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8th grader this school year
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Meroko ha not really!
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Anime Fan Since
May 27,2006
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Full Moon Wo Sagashite, Tokyo Mew Mew, Sailor Moon, Fruits Basket, Haruhi Suzumiya, Tsubasa, Ultra Maniac, Inuyasha, CCS, Digimon and much more! :-)
To create a story that will touch someone's heart.
Watching Anime; Reading Manga; Writing Fanfictions/Reading Fanfictions
Sunday, January 20, 2008
A website is alot of work
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Hi, and welcome to my site! ^^
About the Layout: Features the "Sacred Maidens" from DN Angel, Risa and Riku (if you've seen the anime, you probably know what I mean). It's very centered, works with some div coding that I struggle with; hopefully I'm getting better.
The pictures featured in my layout are from: here
About Me:
Name: Meroko
Age: 14
Random: I like cats. ^^
I love writing, it's very precious to me-making another world. I hope to be a published writer when I grow up.
1) No chain mail, please
2) Let's talk for a little bit, then I'll add you as a friend
3) No cussing
4) No Yaoi/Yuri
(note: The last two rules are not to offend anyone but I'm a Christian and those are rules I follow)
Disclaimer I do now own/have any rights to any of the manga/anime mentioned/shown on this page, they are all owned by various people and companies. Nothing is bieng used for any commerical reasons, and so I think it falls under free use. If it does not, or if there is a porblem, please contact me here or at and the problem will be removed as soon as possible.
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Date: 1/20/08
Title: A Website Is Alot Of Work!
Well, my very first layout for Shojo World is done. It's a DN Angel one, very girly. lol
Here's a thumbnail:

Or to see the layout in action, feel free to go see it on my backup account, 4Mitsuki4. Please, leave comments about the layout there, and feel free to add or sign the guestbook of that site since new layouts will be featured there and it will be used in case of emergency.
Anyway, some ShojoWorld links work now, though there is still little there. Some avatars and banners, along with a requested layout, should be up soon (in the next week, hopefully). Also, the new layout shown above is avaible.
And the first anime featured on Shonen Corner will be Naruto! Something from that anime was the first requested layout for Shojo World, and aslo I planned to feature it anyway since it's very popular (though I do not watch it myself, you know me and and my shojo!)
Please, request any graphics, reviews...or whatever that you'd like to see! I will even make layouts for animals or tv shows (though they may or may not be featured on Shojo World...and I will not make anything with something I am uncomfortable with)It may take me a couple days, depending on time, but may be quicker on breaks/weekends.
1. How's your weekend so far? Enjoying the fact it's one day longer (or two for some people, so I've heard)?
2. What you're favorite food EVER? (You can say two if you'd like)
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