. One girl did come in for a couple of minutes, but she was looking for some other guy. Anyways, me and Jacob just talked and listened to his music. He introduced me to a band called Trivium, and they weren't too bad. I found out we have so much in common it ain't even funny. He watches anime! And we read somewhat of the same types of books. And our love lives..wait, no those weren't too similar...But anyways, it was nice. I've been in such a good mood since then!
Alright, here's my rant....I'm ranting just because, even though my mood is good, there are things I'd like to say:
1) People who talk with the "Holier Than Thou" aura. WTF is your problem?! You don't have to use big words to impress people, especially if you have NO IDEA what those big words mean! And you don't need to try to take over someone else's project! God, I'd love to shoot those people in the eyeball...With a rubber band...
2) Girls whose boyfriends spoil them. You know the type. She tells him to do something, he doesn't hear because perhaps he's talking to his friend, and she gets mad and slaps him. Okay, just because he doesn't do it the SECOND you COMMAND him to do it doesn't give you the right to hit him! I swear, if I were a guy and my girlfriend hit me like that, I'd punch the little whore...
3) People who are overly childish. Yes, I'm childish at times, but I realize there is a time and place for it! Alright, people? There are just certain times that you have to be mature. This is not kindergarten.
4) Emo kids. I don't mean the people whose lives are actually bad enough that they want to die. I mean kids who get a brand-new frickin car every Christmas, and then go around saying stuff like, "My life sucks. I want to die." *cut cut* *cry* *emo hair flip* EVERYONE HAS PROBLEMS!!! WELCOME TO REALITY!!!
5) Preppy people who try to be punk or goth. Do you even know the definition of "punk" or "goth"? Come on! "Oh, I love [insert rock band here]! They so rock!" *throws up rock hand* If you have only heard one song from the band, and refuse to listen to any other songs, you obviously DON'T love the band! So save yourself the cost of those tickets and waste it on more clothes from whatever whorey store you like to shop at. Also, save yourself the embarassment of looking like a total loser by attempting to head band when you don't even know what that is.
Okay, there are tons more things I could rant on, but I'll stop. I'll probably rant more tomorrow. No, wait, I can't ruin Nos Calan Gaeaf with my anger! 'Tis a day for mugging strangers of their sugary confections while dressed in ridiculus attire. By the way, Nos Calan Gaeaf is Gaelic for Hallowe'en, or All Hallows' Eve.
Stay classy, otakuites!
¤~~Come out, come out, wherever you are, and meet the young lady who fell from the stars~~¤
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