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• A broken paradise in a shattered reality on a desolate planet in a bleeding galaxy in a dying universe
Member Since
• 2006-04-07
• Leader of the Suicide Butterfly X-Squad assassin team for Mercury Force by night, but by day I'm a lowly college student...
Real Name
• Excel
• Defending the galaxies from Organization X...Getting into college...Finding the PERFECT man (sorry, ladies, he's mine now, and I'm not giving him up!)...
Anime Fan Since
• um...9th grade...
Favorite Anime
• Saiyuki, Hellsing, Angel Sanctuary, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Trigun, Death Note, Yami no Matsuei, D.Gray-Man, Chobits, Ergo Proxy
• ...To take over the universe!!! And to get a AAA on DDR... And serve Lord Mercury...To own a retarded fish...AND COMPLETE THE ENTIRE SAIYUKI SERIES!!! XD
• drawing, getting on people's nerves, licking my friends' faces, and other stuff..AND FLYING!!! And obviously defending you UNGRATEFUL humans from Organization X!! DDR is fun...
• I draw...I can fly!! I have the ultimate power of annoyance... And I can kick X's butt!! >.< DDR is fun...
| Mercury Dragon
Friday, February 1, 2008
Mood: Chill...
Music: System of a Down "Violent Pornography"
Well, we got a lot of snow last night!! It didn't do much all day, and then it started snowing as we walked to supper at 5 pm. It was cool. Me and Alex kept catching snowflakes on our tongues as we walked to the caf. Daku wore his Akatsuki hat to keep the snow from falling down the back of his jacket. Then around 6 pm, I went outside behind King Hall with Sarah-nee-chan, Tiffy, and Deuster. Tiffy had a couple of cardboard boxes and we sledded down the hill. Then we walked around campus. There was a massive snowball war going on. Me, Sarah-nee-chan, and Deuster made giant snowballs and called Daku outside. Then we hit him with them. He decided to jump into the middle of the giant war. The 3 of us stayed out of it. Then as Aug was walking back into King Hall, I hit him with a snowball right in the stomach, and he called me a whore...But it was all in good fun!! Then me and Sarah drug Daku off to watch a movie for my Ireland In Literature class. It was "The Secret of Roan Inish." It was really good. After that, we went to our respective rooms. I found out this morning a group of guys made a giant penis out of snow right outside the president's office. They took pictures and posted them on Facebook. I think they destroyed it before the morning...
Well, at 4 pm tonight, me and Daku are gonna go watch a Jeff Dunham dvd with Sako and Sekkai. Then at 7:30, we're going to Bingo Night. Yay for more chances to win free stuff!!
Well, stay classy, Otakuites!
¤~~You depend on our protection, yet you feed us lies from the tablecloth~~¤
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