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8th grader this school year
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Meroko ha not really!
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Anime Fan Since
May 27,2006
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Full Moon Wo Sagashite, Tokyo Mew Mew, Sailor Moon, Fruits Basket, Haruhi Suzumiya, Tsubasa, Ultra Maniac, Inuyasha, CCS, Digimon and much more! :-)
To create a story that will touch someone's heart.
Watching Anime; Reading Manga; Writing Fanfictions/Reading Fanfictions
Welcome to my quiz results page.
This section features the results from every quiz I've ever taken.
10 quiz results are listed per page, in reverse chronological order.
Result Posted on 01/26/08:
Coolness. ^^ Me-selfish? *attacks quiz*
Move along people...
What Angel Are You?(anime pics, girls only!!)
 The children angel! As in you watch over them. You have a child-like personality, so you're perfect for the job. You can be selfish sometimes, too, so watch out!! Self-centerness can lead to being a fallen angel. But if you continue your job proplerly, you will stay an angel serving under God! Go you!!^-^ Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 08/08/07:
Coolness! ^^
~What Colour is Your Aura?(Astonishing ANIME pictures!!!)~
 The colour of you aura is Orange You are great in turning in to the feelings of others and treating them with sensitivity. You trust your inner emotion to guide you throgh life. You are a very emotional person. You tend to cry a lot, but not necessarily at sad situations, but at happy ones too! You express yourself with emotion. You are a beautiful, gifted person, who cares about her surroundinds. You love animals and care deeply for them. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/31/07:
Coolness! Go Riverclan! I tried to get this result...-_-
Which Warriors clan should you be in?
 You are in RiverClan! At any point in the books, you've got a fifty-fifty chance of being ThunderClan's friend or enemy, so we know a lot about this clan. They're thought of as clever and well-fed because of the river fish, but sometimes human pollution leaves this clan hungry. All in all, they're very good fighters, and the RiverClan camp is the only Island camp. Heavystep is one of your clan-members. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/30/07:
ok? lol. ^^
Result Posted on 07/16/07:
Yay!!! I tried to get thi result....^^
What female Harry Potter character are you? (With Pictures!)
 You are Hermoine Granger! Your wit and intelligence keeps you above the other Hogwarts students and you still manage to have time to fight Voldemort and other evils with Harry. Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 07/16/07:
Which Hogwarts House Would You be Put in?? with pics!
 You belong in Gryffindor! You are honest loyal, brave and true. Not that but your pretty smart too! Your in this House along with the Weasleys, Harry, Nevile, Fred and George, Lavender Brown, Ginny Weasley, Oliver Wood, Lee Jordan and Hermione. Your house was founded by Godric Gyffindor, and your colors are gold and red.....wear them proudly. Please rate :) Take this quiz!
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Result Posted on 06/04/07:
Result Posted on 06/04/07:
Result Posted on 06/01/07:
Yay! :-)
Result Posted on 06/01/07:
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