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8th grader this school year
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Meroko ha not really!
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Anime Fan Since
May 27,2006
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Full Moon Wo Sagashite, Tokyo Mew Mew, Sailor Moon, Fruits Basket, Haruhi Suzumiya, Tsubasa, Ultra Maniac, Inuyasha, CCS, Digimon and much more! :-)
To create a story that will touch someone's heart.
Watching Anime; Reading Manga; Writing Fanfictions/Reading Fanfictions
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Thursday, August 2, 2007
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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-General Updates-
This is the longest I've gone without updating in a LOOONG time, maybe even ever.
School starts for me in a couple weeks. I can't believe how fast the summer went by! I'll be sure to update the day before and after. I'm going into eigth grade!
-Colorful Dreams-
I'm trying to decide if I should tell you about the secret update or not. I'm pretty sure now it's going to happen...*wonders* And some people know already...
Look at all the smilies! ^^ I saved these and uploaded them, I'm pretty sure it should be ok, since TheOtaku put them up for us to use anyway, lol.
1. When do you start school and what grade are you going into?
2. How do you feel about starting school? Nervous? Excited?
3. Do you like pie? ^^
Comments (15) |
Friday, July 27, 2007
Hi! =)
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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-General Updates-
Sorry everyone I've actually been home for a few days, and even though I've been on I haven't posted...-_-
Anyway, I have a new layout (again). lol. It's kind of simple, only used one effect from PSP (which I finally have, yipee! It was here when we cam home)
-Colorful Dreams-
Well, I have some requested layouts and people I'm helping, so that gives me stuff to do!
Today I have a link! A friend of mine, Itsumademo, has a story called Blade, which me and Inu--yasha get to help edit! Check it out, chapter 2 will come out as soon as I finish my editing...-_- (Inu--yasha finished already)

1. Do you enjoy reading? What kinds?
2. (the seemingly never ending) Do you like the new layout?
3. What was the very last anime you saw?
HTML Code for itsumademo:
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Sunday, July 22, 2007
Harry Potter
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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-General Updates-
Like many Harry Potter fans, I was there at midnight to get book seven. ^^ It was funny, the next day I carried it around while we went to the gift shops, and people said "Is that the newest Harry Potter book?" and things along those lines all day. I'm not sure I relaized how many fans they were of the series 'till book seven when I listened to podcasts and stuff.
-Colorful Dreams-
Well, the secret update has to do with this, so yeah.^^
Today I have a couple shoutouts! The first one goes to:
Animegirl177- for bieng excited with me about Harry Potter seven, and the second goes to
knightwolfgirl- for including me in her upcoming story, and bieng a good TheOtaku friend.
1. Were you there at midnight to get Harry Potter seven, or plan to get it sometime soon (or not all, lol)?
2. How was your day?
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Wednesday, July 18, 2007
New Idea
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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Hi everyone! I have a bit of a long post today, so please bear with me and read it all, I'd like your opinon on my new idea. ^^
I'd like to organzie my posts; divide it up into sections. I think this will make it easier to follow, make it look more clean, and it might help me think of something easier. Below I show kind of what it would look like, and how it woul work.
-General Updates-
Just as it says. ^^ This section will cover things like a new anime I got into, if my layout will change soon, when I may not be avaible, etc.
-Colorful Dreams-
This section will cover when I've made a new layout, would like ideas for some new layouts, requests, etc.
Could be a picture, a qoute, an intersting question I got asked, or a shoutout to someone who helped me, recently became my friend, etc.
Yep, think it explains itself. ^^
Well, there it is! Since I don't want to make them too long I'm going to try to limit each section to 'bout 3 or 4 sen., with the most important things in bold. Also, my links for my sites and clubs will be moved to the bottem of my posts.
Oh, and I have a currently secret new update that I can't tell you yet. I need to look into it some more first, but (hopefully) you guys will be excited if it works out.
1. What do you think of the new idea?
2. Are you excited for my currently secret update? ^^
3. When/if you draw, do you like to color you drawings or leave them in pencil?
Comments (11) |
Monday, July 16, 2007
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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Well everybody, I leave for vaction today! ^^ I will be returning Tuesday, July 24.
The good news: I will have access to the computer multiple times on the trip (though I can't garuntee every day). I may also film a couple things while I'm there! :-)
One of the reasons updates have been slow is that Paint Shop Pro still hasn't arrived. We only used standard shipping, lol! Hopefully it will come today, or by the time I come back
1. Isn't the summer flying by quickly?
2. Have you discovered a new anime/manga this summer? If so, what is it?
Comments (14) |
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
A video!!!
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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First off, I haven't had any new layout updates in a while because I'm waiting for PSP X, which might come TOMMOROW!
I will be going on vaction soon, I may or may not be able to get on. I'll be sure to tell you before I leave. ^^'s the very first vedio I'm posting.
Things to note:
1) Me and Inu--yasha are in this one
2) It was really dark during most of the vedio, so sorry you can't really see anything...
1. What did you think of the vedio?
2. Did anyone notice that even though I usually update every other day, I didn't update yesterday? ^^
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Sunday, July 8, 2007
PSP version X
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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Yay! I'm getting Paint Shop Pro X! ^^ The only softwares I've ever had were free stuff, nothing too fancy, though still nice. Now, once it gets here, I can hopefully make much better layouts!
Sorry about the Fruits Basket one, I know it wasn't very good. I plan to make a new one.
Hopefully there will be some videos up soon. I want to run an idea by Inu--yasha soon, and see what she thinks. It would be up soemtime this week.
(note: you will only hear us, not see us, in the vedio, for safety reasons)
1. How did you discover TheOtaku?
2. Why did you decide on the username you have?
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Friday, July 6, 2007
4-H and Colorful Dreams layout
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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Well today was my last 4-H judging. The only notable ribbon I got was a reserved champion, which is not enough to go to state but close. ^^ And it's purple! Every other ribbon was a blue expect for one.
Anyway...the Fruits Basket layout is done, both the preview and the how to use pages! :-)
1. Would you be intersted in hearing some things me and some of my friends
(who have TheOtaku acocunts and you will probably reconize) recorded? ^^
2. Are you going on vaction this summer?
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Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Happy 4-th Of July! :-)
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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Well, I saw Going4Christ add some sparkly 4-th of July stuff to her post, so I figured I could at least add a marquee! LOL! ^^
Anyway, no new layout updates, sorry. Hopefully I can have a Fruits Basket one ready in a few days!
Oh, and I changed my layout!
1. (the ever repeating) Do you like the new layout?
2. What are you doing for the the 4-th of July
(I know, everyone is asking this...)? ^^
Comments (17) |
Monday, July 2, 2007
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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The Tsubasa Chronicle "How To Use" page is (finally) up! ^^
Anyway, I looked at my comments from last time, and it seemed that a lot of people mentioned a Fruits Basket layout. So that will be the next layout for Colorful Dreams! I just need to find a picture I want...
1. (random) Do you have a Windows or a Mac?
2. Which do you think you have more of: manga or anime dvds?
Black Cat Layout (tutorial rushed)
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