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• A broken paradise in a shattered reality on a desolate planet in a bleeding galaxy in a dying universe
Member Since
• 2006-04-07
• Leader of the Suicide Butterfly X-Squad assassin team for Mercury Force by night, but by day I'm a lowly college student...
Real Name
• Excel
• Defending the galaxies from Organization X...Getting into college...Finding the PERFECT man (sorry, ladies, he's mine now, and I'm not giving him up!)...
Anime Fan Since
• um...9th grade...
Favorite Anime
• Saiyuki, Hellsing, Angel Sanctuary, Naruto, Fruits Basket, Fullmetal Alchemist, Bleach, Trigun, Death Note, Yami no Matsuei, D.Gray-Man, Chobits, Ergo Proxy
• ...To take over the universe!!! And to get a AAA on DDR... And serve Lord Mercury...To own a retarded fish...AND COMPLETE THE ENTIRE SAIYUKI SERIES!!! XD
• drawing, getting on people's nerves, licking my friends' faces, and other stuff..AND FLYING!!! And obviously defending you UNGRATEFUL humans from Organization X!! DDR is fun...
• I draw...I can fly!! I have the ultimate power of annoyance... And I can kick X's butt!! >.< DDR is fun...
| Mercury Dragon
Thursday, April 17, 2008
It Began With a Letter...
Mood: hungry
Music: Kingdom Hearts Soundtrack
Yeah, so room assignments were last night...Me and Tobi wanted to get in MacLean Hall (the upperclassmen dorms, where the rooms are hotel-suite style), but all the current freshman girls got stuck in Smith Hall (aka Vagina Vault, the Lesbian Dorms). Tobi and I are very unhappy....However, Daku got into MacLean because there's nowhere else for him to go, dormwise. So, we told him that we WILL be invading his room frequently.
On a brighter note, I'll be taking a couple of summer courses, so that I can get ahead in my credit hours for college. I'm taking General Biology and Western Civilization 1. I'll also be babysitting my 12-year-old cousin, who has ADHD...Thank God for video games!! Yeah, I'm going home tonight so that I can register at the community college. I don't have classes on Friday. But I'll be back Friday afternoon because it'll be me and Daku's 5 month anniversary!! I'm so happy...
Well, stay classy, Otakuites!!
¤~~All that glitters is not gold; all who wander are not lost~~¤
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