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8th grader this school year
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Meroko ha not really!
My Fanfictions
Anime Fan Since
May 27,2006
Favorite Anime
Full Moon Wo Sagashite, Tokyo Mew Mew, Sailor Moon, Fruits Basket, Haruhi Suzumiya, Tsubasa, Ultra Maniac, Inuyasha, CCS, Digimon and much more! :-)
To create a story that will touch someone's heart.
Watching Anime; Reading Manga; Writing Fanfictions/Reading Fanfictions
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Friday, June 8, 2007
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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Today I'm leaving for a Writer's Retreat and will not return until Sunday. So, I can't answer any PMs until I get back...
Update: There's computers here! I can get on maybe once a day to check PMs and stuff, but I decided not to update 'till I get back.
Be sure to comment so I have plenty to read!!!
Questions (I asked a couple more than usual):
1. Are you going to camp this summer?
2. Is your summer very buay or very relaxed?
3. What is your fav. anime MOVIE?
4. What is your fav. anime theme song?
5. What is your fav. anime ending song?
Comments (8) |
Wednesday, June 6, 2007
Buying Anime Items Off The Internet
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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I bid on this cool Full Moon bag off of Ebay, and I won! I'm happy, I have something to add something to my Full Moon collection.

Cover of bag as shown on
Speaking of Full Moon, for anyone who's wondering I'm pretty sure I'm going to to do the club. It should be starting up sometime soon.
1. Do you like buying anime items off of the internet?
If No:
2. Why?
2. Which do you like better: Ebay or Amazon?
Comments (6) |
Monday, June 4, 2007
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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First off, thank you to everyone who commented last time!!! It was the most comments I've ever had, and I really appreciate it.
Anyway, on to today's topic: Clubs.
There's lots of them here on TheOtaku, and I guess I would know (lol) since I partially run one.

Actually, I'm thinking of starting up a Full Moon Wo Sagashite fan club. But I didn't know if there'd be enough intrest. If you're intrested in helping/joining, please comment!
1. Are you in a club? If so, are you in a lot or just 1 or 2?
2. Do you run a club?
Comments (5) |
Sunday, June 3, 2007
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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Today's topic is all about the English version of anime, otherwise known as English dubs. I don't know if it's just me, but doesn't it seem like there's TONS of dubs coming out this summer?
You may remember me metioning the Tsubasa dub a while back. Well, I've seen it, and it was great!

(picture from:
Anyway, time for questions!
1. What is your favorite anime dub?
2. Is there an anime that you like that you WISH there was a dub for?
Comments (9) |
Friday, June 1, 2007
Another New Layout
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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I changed my layout-again! LOL. I like this one, it's my favorite color, purple. And I also made a new banner for the Year Of The Cat Club! :-)
In other news, I have a paino recital today. Wish me luck!
Oh, and I have a new fanart up of Takuto! The shading is messed up on it, but please look at it and let me know what you think.
1. Do you like the new layout?
2. Have you/do you play an intrustment?
Comments (7) |
Thursday, May 31, 2007
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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"I adopted an Inuyasha plushie from!"
Hi everybody!! Well, I got out of school yesterday! Which hopefully means I have more time to draw. Thanks for all your nice commnents on my Tohru drawing!
Anyway, look, I got an Inuyasha plushie!! *points to above*
My questions today are:
1.Do you like the anime/manga Inuyasha?
2.Do you like the Inuyasha plushie?
Comments (6) |
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Nothing Much
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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Nothing too exciting to report. I can't believe it's almost summer break! Anyway... I DO have some MORE questions for you. LOL
1. When do you get out for summer or are you already out?
2. If you could be any anime charcter which one would you be, and why?
Anyway, answer these if you have the time and have a totally awesome day! :-)
Comments (6) |
Monday, May 28, 2007
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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Happy Memorial Day!
What do you guys think of the background on my posts now? :-) Well it's no "exactly" a background, just a picture on the side...but it COULD be a background if I wanted...anyway, I like it, though it's annoying when I want to put up pictures since you have to scroll just to see it all. Maybe I'll find out a way to fix that. Anyway, let me know what you think! Thanks to the people who helped me figure this out.
Random Question: What was the first anime you ever saw (if you remember)?
Comments (6) |
Sunday, May 27, 2007
1 year!
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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As of today, I have liked anime for one whole year!!!

Thanks animegal84119!
In other news, the year-of-the-cat club celebrated having 10 members today!
Anyway, random question: dub or sub? Which is better?
Comments (6) |
Friday, May 25, 2007
New Layout
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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Yeah, I know I just changed my layout. LOL. But I like this one-it's pink! And it features 4 different anime: Fruits Basket, Inuyasha, Tsubasa Chronicle, Sailor Moon, and Full Moon. Just in time for my one-year anime anniversary!
Anyway, what do you think???
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