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Sunday, February 6, 2005

ya know
nick jr is very entertaining ^-^ LAZY TOWN ROCKS!!! lol


IT KIRA!!! ~drool~

hatori ooooooo

it sleeps shhhhh

what that in the background??


-.-' id be soo inbarrassed if i were hitori

id love to wake up and find that lyin next to me.....T.T instead i get a smelly breathed dog T.T

ha ha ha


id do that too if i saw him

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Saturday, February 5, 2005

The worst day of the year is near.....save me!
in went well. here are some more piccies ^-^



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Friday, February 4, 2005

Bordem stikes the weak
I just thought these were cute or cool ^-^ take them if you want ^-^ they camse from http://animegifs.free.fr
theres a lot of cool stuff there!

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the world will be filled with duckies and bunnies
my mm kept me home today because of my ar. i told her it was only a sprain and that i needed to go because i had jazz band but....i lost in the end.....T.T i miss my saxophne T.T OH WELL I GET TO STAY HOME!! ~happydance~

have a good day


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Thursday, February 3, 2005

me is dumb ^-^
tis true. i fall and go boom ^-^ ime hurt my arm ha ha ^_^ aint the dumbest thing you ever sawed ^-^


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this one is very upset .....angry
i am angr because i have these 10th graders in my french class and one of them thinks just because im we're younger than her that she knows all. i know more french than that freakin ass wipe big shot. whats really pissin me off is that she keeps talking rudly to my freind all the time callin him a retard! man....anyway thats the deal in my life..^-^ im gonna take care of it MWAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA!!!....peacfully

im a peacful person.....sometimes ^-^ any who

wud up wid you? ^-^


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Tuesday, February 1, 2005

Looks like pics are only on the weekend T.T
tis true. i only have time to put pics on the weekend. damn school T.T it ruins everything!! ahhhh!!! anywho ill try to update later

I checked out ghost in the shell. its pretty cool ^-^ i dont get this one episode though. its the one with the jerry bot things. anywho if you know this show. ya think you can explain it ^-^ I finally got my beyblade movies ^-^ kai is soo hot ^_^ ~melt~


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Monday, January 31, 2005

this one must go back to school. T.Y pooie. hey is anyone on taged?? just a question ^-^ im bored.........and im off!

ill try to get piccies in to day ^-^

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Sunday, January 30, 2005

Hi everyone ^_^
man im wiped out^-^ shopping 3 days in a row can be tough on a person ^-^ i went to the mall and they just opened a hot topic so i checked it out and tis cool ^-^ people are alot nicer there than the other one ^-^ also while i was at the mall i found the beyblade g revolution movies ive been looking for and fruits basket box set yayyyy!! ~does happy dance~ my parents didnt like the mall but i thought i was fun.....only because of the MUSIC STORES MWAHAHAHHAHAHAHAH!!! just to let you know im not the kind of person who lives at the mall!! ok! ^-^
anywho.... a pic or 2 i guess ^-^
ill put them up in a few minutes ^-^

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Friday, January 28, 2005

Its true T.T i hate being sick.... the truin officers gonna come after me T.T please hide me T.T

More pics
hmmm i wounder if this will work

Awww!! He's soooo cute ^-^ He can be my playboy bunny ^-^


look at his eyes o.o

he's so cuuute ^-^


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