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To finish college soon and finish the doujin-shi I've been working on.
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Friday, June 16, 2006
Suikoden V
I just started playing the game and already like it so far...story-wise. The graphics are really bland and the load times are kinda annoying but the chara designs are really good(kyaaa~~~ the prince is just TOO CUTE!). I haven't played a Suikoden since 3 (coz of bad reviews for 4 and Tactics) so it's a nice welcome back to the series. :DDD
I've only played it a bit so I'll post more when I get around to playing again. ^^
I named the prince Shinn and tried to make him as an ass as possible...for namesake..XDDD;;; It kinda doesn'tsuit the OVERLY KIND looking prince though...XDDDD
*goes back to play*
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Sunday, June 4, 2006

I haven't been keeping up with the Tsubasa manga at all but when I heard Kamui(of X) already made his appearance, I immediately downloaded the latest manga..XDDD kyaa~~~ luv him. I've been waiting for him since the beginning....@___@ Well, at least Fuuma had already appeared. Now if Subaru would appear then my X luv would be complete. *cackles*
OURAN HOST CLUB is made of so many WIN!!!! @3@ Ohhawd I love that show so much~~~It's so crazy. XDDD I just adore Tamaki and Haruhi...and gawd the twins~~~♥ Mori and Honey is just luv. And Renge lol..gawd...I luv her otaku-ness..>XDD Dude that Rahxephon cosplay just did it...and the way she analyzes the classifications of shota..lmao. xDDD
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Wednesday, April 5, 2006
KH2 ate mai souuulll! *___*
Well, not really but almost..almost. :DDDD

UWAAHH! And definitely one of my fav chara in the game...ROXAAASSS...ToT mou...such an adorable kid. I love his part his bittersweet.;__;
So for a change I didn't draw him all emo here.'s Roxas x Sea-salt ice cream OTP! XDDD (I wonder what that taste like...O___o)
AGH!Much luv to this game <333 *restrains self* Now I can't stop drawing RikuSora and AxelRoxas stuff now. >_< <3333
Note to self: Change site lay-out soon. >_<;;;
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Monday, March 27, 2006
woo HAWT.
Even tho I'm melting coz of the heat I'm just glad it's summer already. ^o^ Finally the long awaited free-time for me is here. More time=More arts(prolly), anime, games, even maybe more time for this account! I so badly need a new lay-out it's not even funny. *____*;;;; Gundam SEED Destiny ended last year and my BG is still Asukira from the first SEED. DDD:
X is LOVEEE! Can't believe I just watched it recently. Definitely my fav work from CLAMP!
W00t!KH 2 in a few days can't wait. ^o^
Roxassss!(OMG shota obsession) Riku!!(kyaaa smexinss... Riku(Miyano Mamoru has the cutest of laugh ;o;) Sora! XDDD
Axel also deserves my luv! Poor lonely uke...wahaha..XDDD
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Wednesday, November 9, 2005
LOL! It's been awhile since I did anything with this account. Well, I'll try to be more active but I don't think that'll last cuz the new sem started again. ^_^;
Submitted an artwork, hope you guys like it.
Miss this lovely place. >3< *chu*
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
ahh.. sorry for the lack of update.. so many has been happening lately like workshop and other stuffs i can't attend too much here.. anyway i submitted another art so hope y'all like it.
and DAMN! Gundam SEED Destiny is the smexxx!!!11one
i'm so glad to finally see it.
ahhh SHINN~~~ ATHRUNNN...gawd..i'm so happy.. *more fangurling*
damn...gotta love the fanservice...@u@<3333
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Monday, April 4, 2005
It's late in the night here(actually early morning) but i'm glad to be able to finish editing my site.BG image is from official art and edited by me. heh. ^o^
I LOVE GUNDAM SEED! so i might as well do something gundamseedy for my site lol.. *^o^* nyoo..asukira..i love those two and i absolutely adore the pairing. But that doesn't mean I don't equally Like AsuCaga. I think their both great too. T_T saaaaaa....I haven't seen Destiny yet..which is just ridiculous since i love this series so much T_T but i swear i'll see it SOON!!! >_< it's just that i can't for now due to circumstaces called my internet connection...
T____T wait for mi my dramatic series~~ wait for mi Shinn and Kira and Cagalli and Lacus...wait for mi my old and hawt Athrun~~~ uhuhuhuhu
anyway, enough about GSEED for now, I need to rant about anime i've seen lately...T___T <3 sooo good people should watch it. Lovin teh psycho Count lol. I loved the way they interpreted The Count of Monte Cristo. and i can't believe the show itself is slashing Albert and The Count..(2 blushing scene??!!! wtf?? lol)
I love how Franz is so sensible and always end up taking care of Albert like always...sooo cute those two...>__< nyaa need MORE of itttt!!!*fell so in love with the series*
here's some quick Gankutsuou oekakis i made after watching! XD

Albert and the Count... *^^*

Teh COUNT~~~
Guuu...I just watched(again) teh Zabusa Arc of never fails to make me...*cries*T___T that's why naruto rox so much...makes me bawl like a baby when they make those dramatic stories...just like other animes i like, like Furuba. T____T;;;
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Sunday, March 20, 2005
cuz i'm an obsessed freak..and yeah
>3< guuuuu~~~ tales of eternia highness~~~
i am so getting a PSP now when i heard tales of eternia is getting released there too...(the search for the PS cds were in vain...;o;)
some quick CGs:

Keeeeeel~~~~~~~ XD *heart*

aww...keel loooks so cute in the series everytime he blushes and just digs himself in the book everytime that happens...
oh..Rid X Keel of course... *yes Rid ish teh seme X333* lol~~
i wanna do a doujin with Keel X Rid...i have the idea now...just gotta draw it...and maybe i'll sell it at the upcoming Yaoi con..hmm...maybee.
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Saturday, March 19, 2005
XD luv!~
^3^ omg!~~!!
 Keele Zeibel, the smart one, he likes reading, and it seems he likes a certain pink-haired girl named Meredy.
Which Tales Of Eternia Character Are You? brought to you by Quizilla
ahhh totally loving Tales of Eternia...;o; lol~~ <3 omg wish i could play the game.*hunts down the ps cds*
great drawing cool characters and intriguing story and soo funny too, i never thought i'd like it but now well,i obviously love it..XD heee~~
yes i totally agree with the quiz result, i'm such a bookworm like mi Keele here~~ XDDD <3 that's why he's my fav...and oh come on, he looks so friggin cute when he blushes...and the way he acts around women..adorablee...>3>XDD ahaha~~
I guess the only thing i wun agree here is that Keele doesn't really like Meredy, he belongs to Rid!!! *evil laugh* ehem...*cough* >o>;
now i wanna do a RidXKeel doujin...yesss.....@___@ all thought up while watching the anime lol~~!!!
*muuuust do fanart of iiit....x0x*
Harlock Saga- WAAAAHHH~~~ old-school but it still rawks..!!! Harlock ish liek teh smexxx...nyahaha!!
and somehow i always get reminded of Darren Shan books while watching this...@.@''
now i wanna watch the other Harlock animes...TToTT;;;
HarlockXTadashiii~~~ XDD ahaha!!
and just watched Fake, haven't seen any shounen-ai animes lately so of course i welcomed this...X3 <3
*runs around getting all yaoi-high again* nyahahaha~~~ @____@
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Monday, March 14, 2005
Currently listening to: Haibane Renmei- Blue Flow (beautiful song!!)
Again for the last time...^_^; i'm the one who drew my fanarts. I wish people would stop thinking I stole my own arts..that's so ironic..^^;;; i've spotted a real art theif around here.I wun mention the name cuz I'm sure the admins will take action sooner or later(I just saw he posted another stolen art...]:)..>_> I hope. but its so obvious he didn't made em so he'll be taken care off soon. *Really dislikes art thieves* ;-;
I've been recieving questions on how I do my CGs and so I might as well post it here:
I do everything digitally (cuz I dun have a scanner) with OpenCanvas 3.03 and sometimes Photoshop 7. Everything done with a mouse...I wish I had a tablet.
Aahh... few days to go till I can be finally free from school works. \>_ yay!
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